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forum suggestion

forum suggestion

I don't know if anyone has mentioned similar already, but what about the idea of breaking the travel forum into subforums by region?

A forum for N. America, for S. America, for Asia, for Europe, Africa, etc. That way the info is organized better and easier to find.

Another thing the guys should be doing here is making city guides for wherever you live. If you live S.F., Miami, L.A. NYC, Paris whatever, maybe we should start some nightlife guides for our own cities. There are some great out of the way spots in my town that someone just swinging through for the weekend isn't going to know about, but with some guides here, they can know just where to go, what kind of scene and all that stuff. We have little bits and pieces scattered around, but maybe we can figure out a way to organize it into real time guides with easy to find info.

forum suggestion

Maybe add an anonymous poll to see what everyone thinks.

Option 1: Leave everything as in for right now.
Option 2: Organize into sub forums

forum suggestion

Quote: (06-05-2010 07:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Maybe add an anonymous poll to see what everyone thinks.

Option 1: Leave everything as in for right now.
Option 2: Organize into sub forums

Good idea.

The forum has come much much more active lately. If there has been a couple of days without seeing the forum, whole first page is usually full of new stuff. Good job, Roosh and ppls!

forum suggestion

if you do sub forums id just make them strictly for data sheets on cities.

it be a bit of a hassle to click on all the sub forums to to read some thoughts and field reports / general travel talk for each region.

forum suggestion

Yeah, I'm not sure this is such a great idea.

Tell you what I would really like to see, though, is the ability to embed videos, especially YouTube...

Here, now you have no more excuses: http://mods.mybboard.net/view/youtube-tag

forum suggestion


it be a bit of a hassle to click on all the sub forums to to read some thoughts and field reports / general travel talk for each region.

My thoughts exactly. It can be a little chaotic but those with patience will still find the content. Plus the search function works well.

Shaman: they are about to release the next version of the forum, which includes youtube embed features. Maybe another month or two.

forum suggestion

Quote: (06-06-2010 04:00 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Shaman: they are about to release the next version of the forum, which includes youtube embed features. Maybe another month or two.

Ah ok, that's cool, no worries then.

forum suggestion

How about a section for guys who have actually posted travel reports or wrote useful things on the site?

Lots of lurkers who don't contribute anything, or even worse, guys who ask a ton of questions then don't have the courtesy to make their own contributions in turn. It's a pet peeve of mine but really annoys the shit out of me.

forum suggestion

Quote: (06-10-2010 11:32 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

How about a section for guys who have actually posted travel reports or wrote useful things on the site?

Lots of lurkers who don't contribute anything, or even worse, guys who ask a ton of questions then don't have the courtesy to make their own contributions in turn. It's a pet peeve of mine but really annoys the shit out of me.

well im sure there is alot of people that a new to traveling and have alot of questions but cant really contribute alot right now because they havent done alot of traveling.

i know ive asked my fare share of question but ive only been able to do a report of Rio. Im going to Costa Rica in 2 months and ill be doing a write up while im down there.

we have a good amount of contributers and future contributers imo

forum suggestion

Don't think its big enough yet to split up . And its nice being able to read up on Europe / South America / Asia on the first page.

forum suggestion

I think it's fine how it is. Although I'd love to see a little sub-forum for guys to talk about meeting up. Like just a sub-forum for people to post, "I'm going to X, Y and Z countries this summer," and other people can chime in and find ways to meet up.

We talked about this on another thread somewhere... but the idea had some traction. I know I'm doing a trip this Fall and would love to meet up with some like-minded dudes if they're going to be in the area.

forum suggestion

I really like the meet-up subforum idea.

I do agree the forum is seeing a lot of activity. I remember I used to stay on top of every single thread. Impossible to do now so I may need to add on a moderator helper at some point.

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