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Portuguese language section

Portuguese language section

I know this has been mentioned/requested before but I'll make an official request, if I may to also have a section where people can ask questions about the Portuguese language. Brasil is one of the most if not most popular country not only in this forum but worldwide to travel for vacation, specially for guys looking to have a good time and experience an unbelivably wonderful culture and country. Not everyone in here is fluent in Portuguese and they would love to have a place to go to ask questions, get clarification on things or even translate some sentences/expressions etc... The short of this rambling is that it's high time to take your already fine forum to the next level by creating a Portuguese language section. This section could be not only on the language, but also on the culture, music, etc...

I'm sure those of us who do speak Portuguese (Chocolatinha, Pepini, myself and others I'm probably forgetting) would be more than willing to help with that.

What do the others in here think about having a Portuguese section?

Portuguese language section


Portuguese language section

I think it's a good idea. I can speak pretty fluent Portuguese, I'd be willing to help anyone.

Portuguese language section

This would be very helpful to me. How did you guys learn it? Formal classroom study, or informally?

V.P., you are French-Canadian, right? And you went from French to Portuguese?

Portuguese language section

Thing is I want to see if the Spanish section can hold its own, cause if it can't then Portuguese won't. In the meantime post your Portuguese questions here.

Portuguese language section

Quote: (04-27-2010 11:25 AM)Chaz Wrote:  

This would be very helpful to me. How did you guys learn it? Formal classroom study, or informally?

V.P., you are French-Canadian, right? And you went from French to Portuguese?

Learned a little while living there 3 months, but then learned a ton dating a Brazilian girl who didn't speak english the other 3 months I was living there. I stayed there for 1 1/2 months in 2008 and learned a little. In between my first and second trip I learned a little more because I have a lot of brazilian friends in the US. Then I learned a little for the month and a half I was back my second trip, and then met my brazilian girl who didn't speak english. After that, I learned probably 80-90% of what I know now in just 3 months. I literally learned that much more in that little amount of time from meeting this chick. And we still talk quite often, but it kinda just gets old because it isn't very fun talking on the internet. She doesn't have much to talk about because all she does is go to work and go home and sleep pretty much minus the weekends. I practice with her maybe once or twice a week now. I have a bunch of other friends I practice with as well in the US or over the internet. You should start randomly friend requesting Brazilians on Facebook or another social networking site (orkut is another good one) and see if they want to practice English and Portuguese. Seriously though dude, meeting a girl who doesn't know english will make it super easy if you want to stay with her. It's just tricky picking her up with little to no portuguese, especially if you don't have friends around to translate for you.

Portuguese language section

1. How long does it take to learn portugese with a decent level of fluency, if your learning on your own
2. Is it better to learn spanish or portugese first and why if you intend to learn both?

Portuguese language section

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:11 PM)misterstir Wrote:  

1. How long does it take to learn portugese with a decent level of fluency, if your learning on your own
2. Is it better to learn spanish or portugese first and why if you intend to learn both?

I learned portuguese on my first trip to Brazil at one their universities over the summer. A 6week intensive course for about 4-5hrs 5days a week plus living their and thinking/speaking in Portuguese really helped.

I have friends who were studying their for 1 semester or 1year and they said they were pretty damn fluent already which impressed me but my professors even said studying there even for 6weeks living there is more like 1year because your using it more. I can read and make almost everything I read, hearing it back I pick up words here and there but I really need much more practice, at this point I am just basic conversational

Portuguese language section

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:21 PM)alchemist88 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:11 PM)misterstir Wrote:  

1. How long does it take to learn portugese with a decent level of fluency, if your learning on your own
2. Is it better to learn spanish or portugese first and why if you intend to learn both?

I learned portuguese on my first trip to Brazil at one their universities over the summer. A 6week intensive course for about 4-5hrs 5days a week plus living their and thinking/speaking in Portuguese really helped.

