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Avast (the antivirus software)

Avast (the antivirus software)

Avast is blocking rooshvforum.network. This wasn't occurring yesterday. Avast claimed some certificate wasn't signed and would not load the page. Not sure if this is happening or has happened to anyone else. I had to disable the anti virus software to post this message.

Avast (the antivirus software)

Rooshv.com appears to be unaffected.

Avast (the antivirus software)

Weird. I don't have a problem now and the message is not coming up anymore? Disregard thread.

Avast (the antivirus software)

^^Start by deleting Avast.

Get u block origin and the extra add-on.
Get an anti-popup add-on.
You can get extensions for Javascript.
Get malwarebytes.
Windows defender is good for general browsing.

P.s. Reddit is usually the best place to get info about this.

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