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Inexperienced male on first date

Inexperienced male on first date

I am a 20 year old college junior football player who recently took a girl out. This girl has liked me since our freshman year and she would always smile at me walking around campus (before we each others names). The beginning of the term she even introduced to her best friend. I asked her to go with me to our football formal. Also, I asked her to dinner because only alcohol would be served. This was the first date that I ever went on and I am a virgin. So, dinner went well and the conversion flowed well despite the fact that I was nervous. I ate perfectly (used a knife and fork) on the boneless buffalo wings.

Next, we head to the venue and get drinks. The conversion goes well there also. She is really enjoying herself (Attached is a photo) and my friend wants us to go to another venue. Also, all of my teammates were shocked that I landed her. She is very attractive as you can see. Anyway, I paid for dinner, 3 cab rides, admission to both venues. She insisted that she pay for two beers at the second venue. The problem that arouse at the second venue was another teammate (not at the first venue) came in and started gaming her. I froze and did not know how to act. At first, she said to me, "I have known this guy since I was seven and he is crazy." I did not know what to make of that so I let it go. He came by her about ten different times that night and she kept denying him. Stupidly, due to my lack of inexperience, I felt that they were just talking about their childhood.

Next, he grabbed her arm and tried to run with her out of the place and she refused. Ten minutes later, her one female asked her to leave with her and we left. The problem was that the kid jumped into the van and claimed he was just going home. At the time, I thought he lived in the same complex because he got out when she exited. My date hugged and kissed me on the cheek and said she had a fun time. One week passed by and I asked her to meet in a cafe at school to say good-bye for the term. She agreed and I was ten minutes late and she still stayed. This spring term she is studying in Australia so I told a funny joke about Aussies and wished her a good break. I stupidly asked her if she wanted to come to a fourth of july party on the jersey shore and she said maybe but that it conflicts with her brother's bday.

One month later, I called her a left a voicemail on her phone asking her how her Christmas went and that I had a funny story to tell her. She never returned my call. My question to you is: Clearly, she thinks I'm a pushover, but is it possible to win her back in fall 2011? If so, aside from ignoring her and banging other women, what steps should I take from now until August to attract her again? Thank you for taking the time and effort to help along my gaming path. Have a good rest of the day.

PS: I am kicking myself for not preparing myself more before this date. If I had read "Bang," I would have acted more decisively at the second venue and would not have appeared so needy in the month after.

Inexperienced male on first date

Quote: (01-23-2011 09:31 PM)tjf78 Wrote:  

I am a 20 year old ... first date ... virgin. ... One week passed by and ... I stupidly asked her if she wanted to come to a fourth of july party ... that it conflicts with her brother's bday.

One month later, I called ... She never returned my call.

Don't obsess or get anxious about any particular girl. Avoid awkward and stressful "dates" and just "hang out" or do something informal.

I have been in your position and made similar mistakes. This girl liked you, and you didn't need to game her or do anything artificial. You just needed to show your interest and build a little comfort to allow things to progress naturally.

Sadly, you did neither. You waited a week to call her, and later waited a whole month! You could have told her that you really liked her and just wanted to see her again. Heck, you could have just called to chat. IMHO it might even be appropriate to tell her you are really attracted to her but have never dated before. This would help her understand your shyness and awkwardness.

But you did none of these things. She felt a little rejected when you waited a week (and disinterest or rejection really cools women off). There was nothing wrong with asking her to a party, but you should have been prepared to see her July 3rd or July 5th. Then you waited a month. No wonder she doesn't return your calls.

Much of that "game" stuff is posturing to attract women by avoiding looking creepy, needy, or desperate. You already had the girl attracted! At that point, you should build comfort, intimacy, and heat the situation up. It is then flattering and confident to tell a girl you desire her. It would have been better to just rent a movie and get drunk on your couch. If the girl likes you and suspects you are a virgin then she can take it from there.

Oh yeah, this case is all but lost. She figured you were too lazy, stupid, disinterested, indecisive, or paralyzed to do anything. So she shrugged her shoulders and moved on emotionally. Next time do something, anything. Listen to the lyrics of "Bust a Move". Please don't take this as mean-spirited. I feel for you bro and have been there. Besides, most virgins don't have success on their first date. Next time, take action.

Inexperienced male on first date

Theres probably nothing that you can really do at this point to get back in her good graces. All hope is not lost tho.

Talk to other girls and get your confidence up. Try to bang your first chick....any chick. Dont hold out for some "hot" 10. Trying to bang a really bad chick is hard enough for seasoned players, let alone for a novice. It takes skill and luck. And all you would really be working with is luck at this point which probably wont come anytime soon. Just get your dick wet. After that you'll probably be somewhat of a new man with a new perspective. It just clicks to some dudes after their first piece of pussy on how to interact girls....that may happen for you.

