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Could I have handled this better?

Could I have handled this better?

Trust your instincts.

Money comes and goes and comes again. Don't sweat it. Just try not to overspend next time.

I try to spend money only when it entertains me, and separate it completely from making a girl attracted to me. I don't expect a girl to sleep with me just because I spend a few hundred dollars on an experience with her. Some guys are more hard-line about this but ultimately you have to be comfortable with your own choices.

If a girl likes money, she'll be impressed even if you spend it on yourself.

It's OK to call a girl on her bullshit and stop giving her a free ride when you feel she is taking advantage of you. You have to choose where you draw the line on this.

I once got pissed at a girl for missing a flight I had paid for. She apologized and paid the change fee for us to fly out the next day. That was good enough for me.

Paying for dinner is neither alpha nor beta. Some dinner dates end in sex. Others end in marriage. Still others end in "see ya!"

Could I have handled this better?

Quote: (01-27-2017 10:12 PM)polymath Wrote:  

Money comes and goes and comes again. Don't sweat it. Just try not to overspend next time.


Try next time a coffee if she is not into drinks. Or.... tell her you want are sick of restaurants and want to do something at home and do the "chicken quesadilla move".

You meet her at home -- Explain what you are going to cook and she is going to help you. If possible tell her to take her shoes off while on your place, have an excuse for that and offer some of those free slippers you get in hotels.

- Tell her you need to buy something - Go for the walk, while getting comfortable and build trust, continue kino.

– return home, put some music, cook with her, be funny, get some booze (she doesn’t know but she is the main course), hug her, say something funny- once she laughs go for kiss

– Step back like if you don’t care – eat

– have a dessert together that you will share with ONE spoon that YOU HOLD while in the sofa – when giving her a bit or dessert , pretend you miss her mouth and spread a little around the lips, clean the area with your mouth, go for kiss again, escalate,

if she puts last minute resistance, stop smile, share another dessert bite or drink, escalate again, repeat many times as needed. One time took me like 17 bites-kiss-escalations from “we are not having anything” to “shut up and lay in your back”

Each of these steps have a purpose. I won't go into details.

You can’t do that in a fucking restaurant. In addition is going to be cheap, you will have more food for you later ( 10 tortillas will last you about 3 or 2 notches)  .

Could I have handled this better?

I've got some great advice in this thread, thanks everyone. I guess I needed a good kick-in-the-butt type of experience to finally learn my lesson, lol.

Onwards and upwards!

Pussy ain't for pussies...

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