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Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

As I get deeper into my 30s, one thing I noticed is that travel combined with partying at night really wears me out nowadays. I keep in shape, eat healthy, but work long hours in front of the computer which gets me fairly fatigued by the time the weekend rolls around. This is doubly compounded by travel and being in a new place. For example, I pulled a 19 year old chick a few weeks back, brought her home, nailed her, and went to bed at around 6am as the sun was coming up and it literally wrecked me for the entire weekend.

I think I'm going to have to start incorporating siesta naps into my routine from now on because I just can't make it past 2am once the alcohol gets into me.

I'm one of those guys who gets sleepy when he drinks -- and while conventional PU wisdom says to lay off the alcohol completely -- having a head buzz keeps things fun.

When I'm stone cold sober AND in a rowdy, public nightlife environment, I am also getting increasingly tired of the nonsense around me and have less and less patience for it.

I was always more of a private party or low-key cocktail style mixer kind of guy VS the packed public clubs/bars -- but tried to mix things up to access a greater variety of women. However, my patience for public venues filled with average Joes liquored up and full of testosterone while loud music shakes the walls has just about run out.

Have your tastes, patience, or tolerance for certain things changed as you entered your 30s and 40s? What habits have you adopted to keep yourself feeling well and with the energy to enjoy the nightlife? I think this is important as I mostly do girls from 18-25 years of age for short-term flings, and half the battle is just having the endurance to keep up with them until 3-4am in the morning. I call this time, the "witching hour," as this is the time the girls almost "concede" the fact that they're going to go home with you and that there will be pounding sex. After all, we both need to sleep and my place is close and convenient.

I'd be curious to hear other's thoughts as we deal with that inevitable process of....aging.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

i know that diets can play a HUGE roll in the amount of energy you have.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Standing up at a bar for hours on end actually hurts my knee joints now, as can dancing. Even 5 years ago that wouldn't have been the case.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

I'm now imagining myself having a trainer stretch out my hammies before going out and sitting with ice packs wrapped around my knees post-sex a la Patrick Ewing in 5 years time.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

I work a 12 hour shift and get between 3-4 breaks through it.. I used to eat a few big meals for time convenience but was getting really sleepy at multiple points in my shift. Now I eat small meals every break and have low fat cheese or nuts for snacks and my energy level is very consistent throughout the day now. I keep the same schedule on my days off. I also switched to totally diet soda and I think the reduction in sugar helped too, I'm working on slowly getting off soda all together.

I love dancing and going out with someone, but at 40 no longer have the patience to go by myself trying to "hookup". Especially after experiencing the natural feminine energy in the Philippines and South Korea, it takes a really special specimen to even attract my interest now. Most American Girls act like they have a dick, it's not attractive.

Also, at this point in life stretching is very important.. I just recently started getting serious about it and it makes a big difference in joint and back health. Also I recommend that everyone get a monthly full body massage, does wonders for your health and stress levels and posture. If your insurance doesn't cover it, it's still worth the 50-60$ a month to get it done.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-09-2010 03:11 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

I'm now imagining myself having a trainer stretch out my hammies before going out and sitting with ice packs wrapped around my knees post-sex a la Patrick Ewing in 5 years time.

LMaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PE knee's were the worst....

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-09-2010 03:58 PM)thekiller Wrote:  

I work a 12 hour shift and get between 3-4 breaks through it.. I used to eat a few big meals for time convenience but was getting really sleepy at multiple points in my shift. Now I eat small meals every break and have low fat cheese or nuts for snacks and my energy level is very consistent throughout the day now. I keep the same schedule on my days off. I also switched to totally diet soda and I think the reduction in sugar helped too, I'm working on slowly getting off soda all together.

I love dancing and going out with someone, but at 40 no longer have the patience to go by myself trying to "hookup". Especially after experiencing the natural feminine energy in the Philippines and South Korea, it takes a really special specimen to even attract my interest now. Most American Girls act like they have a dick, it's not attractive.