I have friends who were studying their for 1 semester or 1year and they said they were pretty damn fluent already which impressed me but my professors even said studying there even for 6weeks living there is more like 1year because your using it more. I can read and make almost everything I read, hearing it back I pick up words here and there but I really need much more practice, at this point I am just basic conversational
a lot of portuguese speakers tell me they can understand spanish and most of what they say but spanish speakers cannot understand the portuguese as well as them

Portuguese language section

Guys, I'm here to help. Feel free to Ask anything you want about Brazil or the Portuguese language

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Portuguese language section

That's totally true because Portuguese is a very nasal language.When you compare written Portuguese to written Spanish, it's like 80-90% identical. Where Portuguese differs and becomes a challenge is when you listen to it, words at times sound completely different than hor they're written. For anyone learning Portuguese, your biggest challenge will be to get familiar with the sounds. What helped me big time with this, was listening to Brasilian music all the time. Not only is the music among the best, if not best IMO in the world, but it does help tremendously in training your ears to the sounds of the language.

Another thing I did while learning Portuguese was to chat every day with Brasilians both on MSN, via email in Portuguese. I woudl write in my basic portuguese and they would correct me and they would write to me in Portuguese. Also reading Brasilian sites online every day helped me a lot. Over time, using MSN chatting, I built a good network of contacts in Brasil and I would speak to them over MSN or skype daily with them. Needless to say that helped big time in learning the language.

Of the 2, I found Spanish the easier to understand but hte hardest to learn as the grammar and conjugaison of verbs is a lot more complex in Spanish. Verbs and the way they conjugate is a lot more straight forward in Portuguese.

If you're looking for a course, the best I found has been the Pimsleur lessons. Not cheap but well worth it. Or just get them for free either from your library or from the torrent sites. [Image: wink.gif]

Doing the above, I went from not speaking a word of portuguese to conversational in 12 months and now, I'm almost fluent. It's a matter of really wanting to learn it and you will learn it. Dont do it just for the girls (even tough they'll be a big reason) I learned it as I love Brasil, the cultulre, the music, the football and now, with the economy booming like crazy, it is an awesome place for biz and or career.

Any questions about Portuguese or Brasil, post them here and I'll do my best to assist as well, time permitting.

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:23 PM)alchemist88 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:21 PM)alchemist88 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2011 04:11 PM)misterstir Wrote:  

1. How long does it take to learn portugese with a decent level of fluency, if your learning on your own
2. Is it better to learn spanish or portugese first and why if you intend to learn both?

I learned portuguese on my first trip to Brazil at one their universities over the summer. A 6week intensive course for about 4-5hrs 5days a week plus living their and thinking/speaking in Portuguese really helped.

I have friends who were studying their for 1 semester or 1year and they said they were pretty damn fluent already which impressed me but my professors even said studying there even for 6weeks living there is more like 1year because your using it more. I can read and make almost everything I read, hearing it back I pick up words here and there but I really need much more practice, at this point I am just basic conversational
a lot of portuguese speakers tell me they can understand spanish and most of what they say but spanish speakers cannot understand the portuguese as well as them

Portuguese language section

I don't really see a Portuguese section of the forum being that busy. A thread would be fine for all Portuguese language queries but there's surely not going to be that many of them that a whole forum is required. I speak a little Brazilian Portuguese but I'm not even close to fluent.

Portuguese language section

I believe that there is no need for one, but 3 languages for gaming. These languages are the de facto player languages - you know them and new doors of pussy and business are open to you.
Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.

Spanish - the whole of Latinas, one of the fastest growing languages in the world, quickly developing into a Business language.
Russian - you speak Russian and EE is yours. Much coveted language in the ex-Soviet countries and the Russian travelers outside their homes give you an extra point if you speak it. Unquestionably a Business language too.
Portuguese - much important cz its the tongue of Brazil than cz of homeland Portugal, imo.

Rather than having 3 separate sections, you can have entire language section re-assigned, with focus on these 3 languages mainly.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Portuguese language section

Quote: (12-30-2011 02:05 AM)Ami5 Wrote:  

I believe that there is no need for one, but 3 languages for gaming. These languages are the de facto player languages - you know them and new doors of pussy and business are open to you.
Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.

Spanish - the whole of Latinas, one of the fastest growing languages in the world, quickly developing into a Business language.
Russian - you speak Russian and EE is yours. Much coveted language in the ex-Soviet countries and the Russian travelers outside their homes give you an extra point if you speak it. Unquestionably a Business language too.
Portuguese - much important cz its the tongue of Brazil than cz of homeland Portugal, imo.

