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Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

Ok, so everyone and their mothers are talking about all of the fine girls in Argentina and Brazil. Although I bet there are amazing girls in those two countries, I am wondering besides the womens, where are cool places to check out in Brazil and Argentina besieds Buenos Aires, Rio, Sao Paulo (?), and as Roosh seems to favor, Cordoba? Anyone venture outside the limits of the cities? The amazon? Anyone hook up with any crazy amazonian chicks in the jungles? Where is the adventure? I hope there is not too much AIDS.

If this topic has come up before, which I have a feeling it has, fuck it, tell me again. I love you all.

Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

What's the amazon??

Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

the girls in the amazon or jungles would definitely look all kinds of indigenous. but if you like those indigenous womenfolk, then you would like it. I think a beautiful latin face with the hint of indigenous is kinda hot in an exotic way, but extremely indigenous is kinda too much for me. Thats just me though, everyone is different. hope this helps.

Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

I have been curious about Japanese Rope Bondage, so I think it would be cool to find some indigenous girls of the Amazon, get some vines and shit, and perform some organic bondage jungle sex acts. Furthermore, tape all of this and sell it in Japan, and profit! That would be awesome, i thinkz.

Ok, so i'm thinkin'...

I don't see where you can go wrong honestly.

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