Also, at this point in life stretching is very important.. I just recently started getting serious about it and it makes a big difference in joint and back health. Also I recommend that everyone get a monthly full body massage, does wonders for your health and stress levels and posture. If your insurance doesn't cover it, it's still worth the 50-60$ a month to get it done.

I fully intend to take up Yoga soon. I'll pay for the full body massage too -- I just can't find a place that does a hard enough massage. Most of them are just petting me softly which doesn't do anything for my muscles.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-09-2010 12:24 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

As I get deeper into my 30s, one thing I noticed is that travel combined with partying at night really wears me out nowadays. I keep in shape, eat healthy, but work long hours in front of the computer which gets me fairly fatigued by the time the weekend rolls around. This is doubly compounded by travel and being in a new place. For example, I pulled a 19 year old chick a few weeks back, brought her home, nailed her, and went to bed at around 6am as the sun was coming up and it literally wrecked me for the entire weekend.

I think I'm going to have to start incorporating siesta naps into my routine from now on because I just can't make it past 2am once the alcohol gets into me.

I'm one of those guys who gets sleepy when he drinks -- and while conventional PU wisdom says to lay off the alcohol completely -- having a head buzz keeps things fun.

When I'm stone cold sober AND in a rowdy, public nightlife environment, I am also getting increasingly tired of the nonsense around me and have less and less patience for it.

I was always more of a private party or low-key cocktail style mixer kind of guy VS the packed public clubs/bars -- but tried to mix things up to access a greater variety of women. However, my patience for public venues filled with average Joes liquored up and full of testosterone while loud music shakes the walls has just about run out.

Have your tastes, patience, or tolerance for certain things changed as you entered your 30s and 40s? What habits have you adopted to keep yourself feeling well and with the energy to enjoy the nightlife? I think this is important as I mostly do girls from 18-25 years of age for short-term flings, and half the battle is just having the endurance to keep up with them until 3-4am in the morning. I call this time, the "witching hour," as this is the time the girls almost "concede" the fact that they're going to go home with you and that there will be pounding sex. After all, we both need to sleep and my place is close and convenient.

I'd be curious to hear other's thoughts as we deal with that inevitable process of....aging.

Welcome to your thirties my friend. You pretty much described me exactly, except on those infrequent inspired nights.

The good news: There are a lot of very hot women out there who are low key as well. I find the low key type of girl sexier anyway, and they are usually smarter and more interesting (but not always). Learn to look for beauty in girls who don't necessarily have on a lot of makeup or aren't otherwise dressed to draw attention. A lot of time their hotness is covered up, and they are overlooked.

Why not date one of the many undoubtedly extremely horny and good looking thirty somethings that are in your town? There will be less of a need to entertain them with crazy nights out, in general (but not always).
Think more weekend getaway and nice dinner game. This will generally keep these girls content.

Day-game is your new altar. I find it much easier, anyway.

When you do go out, develop a taste for straight vodka. No mixers except water or club soda. I usually get kettle rocks when socially acceptable. Anything with sugar in it limits my endurance significantly (tired, headaches, hangovers, etc.) But straight vodka is like rocket fuel for me. I stay extremely clear and lucid, and can usually go all night. If you mix in beer, colored liquor, or sugar containing mixers, you'll get a much heavier drunk and be less lucid and fade much quicker. Trust me.

As for staying in shape: Lifting heavy weights works the best to keep me feeling young and energetic. Screw the cardio, except for short and intense sprinting if you feel the need. When you lift heavy, you only need to do it once every four-five days or so, and need to do much less to get good results.

Make a habit out of not staying up later than you have to on nights when your not partying. You will keep your testosterone and other neurochemicals up the earlier you go to bed. If you go to bed late as a regular habit, your hormonal profile wont be nearly as healthy after a while. Sleep, in general, is probably the best thing that you can improve for overall stamina and health.

