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Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

What if after talking to a girl awhile she says, "I'm sorry, I'm seeing someone." Or she's into you, but her friend says, "You know she has a boyfriend, right?" (Hate that cock-block move)

You reply with...

EDIT: and don't reply with that nonsense I thought up. It did seem good at first, but re-reading it a few weeks later, the second line seems painfully retarded, and the first is pretty out there too.

However, from my failures, comes this great line from Mixx:

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!

Thanks for the save Mixx!

Original Content, I'm not embarassed, this is a trial & error process:

"Ah I see, well you'll obviously have to break up with him first."

Or (and I had this happen to me before, who hasn't)

If the boyfriend suddenly comes up when you're getting the number, you reply...

"Alright, well I'll talk to you in a couple days, give you some time to break the news to him."

Hopefully you're not put in a spot that you have to try these out, but who knows, might be fun!

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Erm no

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Fucking retarded, CJ.

If she even brings the subject up, you've messed up.

The best you can do is say "I don't care" (to quote Roissy).

But, like I said, if she plays the boyfriend card, you're coming on too strong too fast. That being said, I used to run direct game - I can't be bothered to learn that seduction shit. "Are you single" was a good way surprise attack her bitch-shield. I've used it so much I've gotten reasonable success with it, but it's less than fool-proof - I'm still having a hard time dealing with flakiness.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

what sounds good behind a keyboard does not usually work in real life...... I usually ignore it or I say its ok I am not jealous(I always get a little laugh or smile) and change subject.... some girls say it to see how you will react, some say it because they want to fuck you and fell like they have to put it out there, some girls with never say a word, just depends.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 10:30 AM)clr Wrote:  

what sounds good behind a keyboard does not usually work in real life...... I usually ignore it or I say its ok I am not jealous(I always get a little laugh or smile) and change subject.... some girls say it to see how you will react, some say it because they want to fuck you and fell like they have to put it out there, some girls with never say a word, just depends.

yeah what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 12:41 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Erm no


Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

If she's got a boyfriend, then she's got a boyfriend. Move on. There's no shortage of single women out there.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Lines like that can work, as I have used similar lines with success in the past (although I cant remember the exact lines that I used at the moment).

Its called plowing, and it works. Just act like the boyfriend doesn't phase you. I don't like the "I'll ask again" line though. You have to keep it moving forward right there, as it shows extreme confidence and alpha behavior, which is attractive. I dont like you other line either, come to think of it, because you don't want to require her to break up with him. Thats a huge step. You dont care. You just want to get a date and get sexual.

Also, the rest of your game should be fairly direct and sexual for it to work. If you plow through the boyfriend, you've got to keep the sexual tension amped with some direct plays. The raw sexuality and attraction is the only thing that will cause her to cheat.

Here's the thing though. Its never worked right at that point in time to where the girl was ready to agree to whatever I was trying to game her for right then. She was always a little offended that I
1. Didnt believe that she had a boyfriend
2. Thought she was "slutty" in that she would cheat.

The success was realized when I got a phonecall from her 1 week to 2 months later, wanting a date. When you game super direct, often this is what happens. At first, they are taken back. But the memorable directness of the situation builds the attraction once it sinks in, over time, and then you get a call.


"its good that I didn't invite him then" If she reminds you of BF after you ask her out.

"I wont tell if you wont"

Etc..get creative

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

I make it playful, and ignore it, occasionally I am asked why I dont care if she has a bf, the answer is (and I have found it to be true) many women stay with a guy because many think its better to have someone then no one, even if they arent truely happy or are missing something. Then depending on the situation(vibe) I let her give me feed back or move on. I watch her reaction to see if I hit it with her.

speakeasy, its not as simple as there are plenty of single women out there, there are more AMAZING women dating duchbags or just guys they are not happy with then single women roaming around. I dont mind stealing them away, or just fucking if thats what I want. I WONT try to take away a girl I truely believe is really happy and fulfilled in her relationship just for sex.

Mixx.... I like that a lot [Image: smile.gif]

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Err... NO. (2)
@Mixxx: I love it. II would laugh

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 01:30 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

If she's got a boyfriend, then she's got a boyfriend. Move on. There's no shortage of single women out there.

A lot of girls cheat on their boyfriends, not that I think it's cool, but it is, what it is. I've recently hooked up with girls that had boyfriends that were either long distance relationship or the relationship was ending, the way I look at it is that it's her decision to make whether to cheat or not. It's not my job to keep her relationship together, and in both cases girls told me that they had boyfriends, but by that point I had already escalated kino and kissed them.

I also agree that lot's of girls whether they have a boyfriend or not will say they do, as their way of letting you know that they are not interested or that they want the interaction to end. In both cases it's probably better to wrap it up and move on to a new girl, but if you are able to push past this wall and turn the interaction around, come off as more charming, funny, etc., it is possible to salvage the situation. Also, it is possible that they say they have a boyfriend because they are only moderately interested and want to gauge your reaction as kind of a "shit test", to see what kind of guy you are.

I don't have any great canned lines to use when a girl says she has a boyfriend, but if she's obviously not interested in me or I'm not that into her, I usually just say "that's cool", and casually finish up the conversation. Now if they girl does seem kind of interested, or I'm interested enough in her, recently once or twice, I jokingly replied, "So do I", when she says that she has a boyfriend. Ofcourse I say this with a smile on my face, in a very joking manner, so it's obvious that I'm not serious and just kidding. Normally, this deflects their shield, and I just keep on trying to plow through, and change subjects. Otherwise, I just normally say and have the attitude and body language of, "that's nice", "I don't care", or "right on", and change topics, like I straight don't give a fuck. If they bring it up again, I will say, in a very flirtatious/joking tone, "I'm sure he's a nice guy, he won't mind".

