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Novalja, Croatia

Novalja, Croatia

Hello, I'm kind new on the forum. I'm really happy I have found a forum like this hehe.

Well, basically I'm going 10 days for Novalja this summer (end of july) and I haven't still found an apartment to stay. I would like to know if any of you guys have been there already and can help me with this matter.

We are 4 guys and we are looking for a place near the party.

Thanks in advance!

Novalja, Croatia

Oh man... I'm not against some male bonding, but when looking to swoop you should roll with one trusted wingman, or solo, G-style.
Out of four guys, there's bound to be at least one, perhaps more, with bad game, who is going to spoil things out for everyone.
Enjoy your vacation, hope you have fun. Re: Croatia, I haven't been, no specific advice from me.

Novalja, Croatia

What I really wanna is about accommodation ;p

Novalja, Croatia

Dude, try Google as I'm not sure many people have been to Novalja, Croatia on here.

Novalja, Croatia

I´ve actually been there 3 years ago. Will do a report on the weekend.
I stayed in this apartment:
[email protected]

I was there with three more friends it´s 5 minutes walking to clubs in Novalja. To get to the clubs in Zrce u have to go by car or bus. Novalja is full of Slovenians babes.
Croatia was one of the best vacations I had. Beaches suck though.

Novalja, Croatia

Before going to Croatia I would have liked to see some info about it. that´s why again this forum is great.
I was there 3 years ago things might have changed.

The tourist destinations of Croatia are Zagreb, Pula, Novalja, Split, Hvar, Dubrovnik. Obviously there are more, but to me these are the main ones. A first thing you have to take into account is the travel time that it takes from going one place to another. Trying to see everything in a short time is not a good idea .
A lot of low costs now fly to Croatia. When I went there I used Lufthansa.

ZAGREB CITY-It´s not difficult to find a room in Zagreb, in part due to being a capital and also because it´ss summer and everyone is on the Coast. In Zagreb the first thing that amazes is the beauty of Croatian babes. The myth is true, eureka. They are beautiful and friendly, as all the Croatian people. We just for one night in Zagreb, as expected was half empty, normal circumstance, Lisbon is the same in August.
Don´t waste time in Zagreb.

NOVALJA (the Croatian ibiza): It is about 200 km from Zagreb, there is a motorway which makes direct Novalja Zagreb. After the motorway follows roads, equivalent to what existed in Portugal 20 years ago. The fact they are tarred is a blessing. After twists and counter-curves we arrived to Novalja. The landscape is impressive, just rock and sea. Very little vegetation. It is a word spectacular. And that's what you want when you go on vacation, be amazed by the different landscapes, Hrvatska pray to have it. The name of the apartment were we stayed was Mladen Zeneral, email [email protected]. It´s run by a croatian family, so don´t expect luxuries, but it´s clean and well located.

ZRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZrce beach party. Clubs in Zrce opens at 16:00 pm. You hear a loud siren and house music follows.
The ratio is around 65% guys and 35% girls in clubs. A lot of germans and french, besides EE girls. The vast majority is slovenian. Slovenian girls are really hot. I wonder why they are not more spoken in this forum. They LOVE portuguese dudes. To say you´re beautiful in Slovenian is something like Lhe Pa Si or Yeah py si.
Man so many stories on Croatia.
Zrce beach suck it´s not made of sand only litle rocks, water is warm though.

Zrce beach is not in Novalja. Novalja is a city, Zrce is around 5 to 10 minutes by car from Novalja. There´s buses from one place to the other.
In Novalja there´s also beaches, but they suck even more than the ones from Zrce. There´s like 3 or 4 clubs in Zrce, Papaya and others.
Zrce is isolated there´s no buildings only two or three restaurants. It´s in the midle of the woods.

Novalja is a small fishing village. You have cool restaurants. The best place to party is a bar called Coco´s. Man Coco´s was really cool. It´s not a club, just a dancing bar with large terraces. I´ve got kicked off two times form Coco´s. For hitting on a girl and grabbing her ass while her boyfriend was next to her. And for trying to punch a barman who screwed me with change. Man I really miss that shit. there´s a dance floor but the place to hit on girls is on the terraces. I mean the best is having already made connections on the beach. Drinks are not cheap.
Because Zrce and Novalja are small places, girls already know you from the beach so you better be in good shape. There were some girls that told me they knew me from my shorts on the beach I was they´re geographical point when they were lost.

The apartment i mentioned is around 5 to 10 minutes walking from Coco´s.

We normally would party in Coco´s and if we couldn´t get girls than go to the clubs in Zrce. I once drove drunk to Zrce and smashed the rear mirror.
If you rent a car give rides to girls. We gave one ride to this completely drunk slovenian babe. Next day we met with her 5 girlfriends on the beach. They were all topless. We met them again in Coco´s.
One of my friends took one home. The bitch was looking for me, he told her I was at home. And banged her. I was making out with a girl from another group of slovenians.

I will keep updating this.

Novalja, Croatia

awsome post! post more if you have time! Thanks!

Novalja, Croatia

I just checked novalja on the forum, in case someone had been there as well...I was there last summer in July and my advice is simple: never ever go there:
1. It s a sausage party like you ve never seen one: the ratio is something like 1 chick for 30 guys
2. The landlords will watch after you like CRAZY to ensure that you dont bring any girl to your appartment

All the people we ve met who used to come here 3-5 years ago said it was awesome at that time...but everyone agreed that this place was definitively burned...next!

you can go to any city during summertime you ll do much better, which i did by the way...with Riga [Image: wink.gif]

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