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When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

So I bagged my first day game notch the other day. For those of you that don't know, I only started gaming at all last year, and day game has been pretty unproductive for me lay-wise, although night has been a bit better.

Pretty black girl, professional, very sweet and feminine. I opened her at a bus stop, and then had an unproductive day 2 and closed on the day 3. It was traditional "dating" stuff, which meant it was fucking expensive.

Anyway, she's telling me as I'm escalating that "You weren't supposed to be doing that yet!" - I tell her to shush and keep doing what I am doing. She has some drama with her live-in ex boyfriend (Red Flag #1!) and has to go home before I can get my fill. That was Friday.

Anyway, I wanted some more, and I was expecting her to come over Saturday or Sunday - she doesn't, and kind of jerks me around a bit. Flag #2.

Anyway, we meet today for breakfast/lunch, and she's telling me that I was "too fast" and was going to have to wait again. And then how's she's going to be working all the time in the next couple months and that if I want to see her I'm going to have to come downtown for lunch/coffee (and of course pay).

Anyway, this was over lunch. At some point I just hit my limit, stood up, slapped down a $20 for my lunch, told her to have a nice life and walked out. She told me she has never once been dumped, so I'm her first. [Image: smile.gif]

It feels good to be selective after being a chode for so many years. And it really makes me laugh - she was trying to frame it like I was "lucky" and "sneaky" to have got as far as I did. She was trying to get me to tell her stories, basically wanted me to comfort her more, and I just couldn't be bothered. The thought of working more to get back to where I was just made me annoyed.

These women really have such a hugely overblown sense of their own value. I am really looking forward to Latvia.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Yeah thats a dumb attitute some women have. Usually it's just a facade, when you stop giving a shit they come back crawling to you. But sometimes they're too full of themselves and it's best to just walk away.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

@Cruatha: it's a little unclear if you closed the deal at not. You say that you did on day 3, but then say you took off abruptly during lunch when she said you "were going too fast." Was this AFTER you got your notch? Just clarifying.

That aside, it sounds like you ran into a typical "dinner whore." Some of these bitches might have a SERIES of guys going like this, to the extent that rarely have to feed or clothe themselves. They put out as a very LAST resort. What's crazy is that I've heard stories of chicks like this still having a "boyfriend" somewhere in that crowd of sausage. It's more common in certain demographics and regions, it seems.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-17-2011 02:41 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

@Cruatha: it's a little unclear if you closed the deal at not. You say that you did on day 3, but then say you took off abruptly during lunch when she said you "were going too fast." Was this AFTER you got your notch? Just clarifying.

That aside, it sounds like you ran into a typical "dinner whore." Some of these bitches might have a SERIES of guys going like this, to the extent that rarely have to feed or clothe themselves. They put out as a very LAST resort. What's crazy is that I've heard stories of chicks like this still having a "boyfriend" somewhere in that crowd of sausage. It's more common in certain demographics and regions, it seems.

Ya, I did. She was trying to rewind it on me. And then giving me this great sales talk about how her pussy was going to be extremely unavailable for the next while and that I would have to "share" more to get there again. These women just can't hear themselves.

She wasn't a dinner whore exactly, but she certainly wasn't shy about letting me pay her way. A whore would have been a bit cheaper though, and probably the sex would have been better.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-17-2011 02:41 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

That aside, it sounds like you ran into a typical "dinner whore." Some of these bitches might have a SERIES of guys going like this, to the extent that rarely have to feed or clothe themselves. They put out as a very LAST resort. What's crazy is that I've heard stories of chicks like this still having a "boyfriend" somewhere in that crowd of sausage. It's more common in certain demographics and regions, it seems.

Tuth nailed it, I have plenty of chick friends that do this and they do it cause it works. Why pay for shit if some chump is just grateful to be in your company? These are the same girls who tell me I treat women like crap and use them and they'd never end up with a guy like me lol. Hypocrites don't see how they're using guys, but my getting what I want from a chick and moving on is the slimeball move.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-17-2011 02:41 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

That aside, it sounds like you ran into a typical "dinner whore." Some of these bitches might have a SERIES of guys going like this, to the extent that rarely have to feed or clothe themselves. They put out as a very LAST resort.

My opinion here is that it is a mistake to attempt to seriously date a woman (i.e. dinner stuff) if you just want to fuck her. This will make her considering you "boyfriend material", which would mean she won't put out as easily as she would otherwise. As one of the girls I fucked recently told me, "when I get a guy worthy to be my boyfriend, he won't get into my pants in less than three weeks of dating", to which I replied "hopefully nobody ever would consider me worthy to be their boyfriend".

Generally if a chick tells me something like "I'd like to go for a dinner, there is a nice French restaurant at X" I reply with "this is fine, just give me a call when you finish your dinner".

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Honestly, even though I am leaving in 6 weeks regardless, I was willing to give her an audition. But the bullshit she was laying on me just tripped a switch and I bailed.

Thinking back, I should have basically said: "Look, if you want to have an adult, sexual relationship with me then let's do it, otherwise I'm done." But, what can I say, don't have a lot of practice. [Image: smile.gif]

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Yeah you really have to take a lot of the blame for this.

I have never in my life done 'tradtional dating' for the simple reason that 'traditional dating' means a dude auditioning for the role of provider-boyfriend.

It's a role I am not interested in and, on top of that, I don't audition for shit.