After you've somewhat started feeling yourself and have more confidence, try to holla at this particular girl again when you see her at a party or at the bookstore or wherever. Your new swag could possibly catch her off guard and get her interested again.

But if all else fails and your not able to ever get with this girl, dont sweat it. Trust me, everytime you think you've met the best girl ever....you WILL see another one that you wont be able to live without.

Inexperienced male on first date

Quote: (01-23-2011 09:31 PM)tjf78 Wrote:  

I am a 20 year old college junior football player who recently took a girl out. This girl has liked me since our freshman year and she would always smile at me walking around campus (before we each others names). The beginning of the term she even introduced to her best friend. I asked her to go with me to our football formal. Also, I asked her to dinner because only alcohol would be served. This was the first date that I ever went on and I am a virgin. So, dinner went well and the conversion flowed well despite the fact that I was nervous. I ate perfectly (used a knife and fork) on the boneless buffalo wings.

Next, we head to the venue and get drinks. The conversion goes well there also. She is really enjoying herself (Attached is a photo) and my friend wants us to go to another venue. Also, all of my teammates were shocked that I landed her. She is very attractive as you can see. Anyway, I paid for dinner, 3 cab rides, admission to both venues. She insisted that she pay for two beers at the second venue. The problem that arouse at the second venue was another teammate (not at the first venue) came in and started gaming her. I froze and did not know how to act. At first, she said to me, "I have known this guy since I was seven and he is crazy." I did not know what to make of that so I let it go. He came by her about ten different times that night and she kept denying him. Stupidly, due to my lack of inexperience, I felt that they were just talking about their childhood.

Next, he grabbed her arm and tried to run with her out of the place and she refused. Ten minutes later, her one female asked her to leave with her and we left. The problem was that the kid jumped into the van and claimed he was just going home. At the time, I thought he lived in the same complex because he got out when she exited. My date hugged and kissed me on the cheek and said she had a fun time. One week passed by and I asked her to meet in a cafe at school to say good-bye for the term. She agreed and I was ten minutes late and she still stayed. This spring term she is studying in Australia so I told a funny joke about Aussies and wished her a good break. I stupidly asked her if she wanted to come to a fourth of july party on the jersey shore and she said maybe but that it conflicts with her brother's bday.

One month later, I called her a left a voicemail on her phone asking her how her Christmas went and that I had a funny story to tell her. She never returned my call. My question to you is: Clearly, she thinks I'm a pushover, but is it possible to win her back in fall 2011? If so, aside from ignoring her and banging other women, what steps should I take from now until August to attract her again? Thank you for taking the time and effort to help along my gaming path. Have a good rest of the day.

PS: I am kicking myself for not preparing myself more before this date. If I had read "Bang," I would have acted more decisively at the second venue and would not have appeared so needy in the month after.

Alright, first things first. You need to get laid. It can be a girl below your standards. Don't force the issue, it will happen soon enough. You'll probably need to work up your "endurance" by watching porn and trying to last at least 20 minutes while jerking. Yeah, sounds creepy, but it works. During the act itself relax your breathing and focus on one item nearby here while you pump away. This will help you delay the money shot. You can turn up the heat when you feel you've lasted long enough.

That said- i'd forget about this girl. You were a beta to her. You need to come off as the PRIZE.


1. NEVER leave a voicemail or a message when you call.!!! ever! it shows neediness and that she's in the drivers seat. You do not ever want this to happen.

2. Start reading some PUA stuff. Mystery, david deangelo, etc. Read all the books and adapt some stuff and develop your own style.

3. This girl blew it with you. YOU are the prize, not her. STOP putting pussy on a pedestal!!!!!! You are driving up the value so far it will be out of your reach. Don't be desperate.

4. If this virgin thing is bothering you, get it out of the way. Go to a massage parlor, or bang a fat chick. Condom up, relax, take your time.

5. Do not get stuck on one girl! At your age you should be trying to sleep with anything female 18+ that breathes. Don't be picky and condom up.

6. Hit the weight room, watch your diet, and do your homework. Learn about body language, PUA technique, and add some interesting hobbies to your life- learning a language, travel, literature, world history, etc....just start constructing a cool life that gives you depth and increases your value.

Inexperienced male on first date

Quote: (01-25-2011 06:04 AM)bigbootyluvr Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2011 09:31 PM)tjf78 Wrote:  

I am a 20 year old college junior football player who recently took a girl out. This girl has liked me since our freshman year and she would always smile at me walking around campus (before we each others names). The beginning of the term she even introduced to her best friend. I asked her to go with me to our football formal. Also, I asked her to dinner because only alcohol would be served. This was the first date that I ever went on and I am a virgin. So, dinner went well and the conversion flowed well despite the fact that I was nervous. I ate perfectly (used a knife and fork) on the boneless buffalo wings.

