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Austin Texas Data Sheet

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (12-05-2011 06:39 PM)Layercake Wrote:  

So I walk up to the first 24 year old (she was a 7) who notices me in Aqua; to be honest I can't even remember my opener..but I generally don't use cheesy chat up line. I spilled out something in my best Hugh Grant voice and she literally just tongued me. [Image: smile.gif] - I admit she was a little drunk, but she said to me distinctly "I love your accent, are you Australian?" (This happens a lot frustratingly when they've never travelled) "No" I replied, "I'm British". She said "I don't care where you're from, as long as it's not from here." [Image: smile.gif]

Now I rarely get tongued after 5 seconds by a cutie (who does?) - but that night "accents were my friend." [Image: wink.gif]

Texas women can be pretty aggressive when drunk. I had a random UT girl try to make out with me on the street (Guadalupe) after a football game a few weeks ago while her friend video taped the event on her Iphone. She literally got in front of me and wouldn't let me pass until I gave her a kiss. I would have made out with the random drunk girl on Guadalupe but her breath reeked of Jack Daniels and cigarettes.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (12-06-2011 04:55 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

I would have made out with the random drunk girl on Guadalupe but her breath reeked of Jack Daniels and cigarettes.

In that case, I would have asked her for a blowjob [Image: wink.gif]


Austin Texas Data Sheet

definitely spent a lot of time here during my freshman year in college. this city was my fucking playground at that point in my life. went to a school up in SA and realized that it was a fucking wasteland of a city so every weekend was spent road tripping to san marcos and austin. the nightlife scene is probably the best in texas and the general atmosphere is great for the most part. people are pretty friendly. it should also be noted austin has some excellent MJ for some dirt cheap prices if you guys are into that... most of the women here are down with the green and my friends and i would always swoop the local white girls by inviting em to "chill" and smoke at a friends apartment.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Would visiting during ACL in october be a good time?

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Ha! I've been in Austin for about 5 years now and you guys have nailed a lot of the pros and cons of living in here. The thing I've noticed recently is that it's hard to find the "normal people" crowd. There's all these extreme scenes that you have to be dedicated to. The frat/sorrority scene, the super tatted out hipster scene, the hick/redneck scene ect. On the weekends theres a big "bridge and tunnel" (to use a NYC reference about out of towners) crowd that make logistics tough to say the least.

The thing about clubs going and coming is very true here. It's hard to establish bases because the bouncer or the bar tender that you've been tipping well and establishing connections with could be gone before you know it. The same club that you've been going to and finding good ratios, with a decent number of attractive chicks could become a ghost town out of nowhere.

I'm thinking that the normal people and locals have been priced out of the core of Austin which has got to be most over-hyped real estate market in the US. I'm out in Tampa now and for half of what you would pay to live in Austin you could get a place 15 mins from the beach. Being out in Tampa also made it very obvious that Austin is quickly becoming an extreme cock-fest. I've gone out a couple of times to their equivalent to 6th street (ironically called 7th street, in a place called ybor city) and was amazed at the amount of hot chicks showing up to the club in pairs, not like the groups of 4-5+ thats pretty common in Austin. When I asked the local women what they thought about Tampa they all gave a negative reaction. In Austin the chicks ALWAYS rave about the city. I'm thinking that it may have to do with the ratio of dudes to chicks in each city and the girls being in high demand in Austin.

Re: the guy asking about QUA, that place is where I would go if I were cougar hunting. Lots of 35+ women that tend to go there. Thats the only place where I've actually seen flamboyant, boa wearing, PUA types trying to work their magic. Never been to geisha or even heard of it. The bottle service scene is relatively new to Austin and the kind of people it attracts are the kind I try to stay away from. IMO, there's no best place to hit up as it seems to be a crapshoot every time I go out now. But check the site do512.com to see what's going on for the night. As far as ACL, yeah, hit that up, the most amount of attractive chicks in one place that you can imagine.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

the sorority girls are top notch imo. a lot of them come from pretty privileged families and feel entitled to a lot of things though.

ACL is definitely something that you want to experience, not just for the cuties but for the music as well. mad hipsters though...

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (12-19-2011 07:10 PM)Vaquero Wrote:  

Ha! I've been in Austin for about 5 years now and you guys have nailed a lot of the pros and cons of living in here. The thing I've noticed recently is that it's hard to find the "normal people" crowd. There's all these extreme scenes that you have to be dedicated to. The frat/sorrority scene, the super tatted out hipster scene, the hick/redneck scene ect. On the weekends theres a big "bridge and tunnel" (to use a NYC reference about out of towners) crowd that make logistics tough to say the least.

