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Facebook Girls

Facebook Girls

@InternationPlayboy: the "TQM" at the end of the sentence means Te Quiero Mucho, which translates into "I love you so much". Although I don't think "love" would be the appropriate word, I can't find any other word in english that is similar to "love" but with lesser affection. So I think it's odd that the status could be referred to you, but who knows.

Anyways you look like you're playing it well and won't have a problem [Image: wink.gif]

Facebook Girls

with argie girls you never know what's going on

Facebook Girls

I read this thread w/out regard b/c facebook isn't a pick up venue for me, until now. About month ago a stranger chick sent a friend request which I ignored. Last night I added her to see her profile. 12 minutes later her relationship status went to single that was posted on my wall. It was full of comments from her g/f's freaking out over the change. And of course beta males begging her to call or text. Creepy shit. Facebook stalker?

I've added two girls for long game, and a few friends who have quiet the harem of hot girls in their friends lists. Another hottie added me from a mutual friend. This is surprising me cuz I got ZERO online game. It's never interested me, except (thanks to you guys) now I see the benefit of pipelining.

The problem I see is flirting w/ one will be seen by the others. This could lead to jealousy, or competition. We'll find out. I'll try to PM the girls and keep the smack talking off my wall. Hopefully it will keep a catfight off my facebook. My strategy is to fuck the least interesting ones and immediately remove them from my friends, and work up the ladder. Hopefully I'll pull it off, if not? More fucking drama. LOL.

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