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How to dance with girls.

How to dance with girls.

I don't normally meet girls by dancing. I like to talk to people and the dance floor is not the place to do that. When i do dance I'm not thinking about girls, I'll be with friends and enjoying the music.

A few times recently i have been dancing and a girl will start to dance next to me and rub against me. It's an IOI I've started noticing a lot recently, it's like super proximity. The girl does not have to be touching me, the dance floor is not that busy. She knows she's touching me on purpose, she's waiting for my reaction, she wants to dance. If i look her in the eyes, she holds the look.

So, what do i do? I want to dance with her but i don't have any experience dancing with girls in clubs. Whats the etiquette? How do you grind?



How to dance with girls.

Quote: (11-02-2008 01:13 PM)Tank Wrote:  

I don't normally meet girls by dancing. I like to talk to people and the dance floor is not the place to do that. When i do dance I'm not thinking about girls, I'll be with friends and enjoying the music.

A few times recently i have been dancing and a girl will start to dance next to me and rub against me. It's an IOI I've started noticing a lot recently, it's like super proximity. The girl does not have to be touching me, the dance floor is not that busy. She knows she's touching me on purpose, she's waiting for my reaction, she wants to dance. If i look her in the eyes, she holds the look.

So, what do i do? I want to dance with her but i don't have any experience dancing with girls in clubs. Whats the etiquette? How do you grind?



well first off, dancing especially in clubs doesnt have a certain form or fashion to it, its just dancing which is an expression and translation of the music youre listening to, it changes with each song or genre. But if a girl starts dancing with you, holding eye contact etc... dont freak out and dont think too hard.

1. if you are already out on the dance floor you must kind of know what youre doing and not look like an total idiot because you have already caught somebodies attention.

2. she starts grinding, then grind back and just go with the flow... if you do not know how to properly grind, be observant. look how other people do it. monkey see monkey do.

3. place a hand or both on her hips, dont grab her like your banging doggy style but just again go with the flow, dont be forceful but make sure she knows that youre there.

4. you must know that dancing and grinding with a girl is somewhat innocent. She may be interested in you yes, but she also may just be having fun and dancing with everyone out there because that is just the way she is and thats what girls do.

5. after all of that just play it off like it aint no thing and ask her to buy her a drink or start a conversation with her when shes not dancing or between songs etc... what ever the situation can become.

6. then make sure you cook a nice breakfast in the morning for her,
girls like pancakes i have come to realize.


How to dance with girls.


2. she starts grinding, then grind back and just go with the flow... if you do not know how to properly grind, be observant. look how other people do it. monkey see monkey do.

3. place a hand or both on her hips, dont grab her like your banging doggy style but just again go with the flow, dont be forceful but make sure she knows that youre there.

Thanks for the reply. These two point are what i needed. Time to get back to the dance floor!

How to dance with girls.

I wrote a lot about dancing in Bang. Bottom line is approach from the front by grabbing her hand and slowly move in. I think I bring the topic up in one of the newsletters

How to dance with girls.

Quote: (11-04-2008 01:53 AM)jdh989 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-02-2008 01:13 PM)Tank Wrote:  

I don't normally meet girls by dancing. I like to talk to people and the dance floor is not the place to do that. When i do dance I'm not thinking about girls, I'll be with friends and enjoying the music.

A few times recently i have been dancing and a girl will start to dance next to me and rub against me. It's an IOI I've started noticing a lot recently, it's like super proximity. The girl does not have to be touching me, the dance floor is not that busy. She knows she's touching me on purpose, she's waiting for my reaction, she wants to dance. If i look her in the eyes, she holds the look.

So, what do i do? I want to dance with her but i don't have any experience dancing with girls in clubs. Whats the etiquette? How do you grind?



well first off, dancing especially in clubs doesnt have a certain form or fashion to it, its just dancing which is an expression and translation of the music youre listening to, it changes with each song or genre. But if a girl starts dancing with you, holding eye contact etc... dont freak out and dont think too hard.

1. if you are already out on the dance floor you must kind of know what youre doing and not look like an total idiot because you have already caught somebodies attention.

2. she starts grinding, then grind back and just go with the flow... if you do not know how to properly grind, be observant. look how other people do it. monkey see monkey do.

3. place a hand or both on her hips, dont grab her like your banging doggy style but just again go with the flow, dont be forceful but make sure she knows that youre there.

4. you must know that dancing and grinding with a girl is somewhat innocent. She may be interested in you yes, but she also may just be having fun and dancing with everyone out there because that is just the way she is and thats what girls do.

5. after all of that just play it off like it aint no thing and ask her to buy her a drink or start a conversation with her when shes not dancing or between songs etc... what ever the situation can become.

6. then make sure you cook a nice breakfast in the morning for her,
girls like pancakes i have come to realize.


Just to be "that guy" :-) I don't think girls really like pancakes that much, what they like is you cooking them something the morning after (reassures them that they didn't just spend the night with a "user"), something like French toast would do just as well (but a bowl of cold cereal wouldn't).

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