The thing about clubs going and coming is very true here. It's hard to establish bases because the bouncer or the bar tender that you've been tipping well and establishing connections with could be gone before you know it. The same club that you've been going to and finding good ratios, with a decent number of attractive chicks could become a ghost town out of nowhere.

I'm thinking that the normal people and locals have been priced out of the core of Austin which has got to be most over-hyped real estate market in the US. I'm out in Tampa now and for half of what you would pay to live in Austin you could get a place 15 mins from the beach. Being out in Tampa also made it very obvious that Austin is quickly becoming an extreme cock-fest. I've gone out a couple of times to their equivalent to 6th street (ironically called 7th street, in a place called ybor city) and was amazed at the amount of hot chicks showing up to the club in pairs, not like the groups of 4-5+ thats pretty common in Austin. When I asked the local women what they thought about Tampa they all gave a negative reaction. In Austin the chicks ALWAYS rave about the city. I'm thinking that it may have to do with the ratio of dudes to chicks in each city and the girls being in high demand in Austin.

Re: the guy asking about QUA, that place is where I would go if I were cougar hunting. Lots of 35+ women that tend to go there. Thats the only place where I've actually seen flamboyant, boa wearing, PUA types trying to work their magic. Never been to geisha or even heard of it. The bottle service scene is relatively new to Austin and the kind of people it attracts are the kind I try to stay away from. IMO, there's no best place to hit up as it seems to be a crapshoot every time I go out now. But check the site do512.com to see what's going on for the night. As far as ACL, yeah, hit that up, the most amount of attractive chicks in one place that you can imagine.

Nice summary. Tampa seems to be getting a lot of good reviews on this forum. Might have to check it out and see if the hype is justified.

But, yeah, the ratios can get bad, and they are only going to get worse when F1 comes to Austin next year since that is bound to bring in more dudes and notoriety to Austin. Still, the guys in Austin don't present much competition, so bad ratios or not, you can still pull if you have style & game. Just use Uncle Roosh's patented method for "pulling robberies." Plus, there are still a ton of college girls in Austin. Just head to West Campus during the day and sit at the Starbucks at W 24th Street and see them walk by. There is a lot of them, so day game opportunities are endless in West Campus (if you look young).

Wish Austin's film industry would ramp up. That would be bound to bring in more aspiring-actress chicks to Austin. But that seems like a long-term goal, not anything that will have an effect in the near term.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (08-28-2011 05:55 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

But as far as going for no other reason than for the women, you're going to end up disappointed. It's good, but you can find better around the country.

Ok, this sounds really disappointing to read, after all, why else would I visit Austin if not the sole purpose of chasing women to bang?

So, are you implying that all the other reports on how awesome Austin is for women is just hype?


Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (12-20-2011 12:02 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2011 05:55 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

But as far as going for no other reason than for the women, you're going to end up disappointed. It's good, but you can find better around the country.

Ok, this sounds really disappointing to read, after all, why else would I visit Austin if not the sole purpose of chasing women to bang?

So, are you implying that all the other reports on how awesome Austin is for women is just hype?


I don't think Entropy4 posts here anymore.

In January or February (after school in session), I will try to put up a video (or at least pictures) of 6th Street on a Fri/Sat night. That way people can see what it is like as of 2012. I won't be in Austin anymore, but I will have some stuff do in Austin in 2012, so I hopefully can fit this into my schedule.

I personally would like there to be LESS hype on Austin since that would leave more women for me[Image: kermit.gif]

Austin Texas Data Sheet

I've lived in the area for the last four years, so I feel like I have a good command of Austin.

Since I don't actually 'travel' there, I'm not too good on hotels, but if I were you, I'd stay near downtown as much as possible, like around South Congress, or if you have G-like money, The Driskill (one of the oldest hotels in Texas, located right on Sixth Street).

In terms of bars, you have four areas: East (Dirty) Sixth, West Sixth, The Warehouse District and East of East Sixth (I don't know the actual name of it yet).

East Sixth is where you're going to find you're typical college kids looking to get fucked up. Drinks are cheap, especially on Thursday night. You can get quadruple wells for $1. It makes for a cheap, but quick night if you don't plan well. Some of the bars I enjoy to hit up are Pure (three levels), Blind Pig/Maggie Mae's (laid-back atmosphere) and Shakespeare's.

