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How do I bide my time with this girl?

How do I bide my time with this girl?

Alright oh wise men of banging beautiful woman I need advice.

Over Christmas break I met a girl and we really hit it off and we tried getting together for a night just the two of us but things came up and we both ended up getting sick and its about that time she went back to England till Easter break.

Now here's the thing. I was skeptical she was interested because of the difficultly we had trying to get together but just about every time I'm on Skype she starts talking to me, She text me just about every day, and generally speaking the chemistry is good.

To avoid beta land or getting sent to friend zone hell I'll always take my time responding to her. Make it known i have options, and sometimes when she texts me I'll go a few days before responding. Usually when she texts me its a joke about my name, she saw my initials somewhere, or she saw a DHV status update, or something like that.

HERES WHERE I NEED YOUR HELP! Basically, how do I play this? I don't really want to cut contact till Easter but I don't think I can keep things moving till Easter.

How do I bide my time with this girl?

Unfortunately, you're in a shit long-distance situation... the problem with electronic communication is that it's just not the same as seeing each other and it gives false illusions.

For example: You meet/bang a girl. You spend one week with her. You go separate ways. You talk/chat for months. You plan to meet again. She's excited, you're excited. You see each other again, and there is zero attraction. It feels like this is the second week you've ever know her

And that's been my experience with long-distance relationships. My advice is to keep chatting with her (follow Roissy's 2/3'rds rule) but do not think this girl is coming back. Keep looking for new prospects.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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How do I bide my time with this girl?

Easter is a long way off bro, and a lot of shit can happen between now and then. If she's decently attractive there's a chance she'll have found someone else by then.

I wouldn't get my hopes up, nor put all my eggs in one basket; however, I wouldn't completely ignore her either. I'd just keep doing what you're doing, while obviously going out and looking for other options. If it happens, great, if not, no big deal.

Don't get yourself too mentally worked up on this though, you're going to put too much pressure on her and making this bang happen if you don't relax.

Years ago I met a girl towards the end of the school year at the university I was going to. Unfortunately we lived on opposite sides of the state and headed home for the Summer. We stayed in contact and IM'd each other all Summer, and both of us got jealous when we found out the other was seeing someone (neither fling lasted) but I backed off, set up a time to hang out shortly before school started, we hung out, and I actually ended up dating her for awhile. Backing off and not putting too much pressure on myself or her was the key though. I hope this helps!

How do I bide my time with this girl?

I had/having a similar situation with a girl. I've known her for 3 years now and over the course of time I developed feelings for her, she doesn't live here (she lives in Panama, I live in Honduras) so we see each other a few times a year and talk mostly over IM and BB now.

My interaction with this girl improved my game and other areas with women. Over the time she developed feelings with me too, but it was useless creating a long distance relationship so I refrained from that, still we always talk, flirt, fight and have our moments. You could say of all the girls, she's the one I talk the most, ironically she's the one who lives very very far away.

My advice is to run your game with her. Accept the fact that even if she's into you right now, things might change, she might meet someone, or who knows. You should not lose your time either, work on your game and chase pussy Love In The Time of Cholera style.

Peace [Image: smile.gif]

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