It's totally the wrong frame unless you are basically looking to pay for sex in which case it's cheaper and quicker to just go to a hooker.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

I agree with old nemesis, there is the fact that the initial interactions of communications, who calls who etc, lays out the grid for the rest of the interactons, but Im also thinking two things. One, its probalby also a status issues she really dont perceive you as high end man material, since she starts with BS..
Woman are insecure and crazy who know, how what and why and really why bother..
Im more with Lumiere in just letting her know Im interested and then let her chase me around, but I guess you have to be able to pull of the high status show for that to happen, but females are great hunters and love it... dont spoil their fun..

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-18-2011 03:53 AM)Quasi Wrote:  

I agree with old nemesis, there is the fact that the initial interactions of communications, who calls who etc, lays out the grid for the rest of the interactons, but Im also thinking two things. One, its probalby also a status issues she really dont perceive you as high end man material, since she starts with BS..
Woman are insecure and crazy who know, how what and why and really why bother..
Im more with Lumiere in just letting her know Im interested and then let her chase me around, but I guess you have to be able to pull of the high status show for that to happen, but females are great hunters and love it... dont spoil their fun..
Cruatha,byatches must know that though they have what we want, we men still have options! That was the right move. In late Dec, I got the number of an 8. Texted once,got a response. 2 weeks ago she ignored 2 texts within a 72 hour period. I sent a last one saying: " I thought we could be friends. I was wrong. Have a nice life!"
Immediately she texted-I ignored. That weekend at the club she texted while a pussy beggar was buying her drinks- I ignored. Once byatvhes realise their pussy really isn't that important;then you HOLD ALL THE CARDS!!

I'll fuck her at my convenience.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-18-2011 01:00 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Yeah you really have to take a lot of the blame for this.

I have never in my life done 'tradtional dating' for the simple reason that 'traditional dating' means a dude auditioning for the role of provider-boyfriend.

It's a role I am not interested in and, on top of that, I don't audition for shit.

It's totally the wrong frame unless you are basically looking to pay for sex in which case it's cheaper and quicker to just go to a hooker.

Ya, I have to work on my frame control. But honestly I wouldn't have got my dick wet at all here if I hadn't taken her out - she is actually a "nice" girl. It's just the post-facto bullshit that killed it.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...


I have went on dinners with women during my travels and it was not for "boyfriend preparation". Now of course, it won't be the 5-star TripAdvisor restaurant winner either but I have done it.

Wait...let me stop...just re-read the first post.

No, I have not done the dinner thing PRE-sex.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Quote: (01-17-2011 07:36 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2011 02:41 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

That aside, it sounds like you ran into a typical "dinner whore." Some of these bitches might have a SERIES of guys going like this, to the extent that rarely have to feed or clothe themselves. They put out as a very LAST resort.

My opinion here is that it is a mistake to attempt to seriously date a woman (i.e. dinner stuff) if you just want to fuck her. This will make her considering you "boyfriend material", which would mean she won't put out as easily as she would otherwise. As one of the girls I fucked recently told me, "when I get a guy worthy to be my boyfriend, he won't get into my pants in less than three weeks of dating", to which I replied "hopefully nobody ever would consider me worthy to be their boyfriend".

Generally if a chick tells me something like "I'd like to go for a dinner, there is a nice French restaurant at X" I reply with "this is fine, just give me a call when you finish your dinner".






Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

I noticed I get the most run around from maybe girls. They either "too busy", or if I do get them out the entire date is trouble. I have yet to fuck a maybe girl. It may be my weak game, or it maybe the fact that they want to tease guys.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

This whole thing seems to be a problem caused by men who enable the behavior. I mean if i could get stuff for free buy doing little more then smiling, fluttering my eyelashes and some flirting, i sure as hell would be doing it, and most people would as well. This trend definitely goes up as the COL for the city does. And it will continue as long as there are men stupid enough to think that if a girl takes shit from you for free she owes you sex at some base level. With these girls there is almost certainly a dollar amount before they put out, if they do at all. If you need sex that bad, a hooker is almost always cheaper, gonna do more for you in bed, and much less of a timesink/ emotional roller coaster.

Remember guys, Chivalry is dead, unless you are a totally dick while you do it.

When a woman dramatically over-estimates her value...

Heh, nice, she'll definitely remember you, but lord knows you'll never bang her again.

Fun mistakes to avoid next time:

1. You banged her Friday? Then tried to get a hold of her Saturday AND Sunday? ... don't do that! You come across as way too eager, this is why she pulled back. I'd maybe text her Monday, Sunday evening at the earliest.

2. You met for breakfast/lunch. Again, a mistake, I don't know too many guys banging the girl a second time after a brunch date. Shoulda vetoed this date, and said, "I'm busy then, let's meet for drinks tonight instead." OR offer to cook for her at your place.

3. This isn't necessarily a mistake, but any time a girl says she's gonna be really "busy" coming up, just mentally write her off right there. She's putting you on the back burner, she could make time if she wanted to, so move on, which you did...

4. ... but you did so in a dramatic fashion. I would've begrudgingly put up with her crap the rest of that "date" since you were already on it, and just withdrawn, given short responses and been in a hurry to leave. Chances are if she was at all interested she would've called/text you soon after to see what was wrong. Again, you reply short, etc and until she gives you more. Simple, push/pull theory. If she makes no effort, then there was no point anyway.

I have no clue if you would've or even wanted to bang her again, but it sounds to me like you got a good confidence boost out of all of this, and got the notch, so that's all that really matters. Now use this as momentum in your next day game approach. Good luck!

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