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pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Hey guys, just tossing this out to see if others are experiencing this same "problem" that I am....

I've got this one girl that always wants to be hanging out with me.... and she is more than happy to offer herself up - any day, any where, any time, any how (she doesn't make any initial moves though... just waits for me to start things up).

Anyway, I find it.. well.. almost repulsive. I don't really get turned on by her anymore -- but yet during the pursuit of new girls, or other girls where I still have to 'game', it is arousing and does get me turned on.

I'm sure others experience this too -- but does this mean I'm destined to be pursuing women the rest of my life if I want to feel 'aroused'? Do I need this 'challenge' permanently now?

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

The hunt to me is as exhilarating, if not more, as the bang. If a girl serves herself up too quickly it takes the fun out of it. Like a cat to a mouse I like to play w/ my prey. This, to me, adds more passion in the bedroom. I had a bartender yesterday all but beg me for a fuck. She's cute and I've known her for awhile, and flirted occasionally w/out regard to the rules to the game. Will I bang her? Meh, probably not.

Besides, if girls offers herself up too quickly as you stated I worry about alterior motives.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Quote: (01-17-2011 07:22 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

The hunt to me is as exhilarating, if not more, as the bang. If a girl serves herself up too quickly it takes the fun out of it. Like a cat to a mouse I like to play w/ my prey. This, to me, adds more passion in the bedroom. I had a bartender yesterday all but beg me for a fuck. She's cute and I've known her for awhile, and flirted occasionally w/out regard to the rules to the game. Will I bang her? Meh, probably not.

Besides, if girls offers herself up too quickly as you stated I worry about alterior motives.

Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise.

Treat this girl as a plan B. Approach, day game, and otherwise go for as many othwer girls as possible. Knowing that you have a back up should make approaching girls easier, as you don't care what happens because you get laid either way.


pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

I have a female aquaintance; she's about 24, nice girl, can drink and has good taste, but being totally honest she's a 5, and I did fuck her once a long time ago during a dry spell, but every once in a while she floats the idea to me and aside from that one time I've always squelched it. Every time we hang out she always gets me cigarettes, always brings weed and always picks up a few beers, and I know if I started fucking her that all that would end. I have other options, why ruin a good thing?

...but if she were hot I'd fuck her every time she suggested it. In fact, if she were hot we'd likely be dating.

Still though, good problem to have.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

this one chick is always begging me to sleepover however since i have had much better since i first slept with her, i find her a terrible lay, AND i find her repulsive to look at, i always say no. She has one of those blond chick mustaches for crying out loud. She does the strangest shit too. I guess she thinks nibbling on my ear, pushing down and rubbing my inner thigh, scratching the shit out of me(i have scars) and bighting the fuck out of my lip turns me on.

but yea i suppose if she was more attractive, better in bed, and less violent, then i wouldnt mind sleeping with her.

her personality sucks too.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Its not just easy pussy thats spoils the fun..everything that easy doesnt give any gratification really... and eventually the kicks are harder and harder to obtain.. thats why Im dreaming about

Lets do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNqx8XZIW...re=related

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Quote: (01-18-2011 03:57 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

Its not just easy pussy thats spoils the fun..everything that easy doesnt give any gratification really... and eventually the kicks are harder and harder to obtain.. thats why Im dreaming about

Lets do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNqx8XZIW...re=related

Wow, how the hell does he land? [Image: huh.gif]

Edit: Nevermind I saw it at the end.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

[Image: attachment.jpg507]   

enhancing the quality of this thread

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Great great, whats for dessert?

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Quote: (01-18-2011 03:57 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

Its not just easy pussy thats spoils the fun..everything that easy doesnt give any gratification really... and eventually the kicks are harder and harder to obtain.. thats why Im dreaming about

Lets do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNqx8XZIW...re=related

Quasi..good link. Best thing I've seen in a while.

And as for PoaP..it's good for those ocassional dry spells.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Quote: (01-18-2011 03:57 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

Its not just easy pussy thats spoils the fun..everything that easy doesnt give any gratification really... and eventually the kicks are harder and harder to obtain.. thats why Im dreaming about

Lets do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNqx8XZIW...re=related

Wow and I thought skydiving was intense. That is another whole level of crazy. I want to do that at least once before I die (and possibly right before I die).

Learn how I created a successful 4HWW Muse Online Business and travel around the world.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Its human nature for this to happen. Eat only fine foods every day of your life, and you lose any sense of high value for it. Pussy is like that as well, its not just the act, its the anticipation, the effort involved. The harder you work for something, the more you subconsciously rationalize how much you wanted it. You become more and more numb to the effects of it, so you need something else.

No matter how much you love chocolate, if you had access to it whenever you wanted, there would be many times you couldn't stand it.

pussy on a platter is boring to me now...

Quote: (01-17-2011 07:02 PM)mcr Wrote:  

I'm sure others experience this too -- but does this mean I'm destined to be pursuing women the rest of my life if I want to feel 'aroused'? Do I need this 'challenge' permanently now?

Depends on how old you are, how long you've been doing game, what your previous trends were, etc.

Obviously in this case you're bored (very common), so you should continue banging this girl, but go out and look for others to fill her place.

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