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The Cool Shit for Men Thread

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

jetpack.[Image: o-JET-PACK-HISTORY-facebook.jpg]


The Cool Shit for Men Thread

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmMLhahsMD_OE8jjynppY...PLT9PA7VxQ]

Blue lasers. Can buy them cheap in Bangkok.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (12-31-2013 04:20 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmMLhahsMD_OE8jjynppY...PLT9PA7VxQ]

Blue lasers. Can buy them cheap in Bangkok.

For what purpose?

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (12-31-2013 02:41 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2013 04:20 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmMLhahsMD_OE8jjynppY...PLT9PA7VxQ]

Blue lasers. Can buy them cheap in Bangkok.

For what purpose?

This kid I knew a long time ago trolled a police helicopter with one. I guess the copter radio'ed an undercover car a few miles down the road which pulled him over and took him to jail.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (12-31-2013 01:33 AM)calculus Wrote:  

jetpack.[Image: o-JET-PACK-HISTORY-facebook.jpg]

KP up in here
[Image: gagwg_jetpack_765115.jpg]

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Power towers. So much can be done, and they can be set up even in a small studio flat. Wish I had one right now actually. Besides the dedicated exercises, you can add resistance bands or weight vests to step it up a notch. The ones I've used were in gyms, and pretty solid, even when doing catepillar kipping.

They can be bought for $200 or less here.

If the cheaper models are a bit shaky, then sandbag the legs. You can use those for exercises anyways. The Marine Corps approve. [Image: thumb.gif]

Another multi-tool to make you cool and masculine.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Always clutch to have a dumbbell set if you can't make it the gym.

[Image: DB5-50large.jpg]

I also carry this bad boy with me if I go to a sketchy part of town.

[Image: springfield_XD_tactical.jpg]

edit: picture size

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

When I see one of those, I always think of Jesse Ventura in the original "Predator" movie:

Gun shows sometimes have a t-shirt with a picture of that GE mini-gun, along with the GE motto:

"GE: We Bring Good Things To Life"

Quote: (12-30-2013 10:04 PM)Akula Wrote:  

After watching Rambo I always wanted one of these:

[Image: How-The-Minigun-Chain-Gun-Works-2.jpg]

Where can I get me one?))

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

[Image: wb0395.jpg]
sleep in style

I am the cock carousel

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

^^^ That, sourcecode, is the way of men.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

[Image: f2518ff2748bb1aeacdbec982ff66760.jpg?l=1]

have used on a number of trips ....

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

The coolest thing to open a bottle with is a Bic lighter. Straight up. Girls other countries will stare in awe. However, here its just lost its fire (pun intended), so other pop topping options are:

[Image: attachment.jpg16300]

Keep it slim, as you shouldn't be digging or fumbling when it comes time to open a beer. Same as lighting a cigarette. A lot of openers are tacky. Don't carry those. The titanium collar stays in my OP work too, but your gonna be a practicing mother fucker to slide those in and out seamlessly. [Image: wink.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg16301]   

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

[Image: 1344870610-lead.jpg]

Perfect for beaches/concerts where booze ain't allowed.

Conceived to beat all odds like Las Vegas

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Custom bamboo iPhone cover. Cool? Or SWPL? Both?

I can see some Prius driving Wholefoods shopping white girl getting all moist when you pop out your phone and it's sheathed in a handmade sustainable bamboo cover. Been considering it for a year or so but $70+ for an iPhone cover is pretty retarded.

[Image: 9194033042_fe1cbf5672_b.jpg]

[Image: 9394316353_1d5fb1717c_b.jpg]

[Image: 52bdce00608879a39495f36171a70058.jpg]

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Cool Shit for Men Thread

I wouldn't want anything bringing attention to the fact I was carrying an iphone. There just can't be anything cool or masculine about in iphone, Mac, or Apple.

Notice how on the forum we bitch about, "fucking cunts always got their face in their iphone!". Why is 'smartphone' not substituted in that sentence? Cause the iphone is everything female.

Cool and masculine communications.

[Image: attachment.jpg16305]   

[Image: attachment.jpg16304]   

[Image: attachment.jpg16306]   

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (01-04-2014 02:29 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

The coolest thing to open a bottle with is a Bic lighter. Straight up. Girls other countries will stare in awe. However, here its just lost its fire (pun intended), so other pop topping options are:

Keep it slim, as you shouldn't be digging or fumbling when it comes time to open a beer. Same as lighting a cigarette. A lot of openers are tacky. Don't carry those. The titanium collar stays in my OP work too, but your gonna be a practicing mother fucker to slide those in and out seamlessly. [Image: wink.gif]
Where's the card opener sold ali?

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Its credit card sized. Smooth cause it can be palmed.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (01-04-2014 06:51 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:

Its credit card sized. Smooth cause it can be palmed.

Cool thanks

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (12-31-2013 05:54 PM)AfgScarface Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2013 02:41 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2013 04:20 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmMLhahsMD_OE8jjynppY...PLT9PA7VxQ]

Blue lasers. Can buy them cheap in Bangkok.

For what purpose?

This kid I knew a long time ago trolled a police helicopter with one. I guess the copter radio'ed an undercover car a few miles down the road which pulled him over and took him to jail.

All legal reasons:

1. They look like a Jedi light saber at night, people will be amazed.

2. If you do presentations, you are adding irrational wow cool factor to your boring Powerpoint presentation, see #1

3. Can burn stuff with it, see #1

4. Can put a couple of ounces of gasoline in a plastic milk bottle and blow it up in your backyard when the temperature's above flash point, see #3.

5. Can make cats and dogs chase the dot at long distances.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Silk boxers:

Fingerless gloves:

Lemon powder (to put in your water, good for the skin and makes you crave less sweets):

Nice leather messenger bag for work:

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

I keep this in my Jeep "just in case" and girls always fawn over it:

Motorola M800:
[Image: motorola-m800-digital-bag-phone-for-verizon-500x494.jpg]
No way in hell I'm going to actually tote it around though. 12V SLA batt barely makes it 8 hours.

Back when I had an iPhone my case was this:
Always a convo starter in the club.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

^ That case is pretty cool. Not an unreasonable price either.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

Quote: (12-30-2013 01:47 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Anything from Lodge. Nothing in the kitchen is cooler or more masculine than cooking in cast iron, except cooking in iron outside over fire. I had built an impression but it all got stolen. Back when though I hosted impressive dinner parties, and one of the guest favorites was these:

I heated up the bowls in a Delongi convection oven, then fill with chili, sprinkle with queso and onion, and stick a cornbread cactus out of it. Amazing presentation. Doing individual french onion soups was another hit.

I will replace all my iron when in a more permanent setting. Did buy one of these, which has replaced many of my crock pot functions.

Younger chicks today act like cooking in this stuff goes back to Paleo times or something.

Her: Oh cool, I think my grammy had one of those from the war. Total old school.
Me: Shut the hell up and go watch tv till the soup is done.

Is that first one a Potjies? Famous Afrikaner cooking pot.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

The first one is a Lodge country kettle. No bowl has ever been manlier.

[Image: attachment.jpg17050]   

Its so masculine, it'll turn your Fruity Sparkles straight.

[Image: attachment.jpg17051]   

The Cool Shit for Men Thread

If you like travelling light and organized, I've been using these packing cubes from eagle creek. They have a second zipper so after you fill it with clothes (rolled is the best) you can further compress it. Fits perfectly in my suitcase and probably in my backpacks as well.

[Image: 1281_b.jpg]

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