Make sure you take some days where you don't so much as turn on the computer. This will allow your brain to recover a bit. Heavy computer use significantly affects my stamina.

Stop jerking off as much. It lowers your testosterone and other neurochemicals. Save your power for when you need it with the ladies. And yes, it will make a difference.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Thanks for the tips. I think the sleep thing is the biggest issue. I definitely need to get 8-9 hours a night now...or else I'll pay the price.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Oh yes I have totally been experiencing this since turning 30. The late nights are really beginning to take their toll. I hate rowdy clubs and all that shit but hydrogonian has got some good tips there. I save the beer until much later in the night. Vodka, and every now and then I dabble in a few class A's if I know the party is really going to go off! Don't jerk off the day before... watch some porn, and don't go out until 11.00. The excitement of a new town is probably the only thing that really does it for me these days. I travel alot more now than when I was in my 20s because I was much more easily entertained back then. Back home I cant even last till 12 to be honest. Been there done that mentality. But sleep is defo a factor. When I'm on my travels I do very little. Its hard to sleep properly when you are getting monstered every night and this obviously has a negative effect on the urge to pull girls. Bit of a catch 22. I'm going to look into sleeping pills for those occasions when I need to catch up to make sure Im really getting proper sleep instead of drunken overtired sleep.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

The one thing that has amazed me in my thirties is that you can still get young girls. I thought it was going to be all downhill at 30 but it's not if you stay in shape/dress fashionably. The real bonus is that in Latin America they seem to prefer older guys so you can realistically do serious damage into your fifties. This fact makes it difficult to get married. I think a lot of guys get married with the following thought process - I'm now with the best girlfriend I've ever had + I'm starting to go bald + all my friends are getting married + I won't be able to party and hit up young girls past 30 = so I might as well retire.

The problem with club game in your 30's is that there are so many drunk losers that are intolerable unless you are drunk. I too have started making the transition to day game.

How successful have you guys been with day game?

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

All Day Game, all the time.

I rarely drink and i try to go to bed by 10 or 11pm.

I want to be able get girls in their 20's when i am in my 40's and maybe even my 50's.

A big part of my strategy is get really good at day game and age as slowly as possible.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-15-2010 02:58 PM)Lief Wrote:  

The one thing that has amazed me in my thirties is that you can still get young girls.

haha...the only bad thing about my thirties I have found, in terms of getting women, is being one step closer to forty and then being out of "the sweet spot" as far as age is concerned when getting women of all ages.

Otherwise, this is the perfect age I find (I'm 33) for being able to seriously game attractive women from their early to mid twenties to their late thirties. Hell, i saw a seriously hot woman in her late forties the other day (rare for an American white woman) who I would have, and could have kicked some game to if given the opportunity. (She must have been smoking hot as a younger woman to look as good as she did.) In you thirties you don't usually look like a kid or look that old, so everything is open. I'm not looking forward to getting past thirty five though, as that definitely bumps the female age consideration up a couple of notches, I think, at least in terms of long term dating in America. For ONS, its all still good.

Its funny, when you are in your early to mid twenties you don't see the maturity difference between you and an older guy. You just see him as older. But as a guy my age, I can see how many women in their twenties prefer slightly older men. A lot of guys in their early to mid twenties, but certainly not all, come off as immature/kids.

On the flip side, if a woman is looking for a non-stop party machine, then I'm not for her. She would be more comfortable, likely, with a younger guy.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

I am in my late thrities and my girlfriends ages range from 18 to 50

it helps that the 50 year old has the body of a 21 year old (black girl who really looks after herself and has perfect t and a) and that i can still pass for a 33-35 year old

i turn 40 in less than two weeks and this last year has been off the scale for me in terms of pickup. Far better than any other year in my life

dont worry about the big 40 hydronian

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Keep also in mind that once you leave the US, you can easily pull women in their early to mid-20s well into your late 40s. If you have money, then well, there is no technical limit...but looks, game, and style will certainly factor into the quality of women you can snag.

