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Ignorance as a pickup tool

Ignorance as a pickup tool

Over the past two weeks I stumbled upon a method of getting around nearly every test or awkward moment with very little effort. The trick is to act willfully ignorant in a way that makes you look completely innocent whenever you want to indirectly neg them or whenever they try to accuse you of anything. It helps them disconnect from their logical side of their brain and wonder why you are acting so differently.

The power of this dawned on me last thursday. We were out at the bigger of the two clubs in our city, rocking out on the dance floor. Juan brought over his girl and her friends. I was dancing with another girl at the time, so I made a half-hearted introduction. My girl had to go take care of her wasted friend, so I went over to say hi to Juan's girls. They were easy to talk to and eating my humor up. Still, one of the girls looked out of place.

She was a short girl, with big eyes, nice lips, and dark hair falling just below her shoulders. She was just standing there with her drink, like one of the guys on the sidelines. There was something sexy about her shy reservation. "You look bored. There's a lot of guys here who would probably dance with you, I bet I can find one." She looked a little shocked. "What do you mean? I can find a guy too, I just am doing my own thing." I laughed innocently. "I like your friends. They are so much fun. I just wanted to see if I could bring you into our world, don't take offense." She looked confused at this point, so I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. I kept teasing her for having such a rigid posture. She started talking more excitedly, and I began to see her in a new light. Hidden beneath a blank expression and a stern stance, her feminine side was starting to glow. But it wasn't long until the other side reared it's head.

"Hey, can you hold my drink?" I looked at her as if I was confused, eyes a little wide. "Oh, you can't hold your drink? Wait, is there something wrong with your hand?" I gently took her hand to look at it, attempting to appear concerned. It felt cheesy as hell, but she bought it. "No! My hand is fine. I need to adjust my strap!" "You mean this one?" I pulled her strap back up to her shoulder, and stroked her neck as I took my hand away. I teased her for not being able to take care of herself. We danced and talked for a little while longer when another one of my friends came over with his girl.

I don't remember much about the time I met her, but I knew we didn't hit it off well, to say the least. We were smoking in my friends apartment when she started bossing around my friends. I was wasted at the time and was busting her balls the whole time. She would get mad and try to yell at me, and I'd laugh. I was so wasted that even when my friends were telling me to stop I didn't understand and I think I just laughed instead. I felt like a jackass the next day and apologized to my friends. Now that I saw her here, I didn't know if the situation was going to blow up in my face or not. I didn't feel like coming down off of my emotional high, so I just rolled with it.

I went over to her and gave her a huge hug. "HEYYYY!!! Oh my god, you're such a good sport, really." She gave me an incredulous look. "Dude what the fuck. you were making me feel bad." I looked genuinely surprised and laughed. "Seriously? I was wasted, I thought you knew I was joking. Didn't you see me laughing?" Her jaw dropped and morphed into a smile. She punched my arm and let out a kind of astonished laugh. "No way!... Are you serious?... Wait... are you Serious?! Oh my god!" Crisis averted. I thought it was funny when later on in the night when she wanted to introduce one of her friends to me.

I made it back to my girl and we spent the rest of the night dancing and talking, when the lights came on. Closing time. Juan was leaving with his girl and my other friends were going home. She started to walk over to where the rest of her friends were. I tapped her shoulder. "Hey, you looked like you were having fun. I have some margaritas to mix back home. Let's do an afterparty." She looked like she was thinking. "Let's go." I took her hand and we were walking back. On the way back to my apartment she uttered the famous words "We're not going to have sex." I was thinking, yea of course not, you're just walking home to my apartment after we just met at a club. "I never said we were going to have sex."

We had some drinks and worked our way over to the bedroom. As we were making out I took off my shirt and started to take hers off. She raised hell once again. "Hey, we're not having sex!" "Why do you keep thinking about that? You've got such a dirty mind. Just relax." She stiffened up a bit but she came back to making out and it was getting hotter. She didn't say a word again until I rolled the condom on. "I said we're not having sex." "Oh I know, it's just for rubbing." (LOL! I love you roosh for that one). We did.

It wasn't until today when I realized one of the major things that made the night go much more smoothly. Simply by playing an innocent fool, you can disarm most shit tests or resistance. By being acting like you don't understand why they're mad, or paranoid, and acting completely innocent while you game on like a juggernaut, it's hard for them to find a logical reason as to why you're acting so different from what their normal to. It keeps them guessing and forces them to rely more on their emotions, which always works in your favor.

Ignorance as a pickup tool

Yeah it can be interpreted in different ways. A lot of times a lot of dumbasses get hot girls just because they are ignorant or unreactive to others. A lot of times a lot of good-natured party guys get hot girls because nothing is a big deal to them. A lot of times sociopaths get hot girls because their pleasure is the only thing that matters to them. A lot of times rich guys get hot girls because they are focused more on bettering themselves and getting money than what some girl thinks of them.

The common thread that connects all these guys is that they have the ability to remain constant and unfazed even when emotionally, things turn into a shitstorm around them.

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