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Inner Game

Inner Game

I cannot stress how important it is to work on your inner game - from keeping a positive mindset to handling your shit (rent, work/school). I know that there are plenty of guys out there who could be killin it with ladies but have been grounded due to a lost job, or being overweight. So I came up with some areas of inner game that I am working on:


Yea it pays the bills and keeps me busy, but I need to make moves to a position where I can be more engaged instead of being in a toxic environment of petty politics. Plus making more money always helps [Image: wink.gif]


I detailed my upcoming move in an another post, but this one goes farther than that. I am trying to declutter my lifestyle by selling off/donating the stuff that I don't use/need (that's 80 percent of my stuff). I want the new spot to be clean and minimalist.


After years of reading roosh and watching other cats travel the globe, I am finally making aplans to leave the country. I am probably going to hit up Europe for a bit and then see how things go from there. This has really helped me get out of the work induced coma that I was in. Instead of going to work, getting paid, and blowing the dinero on 'going out' - I now save the cash, have an end in sight (for work), and honestly the whole bar/club scene is looking wack.


I am much more geared towards day game. This evolution has given me a better bang for the buck (pun intended) and has really opened up my nights for some work on inner game. Getting wasted while trying to pick up random girls who have been hit on by more than a few guys is not my thing anymore. I am digging the fact that during the day (most) girls aren't done up like they are at night, seem a lot more receptive, and I have met a few genuinely nice girls.


This is probably the most important area for me. I have cut out red meat from the diet. Eating those fruits/veggies has become my thing. Not only do a feel healthier but also have more energy. I already mentioned the curtback on the drinking but I am also looking to tame the caffeine monster as well. Have started training for soccer (futbol) for spring/summer and looking forward to playing.

So your list might look different from mine, but the goal is to have a plan for inner game, where you have everything under control and stuff going on, besides picking up women. Trust me, they know when you have your shit together - more importantly, it gives you the confidence to approach the dimes.

Inner Game

Mad props on your plan, homie. Inner game (grounded on never ceasing to do things to improve myself) has been my new direction for some time. My categories and particulars are a little different than yours, but fundamentally the same--keeping and improving my shit. I think inner game is the territory for truly advanced, natural players.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Inner Game

Quote: (01-23-2011 08:37 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Mad props on your plan, homie. Inner game (grounded on never ceasing to do things to improve myself) has been my new direction for some time. My categories and particulars are a little different than yours, but fundamentally the same--keeping and improving my shit. I think inner game is the territory for truly advanced, natural players.

Much appreciated..

I created this thread not to pat my back, I would rather have other cats thinking about what they should be doing to improve their lives. Sure its nice to pick up that D Cup Red Head and bang her all night, but that won't change your reality the next day.

In case I am sounding like a self help guy - let's do some real talk: no one can make you change ways and no one really gives a shit if you decided to make your life better, so do it for yourself.

I can see a dime walking on the street and I have no issue going up to her and seeing what the chica is all about. I have engaged shorties only to pull out with no number, just because her attitude sucked and I don't want that nonsense creepin into my life. If some girl is not interested, then fuck it, I'll be hittin up others who would be more than down.

Inner Game is valuing yourself enough to keep your promises.

Inner Game

Great post man, a must read for everyone who wants to improve with women by focusing and improving in the other areas overall.

Inner Game

Good post Boston BMW. Inner-game is all you really need to be successful with women and life.

To add to his suggestions, I'd like to add a couple:

1. Pursue your passions. This world is filled with men without a cause, purpose, or passion. If you haven't already, find something that makes you really excited to talk about. Enthusiasm is contagious. Travel is a great passion, but there are others as well. Our lives have way more meaning and are more interesting when we're pursuing something with a passion.

2. Lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle. Look at how you spend your time. If you're doing something just out of habit, change it and make conscious decisions about what you're doing. Plan for a brighter future.

3. Be grounded. Know who you are and have a solid idea of your identity. If someone were to ask you "Who are you?", what would you say? You shouldnt have to talk about your job.

4. Seek relationships with people who bring you up, not down. People should make you happy, excited, and needed. The best way to do is to give more than you get.