West Sixth is where you're going to find a healthy amount of young professionals. They are mostly fresh out of college, starting their careers or in their early 30s. Women dress better on this side and drinks are more expensive ($5 beer). Hit up The Terrace, Molotov and The Ranch.

The Warehouse District is around Fourth Street. This is an area that's growing by the day and for good reason. Folks flock here to escape East and West Sixth, but there are a ton of gay bars down here, so just be warned. I'd hit up Qua, Six Lounge and Fado's.

East of East Sixth is a newer area that was developed recently out of old houses. It's pretty chill, but you're going to find a lot of the frat and sorority people over here, as well as a ton of hipsters. Can't remember too many names of bars on this end.

If you have any questions, hit me up.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (12-20-2011 12:02 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2011 05:55 AM)Entropy4 Wrote:  

But as far as going for no other reason than for the women, you're going to end up disappointed. It's good, but you can find better around the country.

Ok, this sounds really disappointing to read, after all, why else would I visit Austin if not the sole purpose of chasing women to bang?

So, are you implying that all the other reports on how awesome Austin is for women is just hype?


Yes. Austin is good, but it's not great. Doesn't hold a candle to the Big Three (NYC, LA, Miami).

Austin gets better the more time you spend there because the unique nature of the nightlife. You have to take some time to get connected and linked into a scene. I'd much sooner recommend you to go live there than to take a weekend trip there. If you're just stopping through for 2-3 days and want a quick bang, then you're better off in half a dozen other US cities.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

In Austin right now, chillin at my old coffee shop on MLK. Shit is still boomin. Finna hit up 6th on Thursday night ha.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Hey guys good stuff here - thanks. Headed to Austin next week with a few guys - we're in the 30-40 range - are there any places not mentioned above or places [mentioned above] that really stick out as places to go to find "especially fun" girls on a Thursday night? Peferably younger than us and by "especially fun" I mean more likely to come back to my hotel (NOT pro of course).Or any especially good Ladies Nights that really pull in the girls? It was mentioned places come and go so I appreciate any tips - thanks!

Austin Texas Data Sheet

How did Formula 1 weekend go? ASL is too expensive for swooping.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (01-21-2013 08:49 PM)chyamor Wrote:  

How did Formula 1 weekend go? ASL is too expensive for swooping.

I wouldn't recommend Formula 1 weekend, ACL, SXSW, etc. for swooping in Austin. During those times tons of dudes come to Austin and it becomes a god-damn sausage fest.

Best time is between Sept. - May on a Thursday - Saturday when there aren't any events going on.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

It was kind of wierd that not much is being reported about Austin, TX.

The best thing I loved about it was how convenient it was to BOUNCE from place to place on 6th street and 4th Street (Warehouse District).

Overflowing with people so you definitely will not get bored or stale out and for most places.. you can walk..

Best part.. do not have to drive from place to place.

What other cities have such COLLECTION of Street/ Bar/ Club ..quantity/ quality/ density between walking distance of each other?

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (09-29-2013 02:55 PM)xmlenigma Wrote:  

It was kind of wierd that not much is being reported about Austin, TX.

The best thing I loved about it was how convenient it was to BOUNCE from place to place on 6th street and 4th Street (Warehouse District).

Overflowing with people so you definitely will not get bored or stale out and for most places.. you can walk..

Best part.. do not have to drive from place to place.

This is true if you live near downtown, but if you don't...well, then logistics get more tricky.


What other cities have such COLLECTION of Street/ Bar/ Club ..quantity/ quality/ density between walking distance of each other?

New Orleans and Boston come to mind. I am sure there are other cities with a downtown that has a "bar/pub crawl" culture.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Austin IS a college town, essentially. It has other scenes, but people there tend to not want to grow up (like me). So you have the hipsters, the tats, etc etc. I don't think its overrated if you are cool with the young/hipster sort of vibe.

For me, the best thing about Austin is that every bar has a back patio where lots of people sit around picnic tables or stand. Its gots a fun feel and easy to sit down next to girls at the picnic tables. Yes, its a drinking town, but I don't see many drunk people. Its moderate, at least on rainy and east 6th where I tended to hang.