Rather than having 3 separate sections, you can have entire language section re-assigned, with focus on these 3 languages mainly.

You completely exclude asian lovers like myself...

Nevertheless, I'm more than happy to contribute to a portuguese thread, where you guys can be in touch with the local slang from Rio.

Portuguese language section

i can help also.the best way is to only write in portuguese on the thread.it helps to even ask a question in you're target language

Portuguese language section

I can help too.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Portuguese language section

Bem, eu começarei.

Como se disse, "Pardon me, miss. I'd like to speak to you"?

Eu tambem gostaria de saber como a gente flertar e maldizer... como "street Portuguese 101" - o que não se ensina nas escolas.

Portuguese language section

Quote: (01-04-2012 12:35 PM)IntBM Wrote:  

Bem, eu começarei.

Como se disse, "Pardon me, miss. I'd like to speak to you"?

Eu tambem gostaria de saber como a gente flertar e maldizer... como "street Portuguese 101" - o que não se ensina nas escolas.

You're good!

My guess is you know some Spanish, right? (Or you recall from that scene on Vicky Cristina Barcelona ..."¿como se dice?"...).

Como se diz? That's how you say it in Portuguese.

"Pardon me, miss. I'd like to speak to you"

An accurate translation would be:

"Com licença, senhorita, eu gostaria de falar com você"

But may I say, and others might have their opinions on it, that "senhorita" there might seem either too formal or too cheesy, depending of course on the whole tone and vibe you set. If you use a tinge of sarcasm in "senhorita" it might pass, and actually sound cool.

"Olá, com licença... eu gostaria de falar com você" might be better.


"Olá, com licença, posso falar com você?"

(Hi, excuse me, may I talk to you?)

Geez, it's been 5 months since I gamed in Portuguese, want to see what happens when I switch back in a couple of months...

Let's see what others have to say.

Portuguese language section

Not sure if you guys are looking for language links, but this one is good:


Portuguese language section

Quote: (01-04-2012 01:15 PM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2012 12:35 PM)IntBM Wrote:  

Bem, eu começarei.

Como se disse, "Pardon me, miss. I'd like to speak to you"?

Eu tambem gostaria de saber como a gente flertar e maldizer... como "street Portuguese 101" - o que não se ensina nas escolas.

You're good!

My guess is you know some Spanish, right? (Or you recall from that scene on Vicky Cristina Barcelona ..."¿como se dice?"...).

Como se diz? That's how you say it in Portuguese.

"Pardon me, miss. I'd like to speak to you"

An accurate translation would be:

"Com licença, senhorita, eu gostaria de falar com você"

But may I say, and others might have their opinions on it, that "senhorita" there might seem either too formal or too cheesy, depending of course on the whole tone and vibe you set. If you use a tinge of sarcasm in "senhorita" it might pass, and actually sound cool.

"Olá, com licença... eu gostaria de falar com você" might be better.


"Olá, com licença, posso falar com você?"

(Hi, excuse me, may I talk to you?)

Geez, it's been 5 months since I gamed in Portuguese, want to see what happens when I switch back in a couple of months...

Let's see what others have to say.

Amour, do you think that your game skills are suffering in Hawaii because your not using your mother lang. to game women?
Even if you are super confident gaming in english, I feel that you always miss some "timing" to say some funny lines etc..o que você acha?

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Portuguese language section

"Miss, I'd like to talk to you".
Com licença, posso falar com vc?, Porra, this is way too formal IMO dude. LOL

I'd go straight with either of: "Oi gatinha, gostarei te conhecer". Or if you want to be very bold "gatinha, vamos pro motel?" LOL
Or if you want to be extra sweet, say to her "gatinha, quero fazer cafuné com você. or "Gatinha, vamos fazer cafuné?" And watch her laugh and glow. [Image: smile.gif]

One line that I've used with great success in Brasil with Brasileiras (by success I mean it makes the girl laugh and breaks the ice right away is approach a girl and ask her "Excuse me, você fala portugues?" Try it...[Image: wink.gif] But for that, you may need to speak at least some basic portuguese to talk a bit in her tongue otherwise you'd make a fool of yourself.