Guys like George Clooney (49 years old) and Johnny Depp (47 years old), even taking away their fame, have aged well (perhaps with some help) and could pull all kinds of women for years to come.

The *VITAL KEY*, in my opinion, is setting up your networking systems so that the women are coming to you, and you're not wasting valuable time and energy standing at a crowded bar or shitty club with the rest of the lemming parade. Even day game is tiring.

I know a lot of ex-pats and have studied their habits across different continents for years, and the ones most fulfilled, whether it be socially or dating-wise, are the ones who have their own gigs going.

A guy who started a poetry slam night that's been running every week for years...has met ALL of his girlfriends at this poetry slam event/parties as well as very close friends. Before he started this event, he was lonely, bored, and thinking about leaving the country. You can say this little idea spark changed his life.

A girl who started an invite-only electronic music party in collaboration with two well-known DJs. She now knows everyone in town, is constantly sought after by people wanting special invites to her events, met her fiancee through the party, and has a "crew" she hangs out with who I assume are her close friends. Almost every American girl in the country she lives in flees back to the States after 1 year, 2 years, 3 years max. She's the only one I know who LOVES it there. Why? Because she has her own thing going which gives her social validation, friendship, and even helped her find "love."

I can go on but it's crystal clear in my mind that as one gets older, it's worth using these old aging brains of our's to "hack the system" and make things easier on ourselves.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Yeah being creative about stocking your prospect pipeline is key

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Good stuff.... These posts really do put things into perspective. I still can't get my head around this day game business however. Sure you see hot girls walking down the street or on the train etc. But there is something about interrupting people going about their daily business thats seems a bit stalkerish and slighty unhinged. In a bar it seems completely natural. The times I have noticed a girl checking me out in the day it actually makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Im not really in pulling mode and will look everywhere else not to make eye contact. Weird arnt I.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s


Thats good to hear. Its also inspiring that you seem to still be living a relatively free life at 40. Where are you now?


Awesome post. I forgot how well that type of thing worked in my University days, and that there isn't a good reason that being a social hub cant be duplicated at any age.


I know how you feel. But trust me when I say that that "wall" that you feel, in your psychology, when interacting with people during day game is very thin and weak, even if you feel that it is not. Its thin and weak because most people are happy to interact, and therefore it doesn't really exist. That is, you just need to get through it once or twice and it will likely disappear forever. Just force yourself to have a few interactions, not expecting anything from them. Don't even worry about the result. The goal is to just have an interaction with an attractive woman or three. Also, you will get a better result because you wont come across as wanting anything from them. Once you do that, you will realize that the trepidation wasnt necessary. Just go into it wanting to put a smile on her face. Thats it.

Even guys who are used to day game, when they are out of practice, sometimes need to break through the self imposed wall again. Just force yourself to interact, and you will get better and smoother with time. If you "need" a positive result from the interaction, then you are much less likely to get one. Just don't care, and put a smile on her face.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

The only time that I was uncomfortable with my age was when I was invited out with a group of college girls. They were partying hard and drinking and I kinda looked at myself in the mirror and thought - "have I become that guy" - you know the creepy old dude in the club.

Anyway, as long as you stay away from the party chicks who are under 25, everything is fine. If you find a homely 22 year old she'll still be attracted to you.

I agree that during day game I feel kinda weird approaching strangers. However, I haven't had any negative responses. I've yet to try direct game during the day. Although I can see how it looks like a movie cute meet that every girl wants, I still feel weird just stopping a girl on the street and telling her she's beautiful. Does it work?

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

I'm 26 now but I plan on gaming well into my 30's. I think once I hit 40 though I plan on retiring. I feel health wise things just stop working like they used to once you hit the big 40 and beyond. Knowing this, I plan on spending the rest of my 20's and 30's very wisely!

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Mostly it just sound like you guys are bored. Because, no shit, bars are usually boring unless you're early 20s.