Inner Game

Nice post. Ironically, my "problem" is the exact opposite of inner game. I have my shit together internally pretty much, but the external game is where I lack. I'm an awesome product, but I'm currently just not selling it well enough.

Like just this morning, I was walking down an escalator and locked eyes with a cutie who maintained steady EC with me. Immediate attraction. Did I stop to say hi? Nope. Just kept walking. I was thinking about something else at the time, so I wasn't mentally prepared to engage. Failed the Just Say Something test.

I sometimes wonder if it would be good to pair up for pick up with a guy who has the exact opposite problem, i.e. great outer game, but weaker inner game. That way we could cross-learn.


I have to sort of disagree with #4. One of my big problems, and it is a problem, is that I'm by nature a very generous person. Most people are incredibly selfish, and if you do something for them, they will just assume they were entitled to it in the first place.

Inner Game

Quote: (01-26-2011 10:48 AM)Menace Wrote:  

I have to sort of disagree with #4. One of my big problems, and it is a problem, is that I'm by nature a very generous person. Most people are incredibly selfish, and if you do something for them, they will just assume they were entitled to it in the first place.

I've met a lot of girls who think exactly this way, but I took #4 to be bro-related, i.e. buying the first round for your buddies at the bar. If you don't expect anything in return you'll be less disappointed.

Inner Game

I've learned to appreciate the minimalist lifestyle here in the U.S. Several years back I sold off a harley, Gibson and Martin guitars, and some firearms including a Benelli. These were things that were sitting around w/out gaining interest. The money was put into retirement funds. I stay w/ friends/family while stateside. My work keeps me in the Middle East, which entails months w/out pussy and beer. The trade off is a great salary, invaluable work experience, and the ability take mini-retirements. The lack of pussy and beer allows me to work on my inner game. Studying Spanish and Russian, six sigma, and project management are on my list for the next year. Most girls love to hear of my work related exploits. Living and working in these environments for years has changed my demeanor and subsequently made gaming chicks easier. Really, I've learned to not give a fuck.

Some of the pua community preaches inner game, but it seems a lot of guys skip it. IMHO, inner game is the most important and hardest to accomplish.

Inner Game

Quote: (01-26-2011 12:17 PM)sisterfister Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2011 10:48 AM)Menace Wrote:  

I have to sort of disagree with #4. One of my big problems, and it is a problem, is that I'm by nature a very generous person. Most people are incredibly selfish, and if you do something for them, they will just assume they were entitled to it in the first place.

I've met a lot of girls who think exactly this way, but I took #4 to be bro-related, i.e. buying the first round for your buddies at the bar. If you don't expect anything in return you'll be less disappointed.

Indeed, how to make your life happier: Don't expect anything from anyone.

Inner Game

All those things you mention is also what seperates a man from a boy and its like money in the bank, choosing to work hard play hard instead of trying to sleeze you way through doing as little as possible...

The more areas you develop and the less time you have for chicks, the better quality chicks you will get with little or no effort... keeping your life filled with stuff, also makes it easier not to be a beta wuss or desperate, since you might not be banging this one, but so what..its really her loss, not yours..

That mentality goes a loong way with chicks who are used to desperate guys trying all the same lame shit tried since the birth of humankind or what some retarded self-pronounced God of PUA´s geek have succeded to publish.

With inner game, you dont need other game IMO.. no bullshit, no pulling rabbits out of hats.. just you..

I would suggest have a plan thats strenches several years in terms of your most important goals and ambitions.. I would suggest diversity..even though you go for one education etc.. do stuff thats weird and new.. be open to people who think opposite of you..challenge your own views from time to time, revise the plan, but stick to it, on those days where nothing makes sense..
Dare.. do what you dream, whatever it is, if you keep thinking about for longer stretches of time it not just a butterfly, but maybe a gold mine your should seriously go for, whatever your ambitions are.. (still no points for banging putas for free in third world countries, if your time isnt best spent paying then doing something else.. you didnt have a good plan to start out)..

Yeah and remember pussy isnt what is start out with... the more women you date fuck etc... the better quality the less it means and the less gratification comes from it... develop or grow numb from old thrills which you grow resilent using..

Inner Game

Good deal, fellas. Hope you guys are setting those goals and making moves.

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