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Rosario, Argentina

Rosario, Argentina

I just came back from a weekend trip to Rosario. Overall, the city pretty much sucks and is inferior to Cordoba and BsAs.

Here's what I recommend if you do go:

-Walk along the river to check out the views, and stop at this old mill they turned into an art museum and restaurant. At the restaurant, you can sit outside overlooking the huge river and eat for very reasonable prices. If it's a weekend, they will also have a Feria right around the corner.

-Go to the Casino. It was brand new when I went and it's Vegas quality inside. Poker is 5peso/10peso blinds for the cash game. The same building also has some other semi-interesting things to do to (such as bowling) to kill time if you need to.

-For dining, actually there are some ok options. Walk along Av. Pellegrini near Italia for a lot of good Parrillas and other fine dining.

-Parque Independencia seemed like a very nice and well maintained park, although I only saw it from the taxi.

-We went to this huge and jam packed club called Lotus which has just opened. 25 pesos to get in and probably had about 3000 people inside. Girls were not as hot as Cordoba and it supposedly has the hottest of Rosario. Attitudes seemed about on-par with Cordoba, maybe slightly worse. Didnt really notice any more blondes than Cordoba.

-Madame is well-known but we didnt get a chance to go.

-We heard about a place called Rosas (I think) which is supposedly a strip club with a crazy show where they have a lottery system and call you up to get BJ's in front of everybody. Heard about this from some alcoholic Portenos, so I have no idea how much of this is true.

Overall, don't come to Rosario for stuff to do or for the girls. The only reason I could see coming here is if you are in Buenos Aires and getting really bored. Suerte!

Rosario, Argentina

Yeah, seems like a pretty accurate write-up.

Funny though, all argies claim that the hottest chicks in the country are from Rosario?

That said, the city has got a really cozy vibe to it, and I would love to go back

Rosario, Argentina

i heard when i lived in ba that rosario has the hottest girls

i went twice and came to the conclusion that it was bullshit

Rosario, Argentina

i disagree completely

is a great city, inferior to BA.. yes but they have the hottest girls of argentina 100% true

Rosario, Argentina

Girls in salta are way hotter

Rosario, Argentina

I was only in Rosario for one drink filled night, but I remember earlier, just as the sun was going down, I was walking through some street and saw some of the hottest girls (blond girls nonetheless) that I've seen in Argentina. They were wearing these distressed blue jeans that accentuated their beautiful latina bums and I just remember thinking "god damn, I wish I didn't have to be in B.A. tomorrow" but alas I had to go the next day.

The only problem I see with Argentina in general is that it's not really the type of place a traveler will have an easy time hooking up in. If you're there for a reason, on the other hand, it should be a lot better situation because then you'll have an Argentinian social circle that will boost your hook up chances incredibly (I'm guessing).

The next time I go back to Argentina it will hopefully be because of some sort of business deal where I take over a few banks and my assistants, and other underlings, will bring me their girlfriends and I will impregnate them.

Rosario, Argentina

Having been to BA, Rosairo, Cordoba and Mendoza I can honestly say Rosario had the best women.

Or actulally the ONLY women. Rosario was packed. The other places were filled with bad quality. Took me a few days before I saw an 8 in Cordoba.

This was in december, end of school year.

Rosario, Argentina

Man...same here. Rosario by far had the hottest girls I saw in Argentina. I spent a month in that country a couple years ago from December 2009 to January 2010. The cities I saw were in this order: Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires, and Puerto Iguazu.

By far Rosario had the best women and nightlife. So much so that I was unimpressed by the time I got to Buenos Aires. Ask Eros International who I e-mailed my boots-on-the-ground intel while I was there.

All big Argentine cities have pedestrian-only areas where people shop and eat, but Rosario's had the best talent. There were abundant opportunities to day game. The gene pool there is insane. You've got Croatian, Irish, Spanish, Italian, French and UK descendants all mixed up.

I was stunned to read when others, including Roosh, had bad things to say about the place. Wasn't my experience at all. I felt the talent levels were high. Highest concentration I've seen in South America.

Hard to believe that such a place could generate such extremely differing opinions.

Rosario, Argentina

Yeah, I think I might pass on Chile and go back to Rosario. Maybe I just got lucky last time.

Rosario, Argentina

I have not visited Rosario but have lived in Cordoba for two months. First, I heard from a lot of travelers that Rosario was disappointing so I decided to skip it. Having said that, I found the talent in Cordoba to be exceptional and probably the best I have seen anywhere. But, this was very dependent on being in a specific part of Cordoba... mainly near Nuevo Cordoba. Other parts were very average and below average... especially near Centro. I'm wondering if the same thing holds true for Rosario. Maybe some people have missed the key locations which would have been much better. I spend a lot of time debating going back to Cordoba. I really found the quality to be quite unbelievable. Now others have piqued my interest for checking out Rosario as well. Sometimes briefly passing through these places and not being aware of the best parts of the city results in missed opportunities.

Rosario, Argentina

Quote: (12-25-2012 06:38 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Man...same here. Rosario by far had the hottest girls I saw in Argentina. I spent a month in that country a couple years ago from December 2009 to January 2010. The cities I saw were in this order: Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario, Buenos Aires, and Puerto Iguazu.

By far Rosario had the best women and nightlife. So much so that I was unimpressed by the time I got to Buenos Aires. Ask Eros International who I e-mailed my boots-on-the-ground intel while I was there.

All big Argentine cities have pedestrian-only areas where people shop and eat, but Rosario's had the best talent. There were abundant opportunities to day game. The gene pool there is insane. You've got Croatian, Irish, Spanish, Italian, French and UK descendants all mixed up.

I was stunned to read when others, including Roosh, had bad things to say about the place. Wasn't my experience at all. I felt the talent levels were high. Highest concentration I've seen in South America.

Hard to believe that such a place could generate such extremely differing opinions.

I have to agree with the level of talent. Some places in Buenos Aires were kind of mehh. But in some places I went to the 'average' level of talent was absolutely insane. Beautiful dark skin, with stunning eyes and bodies in abundance.

If only the girls didn't have such frigid and reserved attitudes, and had more of the sensual and sexual feminine core that Colombian women demonstrate, I would have no hesitation in going back.

I know for sure I will return to Colombia for years to come and may even live there one day. Whilst I enjoyed Argentina, I can't say I would jump at the chance to spend an extended period there again.

Rosario, Argentina

tucuman and misiones are the only parts of argentina worth a go when it comes to meeting girls

Rosario, Argentina

Quote: (12-28-2012 11:59 AM)maestrobaires Wrote:  

tucuman and misiones are the only parts of argentina worth a go when it comes to meeting girls

Where do you mean specifically? Does Puerto Iguazu count?

Rosario, Argentina

For guys that have been to both were you more succesful with women in rosario or buenos aires?

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Rosario, Argentina

we were less unsuccessful in rosario than baires

yeah, pto iguazu counts too but i'd rather check places like posadas

Rosario, Argentina

Trying to revive this thread. Anyone been in Rosario lately?

Rosario, Argentina

Will probably go soon. Already have boots on the ground.

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