Next, we head to the venue and get drinks. The conversion goes well there also. She is really enjoying herself (Attached is a photo) and my friend wants us to go to another venue. Also, all of my teammates were shocked that I landed her. She is very attractive as you can see. Anyway, I paid for dinner, 3 cab rides, admission to both venues. She insisted that she pay for two beers at the second venue. The problem that arouse at the second venue was another teammate (not at the first venue) came in and started gaming her. I froze and did not know how to act. At first, she said to me, "I have known this guy since I was seven and he is crazy." I did not know what to make of that so I let it go. He came by her about ten different times that night and she kept denying him. Stupidly, due to my lack of inexperience, I felt that they were just talking about their childhood.

Next, he grabbed her arm and tried to run with her out of the place and she refused. Ten minutes later, her one female asked her to leave with her and we left. The problem was that the kid jumped into the van and claimed he was just going home. At the time, I thought he lived in the same complex because he got out when she exited. My date hugged and kissed me on the cheek and said she had a fun time. One week passed by and I asked her to meet in a cafe at school to say good-bye for the term. She agreed and I was ten minutes late and she still stayed. This spring term she is studying in Australia so I told a funny joke about Aussies and wished her a good break. I stupidly asked her if she wanted to come to a fourth of july party on the jersey shore and she said maybe but that it conflicts with her brother's bday.

One month later, I called her a left a voicemail on her phone asking her how her Christmas went and that I had a funny story to tell her. She never returned my call. My question to you is: Clearly, she thinks I'm a pushover, but is it possible to win her back in fall 2011? If so, aside from ignoring her and banging other women, what steps should I take from now until August to attract her again? Thank you for taking the time and effort to help along my gaming path. Have a good rest of the day.

PS: I am kicking myself for not preparing myself more before this date. If I had read "Bang," I would have acted more decisively at the second venue and would not have appeared so needy in the month after.

Alright, first things first. You need to get laid. It can be a girl below your standards. Don't force the issue, it will happen soon enough. You'll probably need to work up your "endurance" by watching porn and trying to last at least 20 minutes while jerking. Yeah, sounds creepy, but it works. During the act itself relax your breathing and focus on one item nearby here while you pump away. This will help you delay the money shot. You can turn up the heat when you feel you've lasted long enough.

That said- i'd forget about this girl. You were a beta to her. You need to come off as the PRIZE.


1. NEVER leave a voicemail or a message when you call.!!! ever! it shows neediness and that she's in the drivers seat. You do not ever want this to happen.

2. Start reading some PUA stuff. Mystery, david deangelo, etc. Read all the books and adapt some stuff and develop your own style.

3. This girl blew it with you. YOU are the prize, not her. STOP putting pussy on a pedestal!!!!!! You are driving up the value so far it will be out of your reach. Don't be desperate.

4. If this virgin thing is bothering you, get it out of the way. Go to a massage parlor, or bang a fat chick. Condom up, relax, take your time.

5. Do not get stuck on one girl! At your age you should be trying to sleep with anything female 18+ that breathes. Don't be picky and condom up.

6. Hit the weight room, watch your diet, and do your homework. Learn about body language, PUA technique, and add some interesting hobbies to your life- learning a language, travel, literature, world history, etc....just start constructing a cool life that gives you depth and increases your value.

Def Good Advice. Go back and review what Roosh writes about inner game and what an Alpha male is. You have to develop that mindset.

Next time this situation with a team mate or any other jackass comes up, memorize these lines "Hey bro, I'm trying to have a conversation here, you can catch up with her some other time".

Then you excuse her and yourself and lead her away, or you hand him a few dollars and ask him to bring you and her back a couple of cocktails. Belittle him, make him regret he decided to not show you respect. You're stuck on the traditional view of what a "gentleman" is and not following through enough with the part where a gentleman would duel some interloper that was encroaching on his territory.

If she crossed the line with being flirtatious back and didn't make it clear to him on no uncertain terms that she was there with you, you end that date right then. Tell her she should "probably date someone without any options because that guy would be more open to putting up with her bullshit".

Inexperienced male on first date

I just re-read this thread. I have got a GREAT idea. If you are in a larger town i'd put out an ad on CL for "cougar advice needed" or "Need cougar to show me the ropes" as a title. Explain your situation in your ad and say you are serious, you are a virgin. If you are in shape, post pics of your body on the ad. WHen they email with a face and body pic, you email yours back to them. I'm willing to bet you get hits on this! try it! let us know how it goes.

Inexperienced male on first date

LOL - this was a funny post, but the advice given to the OP is solid!


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