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Perhaps in lieu of marriage counseling, my wife and I are going to Paris for December 10-15 (not supplicating; this is a birthday present to each other). I've never been there -- does anyone have any suggestions, outside the usual tourist attractions? Restaurants, etc.?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry Lip, never been. I would love to see the Versailles. Don't know if that's on your agenda or not.

Have a great time brother.

Fortune favors the bold.


You don't even need to see anything touristy in particular in Paris, just walking around Paris is an experience in itself. That's my only advice. Bring some comfortable shoes and just walk and walk and admire everything there is around you. Walking down the Champs Elysee, along the Seine, just getting lost. Paris is awesome.

One thing I missed which I really wish I got to check out is the Latin Quarter(Quatier Latin). It's a lively, colorful neighborhood from what I hear.


Thanks for the suggestions and well wishes. We're definitely going to Versailles, and a day trip to Champagne.

And as for walking the city, I can only imagine how great it's going to be seeing Paris all lit up for Christmas.


I used to live there. What do you want to know? Your first post was not very specific.

There are good restuarants everywhere but I would recommend walking around a district called Marais in the centre. Tons of good restaurants there. Pick one that seems busy with locals as that's usually a good sign.

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