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Closing girls in groups

Closing girls in groups

I did a search on this and couldn't find any satisfactory responses. I'd say I'm comfortable approaching groups of girls, usually just stupid small stuff, "So, what that's girly nonsense you're drinking?" and I'll usually be able to maintain a decent amount of conversation. My typical game is to remain aloof, only halfway interested, and openly talk about experiences with other girls/dating in front of them. The problem I have is closing with the hottest girl of the bunch, when no opportunity of isolation arises (her going to the bathroom, getting another drink) It's amazing to me that a girl can literally sit and chat with her friends for over an hour without wanting to branch out, use the bathroom, grab another, etc. Any advice on at the very least number closing a girl, right there next to her friends?

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Closing girls in groups

Quote: (01-21-2011 12:14 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Any advice on at the very least number closing a girl, right there next to her friends?

It's definitely OK to number close a girl right in front of her friends.

Closing girls in groups

I think girls really dig it when you approach them in front of their friends like you don't give a damn and say "Hey I wanted to introduce myself, I'm XXXX, how do you feel about hanging out sometime"?

I've done this on two memorable occasions. Once a table full of chicks eating sushi and the girl I wanted was at the head of the table. I walked over there like I didn't give a damn and my stomach was actually in nots. I could feel all the eyes on me and I got the number.

Another similar time was at a bar where it was a few girls with a group of guys at a table. As I got the number and left one of the guys said "That just took a lot of balls", which was good for my confidence

Also, one thing I like about Mystery (there's plenty I don't) was that he'll just say "Can I borrow your friend for a minute"? and take the girl by the hand and lead her away.

Closing girls in groups

Quote: (01-21-2011 08:59 AM)NoBalls Wrote:  

It's definitely OK to number close a girl right in front of her friends.

Lol, no it's not. If you're experienced enough (or lucky) you can pull it off, but a lot of girls will feel on the spot. Unless of course they're drunk, then it obviously doesn't matter.

My advice to thedude, is to not wait for her to "branch off" as you put it. Try one of the following:

A. Get up and move around yourself, and look for any IOIs from your target, then go back in and just pull her away. OR

B. Ask her to come with you for a minute, for a smoke, a shot, another drink, to meet your friend, get some fresh air, whatever you can think of.

Closing girls in groups

I agree with Fisto on this one on two counts. First of all, closing in front of your target's friends takes major-league balls and she knows it. By doing that, you've already proved some serious alpha credentials. What's more, you've impressed her stupid friends whose opinions, unfortunately, are most fucking important thing to a lot of bitches. If you can't isolate neatly, sometimes you have to go big like that.

Count two: you can totally net residual props by being bold and congruent in public settings. I once chatted up a girl so smoothly at a neighborhood community meeting (of all places) that she was forcing her number on me as she was leaving (before the thing ended). I had her giggling and friendly-like during the speeches. After she took off, two young-ish guys sitting in front of me turned around and said they were curious if I knew that girl. When I said that I had just met her, they sort of looked at one another and one of them said something like "that's what we thought. That was some pretty smooth shit."

It's not only nice to get positive feedback like that, it improves your overall man-aura.

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Closing girls in groups

Ya, Fisto is right here. Number closing in front of her friends takes balls, and she knows it. If you truly don't give a shit it's alpha and she'll love it.

Isolation is for clubs when you're trying to avoid the makeout cock-block. If you're just trying to get a number, grab your sack and get it already.

Closing girls in groups

Solid advice Fisto. But wouldn't that kind of approach generate more flake rate due to the fact that no conversation was involved in the interaction? Why would she give her number to someone who just introduced himself and asked for the number? Sure it takes alot of balls, but unless you're really really good lucking, I see alot of disadvantages in this.

Closing girls in groups

Quote: (01-21-2011 02:51 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Also, one thing I like about Mystery (there's plenty I don't) was that he'll just say "Can I borrow your friend for a minute"? and take the girl by the hand and lead her away.

Not sure if I like that one as chances of a Cock-blocking friend is high. Get ready for someone to yell out "No, you can't - beat it" even if you build rapport with the group somehow, and then of course, you'll have to overcome that with a backhanded slap to the face of your enemy - hehe [Image: smile.gif]


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