Portuguese language section

Quote: (01-04-2012 03:33 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Amour, do you think that your game skills are suffering in Hawaii because your not using your mother lang. to game women?
Even if you are super confident gaming in english, I feel that you always miss some "timing" to say some funny lines etc..o que você acha?

Not really man. If I have a good skill is conversation, both English and Portuguese. I learned both languages at the same time when I was young... sem problemas. My timing and sense of humour are intact in both.

O problema do Havaí é O MESMO: as havaianas despirocadas... Elas são simplesmente cruéis, eu vou escrever sobre isso num update do meu Datasheet.

I've since refrained from going for the local girls here, and my success rate just increased. No mystery: Hawaiian girls are trouble AND troubled. But this is for another thread.

Portuguese language section

Quote: (01-04-2012 03:44 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

"Miss, I'd like to talk to you".
Com licença, posso falar com vc?, Porra, this is way too formal IMO dude. LOL

I'd go straight with either of: "Oi gatinha, gostarei te conhecer". Or if you want to be very bold "gatinha, vamos pro motel?" LOL
Or if you want to be extra sweet, say to her "gatinha, quero fazer cafuné com você. or "Gatinha, vamos fazer cafuné?" And watch her laugh and glow. [Image: smile.gif]

One line that I've used with great success in Brasil with Brasileiras (by success I mean it makes the girl laugh and breaks the ice right away is approach a girl and ask her "Excuse me, você fala portugues?" Try it...[Image: wink.gif] But for that, you may need to speak at least some basic portuguese to talk a bit in her tongue otherwise you'd make a fool of yourself.

"Oi gatinha, gostarei te conhecer".

Correction: "Oi gatinha, eu gostaria de te conhecer" , but you can remove the "eu" there.

The thing is... it is how you roll. It depends on your vibe and on your brand of game. I never call a girl "gatinha" because that doesn't suit me.

A "playboy" from Zona Sul in Rio (playboy da zona sul) might approach a girl like this:

'Coé gata' / 'Coé gatinha' and he might be set.

("Coé" is the corruption of the term "qual é", as in "qual foi", "what's up")

One of the lines they use in favelas to approach the ladies (which a friend of mine half-seriously uses on occasion) is:

"Já é ou já era?" (Hard to translate, Carioca slang from Favelas. Loosely something like "take it or leave it")

So you see, it will vary with your style.

I've been a bit off lately with my Portuguese approaches, but an infalible one for me is the very simple:

"Olá!" or "Oi!" with the right body language, tone and intent.

I don't use "Gata" or "Gatinha" because that doesn't fit me. The closest I use might be "bonitinha", which is an in-built "neg" of sorts... because there is a saying that goes "uma bonitinha é uma feia arrumada". So I use it to get the hamster going. Or after I open, I set a cheerful tone and stare the girl from head to toe a with a playful smirk say "Você até que é bonitinha"...*

Just dropping some ideas.

*"Você até que é bonitinha... mas sabe cozinhar?" - A translation from something I read either here or over the blogs that I translated to Portuguese. Not everything that you translate will sound well in Portuguese, some things might sound misplaced or cheesy. This actually sounds funny, so I use it on occasion. On the other hand, something that might sound cheesy for a native Portuguese speaker to say might sound very funny/entertaining/amusing for a gringo to say... like Roosh asking if a venue plays "tecnobrega" for example.

Portuguese language section

@Amour Fou and @GM: Vem ni mim, seu lindo.
Vam; os brincar de nuvem? Eu fico nu e você vem! ahahahahahhahhahahaha

@VP: Vai lavar a boca com sabão agora! senão vou passar pimenta na sua língua! Que boquinha suja! tsc tsc tsc.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Portuguese language section

Quote: (01-05-2012 08:11 AM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

@Amour Fou and @GM: Vem ni mim, seu lindo.
Vam; os brincar de nuvem? Eu fico nu e você vem! ahahahahahhahhahahaha

@VP: Vai lavar a boca com sabão agora! senão vou passar pimenta na sua língua! Que boquinha suja! tsc tsc tsc.


É isso que você ouve por aí ou é isso que você fala para os outros? [Image: icon_surprised.gif]

Não conhecia essa brincadeira da nuvem... vou botar em prática assim que possível!

Very kinky...

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