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!

Ah yeah, Nice one Mixx, I forgot about that one.

A variation is "I didn't ask about you problems." Same thing, though. I actually like your variation better, as it has a build up and comes off as funny. Also, its Super alpha. Your calling her BF a "problem", showing her that you don't care, and making her laugh at the same time.

I actually feel bad for a guy whose girl meets a guy who uses this line, if she isn't 100% devoted.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!

I like that!

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)clr Wrote:  

speakeasy, its not as simple as there are plenty of single women out there, there are more AMAZING women dating duchbags or just guys they are not happy with then single women roaming around. I dont mind stealing them away, or just fucking if thats what I want. I WONT try to take away a girl I truely believe is really happy and fulfilled in her relationship just for sex.

Mixx.... I like that a lot [Image: smile.gif]

I hear what you're saying. But I'm just thinking is it even worth the effort? I mean I can walk into a club and it's full of single girls waiting for guys to approach. Why do I need to go hitting up girls that are taken? This isn't China where there's a woman shortage.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

I don't care if the girl has a boyfriend. U know how many times i've had a girl I was seeing cheat on me or sleep around with some guy who knew she had a boyfriend. Lol if the opportunity is there.. im gettin it in

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 06:43 PM)RedKnight32 Wrote:  

I don't care if the girl has a boyfriend. U know how many times i've had a girl I was seeing cheat on me or sleep around with some guy who knew she had a boyfriend. Lol if the opportunity is there.. im gettin it in

meh. It's bad karma and will likely lead to drama.

And if the appeal of hooking up with a girl in a relationship is to somehow "get back" at the universe for all of the times you've been cheated on, you have some confidence issues to work out.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

soooooo funny, I tried mixx's line last night, too much fun! Then I went to a different bar, there were two hot chicks there, of course I was the best dressed guy in there.... the one had a steroid freak all over her all night but I still got her her info (whispered to me to add her on facebook, WTF hahaha) then the other girl I tell to give me her number, she says her BF checks her phone and to add her on facebook. hahaha seeeeeee......... the hot ones always have orbiters or bf's, oh and just got approved for friends.... how sweet.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-16-2010 08:18 AM)clr Wrote:  

soooooo funny, I tried mixx's line last night, too much fun! Then I went to a different bar, there were two hot chicks there, of course I was the best dressed guy in there.... the one had a steroid freak all over her all night but I still got her her info (whispered to me to add her on facebook, WTF hahaha) then the other girl I tell to give me her number, she says her BF checks her phone and to add her on facebook. hahaha seeeeeee......... the hot ones always have orbiters or bf's, oh and just got approved for friends.... how sweet.

[Image: smile.gif] I got better BF attacks...but I can't have all you mofos running my lines all over the country - lol! If we ever swoop together one day, you'll see some of my best boyfriend rebuttal material that have a strong chance of f-closes. [Image: smile.gif]

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

you are such a tease Mixx!!

then again, I have a few secrets myself, mostly they revolve around being very sexual and able to keep secrets [Image: smile.gif]

i love it when girls get insecure, I told her I needed to teach her salsa and bachata, she messaged me back asking if her dancing was that bad hahaha, it was actually really good but I didnt tell her that [Image: smile.gif]

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

my favorite is "bummer" and keep moving forward.. lol

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Here's one I've used a couple times. It works if you've already built some attraction and she's thrown out a few IOI's. Best if her friends are listening.

HB: I have a boyfriend.
mntgoat: Is he bigger then me (with smirk)?
HB: Usually laughs, says some dumb shit.
mntgoat: I will dispose of the unwanted.

Then immediately proceed to gaming your targets friend. I've had some success with this. It's cocky and just kind of weird. Girls love it.

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!


Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

Quote: (07-14-2010 11:54 PM)CJ Wrote:  

What if after talking to a girl awhile she says, "I'm sorry, I'm seeing someone." Or she's into you, but her friend says, "You know she has a boyfriend, right?" (Hate that cock-block move)

You reply with...

EDIT: and don't reply with that nonsense I thought up. It did seem good at first, but re-reading it a few weeks later, the second line seems painfully retarded, and the first is pretty out there too.

However, from my failures, comes this great line from Mixx:

Quote: (07-15-2010 03:48 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

How about:

Girl: "Mixx, I have a boyfriend....."
Mixx: "wow....amazing...seriously, that's amazing!"
Girl: "what? That I have a boyfriend?"
Mixx:"No, That I barely known you for 5 minutes and you're already telling me your problems"

That one got me laid the same night!

Thanks for the save Mixx!

Original Content, I'm not embarassed, this is a trial & error process:

"Ah I see, well you'll obviously have to break up with him first."

Or (and I had this happen to me before, who hasn't)

If the boyfriend suddenly comes up when you're getting the number, you reply...

"Alright, well I'll talk to you in a couple days, give you some time to break the news to him."

Hopefully you're not put in a spot that you have to try these out, but who knows, might be fun!

Roissy obviously liked it) https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/07/...responses/

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

Line I just thought of to use on girls that say they have a boyfriend

My response is a look of amused mastery as i say, “your point?”. Which isnususally followed by some variant of I’m taken.

I then Continue the conversation and say something along the lines of “there’s no way I’d ever let my gorgeous girlfriend that oozes sexuality alone on her own”. Usually followed by “well he trusts me”. Which is followed by a sincere drilling, very masculine belly laugh.

I then look her again in the eye and say “seriously?” The conversation then goes to what a vixen she is, making her feel sexy and like a predator on the prowl, position her as the naughty girl that gets what she wants. I’d say hello orlsna good 80% of the time. Make yourself her prey...

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