That said, physically or "energy level" declining in your 30s means you need a clue on diet and exercise. 30s is prime. The only explanation for falling apart that early is years of self abuse.

Very important diet advice: http://www.paleonu.com/get-started/

After some smack was talked, I recently ended up at a track doing sprint races with a whole bunch of guys aged 27 to 42. Dudes were nearly tying high school times. Age related decline before mid forties is a choice. Over half the fight is so simple as avoiding flour, sugar & cola, and vegetable oils.

I second the advice on clear liquor. Stick with vodka and gin and soda water. Beer and wine and cola take a big toll.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

am in laos now

just arrived from cambodia

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-16-2010 10:12 PM)kingkong Wrote:  

Mostly it just sound like you guys are bored. Because, no shit, bars are usually boring unless you're early 20s.

That said, physically or "energy level" declining in your 30s means you need a clue on diet and exercise. 30s is prime. The only explanation for falling apart that early is years of self abuse.

Very important diet advice: http://www.paleonu.com/get-started/

After some smack was talked, I recently ended up at a track doing sprint races with a whole bunch of guys aged 27 to 42. Dudes were nearly tying high school times. Age related decline before mid forties is a choice. Over half the fight is so simple as avoiding flour, sugar & cola, and vegetable oils.

I second the advice on clear liquor. Stick with vodka and gin and soda water. Beer and wine and cola take a big toll.

That's funny. So when professional NBA athletes say their energy level and ability to recover declines after hitting their 30s and they're washed out of the league by the time they're 35/36, I guess it's because they have no clue on diet and exercise? I better send that link to MJ so he can make another come back for the Bulls. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

saturated fats and minimal fruits?!... controversial.
Ish Gibbor. Dont deny the love of a good women inbetween all that gaming. You might end up a bitter twisted old man with the face of a thousand fucks. Or Glen Quagmire. Giggedy.
Im deffas going to up my day game. I just need to be in the right situations so it seems more natural. I will never approach a random stranger in the street. It just feels desperate. I do remember seeing some programme on tv where a guy would do just that and he did actually manage to get a few digits so it must work if you do enough approaches. But he was totally manic and in your face. I remember a film where a guy just stands on street corner asking every women who walks by to have sex with him. If you persist eventually 1 will oblige. I guess if you just don't care anythings possible.
The other day I was waiting in reception for a meeting surrounded by 40 models auditioning for a head and shoulders commercial. I would have loved to see you guys in that situation. I did actually strike up a conversation with one but how I would go from that to fancy a drink after I do not know.

Travel, Health, and Changing Tastes in your 30s

Quote: (07-17-2010 07:06 AM)Richie Wrote:  

saturated fats and minimal fruits?!... controversial.
Ish Gibbor. Dont deny the love of a good women inbetween all that gaming. You might end up a bitter twisted old man with the face of a thousand fucks. Or Glen Quagmire. Giggedy.
Im deffas going to up my day game. I just need to be in the right situations so it seems more natural. I will never approach a random stranger in the street. It just feels desperate. I do remember seeing some programme on tv where a guy would do just that and he did actually manage to get a few digits so it must work if you do enough approaches. But he was totally manic and in your face. I remember a film where a guy just stands on street corner asking every women who walks by to have sex with him. If you persist eventually 1 will oblige. I guess if you just don't care anythings possible.
The other day I was waiting in reception for a meeting surrounded by 40 models auditioning for a head and shoulders commercial. I would have loved to see you guys in that situation. I did actually strike up a conversation with one but how I would go from that to fancy a drink after I do not know.

I don't know where you live or how large your place is, but having a dinner/cocktail party every weekend (or every other weekend) at your own place is a great thing.

That way, you invite her to come by with friends as "you're having a small party." If she comes, chances are, she's interested. Even if she's not, then she's just another female to have at your dinner party. Easy, low pressure, and perfect way to build up the invitation rolodex.

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