I have definitely had girls get aggressive with me once or twice. And I'm pretty average looking. It will take you by surprise. Me and my friend were on the sidewalk on dirty sixth spittin game and all the sudden this blond 7 is pressed up on me, face to face, eyes like 4 inches from mine. She's like "what are you guys up to?". I was so surprised, especially since her friends were watching us. I kindof went blank. I should have grabbed her around the shoulder and said "we're walking together".

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Dope thread. Props to all you guys spreading the wealth of information.

I didn't know Austin was such a hotspot. I'm hearing a lot of different things in terms of age, time in life, industry.

What's the ultimate type that would universally game well in Austin, considering age range, income range, occupation, looks, height, attire style?

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (10-01-2013 10:43 PM)wsidemd Wrote:  

Dope thread. Props to all you guys spreading the wealth of information.

I didn't know Austin was such a hotspot. I'm hearing a lot of different things in terms of age, time in life, industry.

What's the ultimate type that would universally game well in Austin, considering age range, income range, occupation, looks, height, attire style?

Austin is one of the more diverse cities in the country. But preppy, college, indie, country, hipster, tat. I met a buff mixed race Vin Diesel looking guy in blue jeans, white tshirt, and white cowboy hat. He claimed to be getting laid at will in the short time he had been staying there. He was staying downtown, can't remember if it was an apartment or hotel.

Austin, from what I've seen, falls into two main camps: college and hipster. With room still for yuppy/professional/self made man filling in the cracks in between and the suburbs. It seems the best professional jobs are for computer geeks at google and the like in the suburbs. In the city there exists a brain drain of sorts drawing away many of the late 20's and 30's population that seeks better pay.

I am basically a hippy/hipster of sorts so I like Austin. I also found the college scene to be fairly open, with a number of party houses, though watch out for the fratheads. The city itself is very beautiful with lots of creeks,lake, and nature trails.

If you can survive there financially (not difficult due to the good economy in Texas), have game and/or looks, and don't mind the prospect of rubbing elbows with some hipster girls and college kids, you should have a good enough time. The women here are generally quite attractive, which helps things... Also, people are pretty friendly and its not too hard to make friends. The nightlife is very good. Even on a monday or tuesday there can be a new orleans party atmosphere on 6th street. This is definitely a party town. Even the suburbs have parties you can find on meetup.com and couchsurfing.com. There are art opening and such things with attractive women (may be slightly hipster). When I say hipster I mean hipster. There are not a lot of the dirty hippies you will find in Cali or Oregon. Mostly these are clean, pretty, well dressed girls who shop at whole foods, and maybe have a tat.

I only lived there for a year, so I am not the be all expert here. Also, with the forumal 1 racetrack and generally boom economy, Austin is attracting more career women every year. All in all, with economy, weather, natural beauty, location, women, culture, cost of living (not that high) Austin has to be one of the better spots in the country. It may not be tops in any one area but it's an extremely well rounded place. I got my real estate license there, and now I can work not only in Austin but could easily move to Dallas and Houston as well.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

I also want to add that I don't really see the bad ratio thing. Also, there seem to be more gay guys than lesbians to help even things. I think the issue here is that there maybe aren't as many quality late twenties and 30's girls. Sex ratio problem... just didn't see it. But yeah when you compare it to places like NYC which is like a world magnet for women, of course its not gonna have ratios like that.
There probably is a slight prevalance of men, but there are always so many people out that its not a big deal. And guys here generally don't game much, except for the fellow PUAS, of which there are a few...

I think F1 will improve ratios in the long run, as the city will grow a lot and hence attract women due to more high paying jobs. I wish it wouldn't grow, but that can't be avoided...

Disagree that logistics are an issue. I thought it had good logistics. Everything is near each other. Even if girl's place is 20 minutes away, what does that matter if your place is walking distance?

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Anyone have an update on this? I will be going here in 3-4 weeks for a bachelor party. Most has been planned, but any inside info would help.


Austin Texas Data Sheet

I'll be in Austin this weekend traveling Solo, anyone have any good recommendations on places to go out at night?


Austin Texas Data Sheet

Would you all say his day game notes are still accurate? I heard UT Austin is the only place with a swarm of talent in Austin consistently.

Growth Over Everything Else.

Austin Texas Data Sheet

Quote: (04-13-2019 04:34 PM)Thrill Jackson Wrote:  

Would you all say his day game notes are still accurate? I heard UT Austin is the only place with a swarm of talent in Austin consistently.

I live here. I don't think much has changed on South Congress. UT is still UT.

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