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Day Game Manual
05-09-2010, 10:47 AM
Roosh/G/Savoy: Much respect for all you have done for us. That being said, I want to push the envelope farther and ask as you to write a manual/blog post about Day Game, particularly for the summer.
I have been all about the nighlife gaming options, but my second job has put me fieldwork where I am encountering a lot of cuties and want to make some moves.
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Day Game Manual
05-09-2010, 08:18 PM
Day game is the next step in the evolution. For so many years, day game has eluded me. Well, all game. But to have the power to pick up a girl you see in the city, that has always been my dream. Much more so than at bars and clubs. I love the freedom and vitality of a girl on her way to work, or from work; the bar scene is a "scene" so already more cliche. Love the street.
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Day Game Manual
05-09-2010, 08:21 PM
That pdf looks good. I also liked the Jeremy Soul video by lovesystems.
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Day Game Manual
06-09-2010, 11:34 PM
Thanks, Riv.
I would like to shift this thread from Day Game Manuals to actual interactions. Anyone have stories?
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Day Game Manual
06-10-2010, 02:59 AM
Since it is summertime now the day game I really would like to master is picking up at the beach. I love picking up girls at the beach because: 1) She can't hide her body, so what you see is what you get. 2) Volleyball or other beach sports are great ways to pick up chicks. Just walk over to a group of girls and say you need two more girls for your team. I ALWAYS ask for two instead of one girl. 3) A lot of chicks want to drink on the beach but are sometimes too prudish (or cheap) to bring their own beer. A cooler packed with ice cold beer is pretty powerful when its 90 degrees. 4) Chicks have a tendency to read mindless gossip mags on the beach, for whatever reason, which is great because there are tons of openers that can come from just seeing who's on the cover of the magazine.
I also like picking up at the beach because girls are really there to relax and have fun so it's not like you're interrupting a girl who's stressed out on her way to work or while she's rushing in the grocery store. And while I know I definitely feel self conscious sometimes because i'm not rocking that six pack, keep in mind that 99% of those girls on the beach are way more self conscious about their bodies than any guy could be so i never let my big gut keep me from approaching a couple of smoking hot, tanned beauties.
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Day Game Manual
06-10-2010, 02:26 PM
There is alot of good Day Game info on this forum. You gotta search around. I prefer Day Game to Night Game. Basically, you just gotta have good conversational skills, be able to start up a conversation with a woman in public, in a non threatning, casual way. After a few minutes of casual, flirty conversation, and some connection is made, I say something like..."Lets grab a drink sometime". I try to keep it simple. In fact, I think its better to not even think about Game theory. Just start a conversation, get her to laugh, find something in common, build some connection. Its really just conversational skills. I don't know why alot of guys are so afraid of Day Game. All it is, is having a conversation with a woman in public. Don't over analyze it, just be social.
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Day Game Manual
06-10-2010, 08:45 PM
I liked a lot of what 'juggler' or wayne elise wrote about day game. you can find some of his stuff on youtube. Like any style of game, it's about constantly approaching, except usually with situational openers. Then it's a combination of making statements about her, going to where to what you expect shes thinking and turning it into a conversational theme. Then its about stating your interest in her directly or indirectly. This could be in the form of 'I love your lips, I wonder what it would be like to kiss them' or 'you have such a sexy laugh', it's very general but sets the tone for a sexual relationship. Any concrete structure after that disappears, but then once you've established attraction and some connection game tends to be all the same. it's logistical after that.
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Day Game Manual
06-16-2010, 12:31 AM
juggler is awesome, the problem I see is guys need a basis for self confidence, you cant be a chump trying to use lines that will work, you will find once you get good, confident you can say or do the stupidest things, and still pick up girls. I once penguin ran like a goof ball after this chick in NYC, I had been waiting 10 minutes for a really hot chick. PUA's say you cant chase, you have to stop, blah blah, I used to break so many "PUA" rules and still score. I talked, got her number(she was a fords model) and would have insta dated, but I didnt have my cell phone and at the time I had just changed apts and didnt know how to get back lol (ended up my buddy gave his number to this russian chick, I found her(cuz he was gone) and had another passerby call him LMAO crazy times)