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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-09-2010, 03:21 PM
Whatever the reason may be, I say let's get those numbers up!
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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-12-2010, 12:26 PM
I like lesbians.
They always say funny shit when they give me head like, "I'm not used to one of these things being down here."
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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-12-2010, 08:06 PM
Ya, I still regret screwing up the bi/lesbian girl I had a shot with when I first started coming here. Live and learn though.
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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-13-2010, 02:56 PM
I cannot open the link here, so maybe I missed some important juice in the article. BUT.....I don't really see actual Lesbian shit it as that cool at all..I say that for the following reasons...*most of you will disagree...
1. Real hardcore Lesbians are disgusting man haters.
- I have yet to see a real Lesbian that was attractive. Long story short I was at a lesbo party (co-worker of a friends wife) all were very ugly except for one, who regardless of trying had nice feminine heterosexual looks. Turns out, she still liked men too (ended up returning back to men and getting triple teamed by dudes a year later) She ended up bieng a head case among other things, but she was not a died in the wool lesbian.
2. I think the whole "let my girl kiss your girl bro" is a played out fad. Its just lame.
- The one thing I do like about that, is that if your girl is really into you and hooks up with another girl at your command, it means you have some strong game. Its showing her willingness and ability to do whatever it takes to please you. That is cool IMO. Chicks sitting around doing each others hair before unabridled finger fuckin' passion simply doesn't happen like in porn hahah.
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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-13-2010, 04:04 PM
I saw it pretty much the same way as you Rocco81. I didn't take it as a good thing. To me it just meant more painful blowouts happening in clubs all across America. You know, the old chick coming out of nowhere screaming "Hands off my girlfriend!!!" right when you started dancing with a girl you just met. It's easy to suss out whether or not a chick has a BF. Knowing whether or not you are going to get assaulted by her lesbian lover is a whole other layer of BS to deal with.
I've talked with some chicks who are either lesbian or bi about this and it seems as though this has nothing to do with whether or not a chick is easier to get along with or more compatible than a man, because according to the girls I've talked to, they are absolutely not. It seems to come down to straight up sex and the fact that all these girls said that sex with another woman is pretty much a guaranteed orgasm. They said they couldn't remember the last time sex with a guy got them off or if they had ever gotten off with a guy. They didn't even mention anything about size, although I'm sure that has a lot to do with it, they mainly just complained that the guys they had been with "couldn't last for more than 3 mins."
When you think about the prevalence of internet porn and shit like viagra, levitra, extendze, ect. ect. its pretty easy to see where they're coming from (no pun intended).
To me, all this game philosophy and how to talk to, where to find chicks yada yada yada is useless if you can't satisfy a woman in the sack.
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Why so many chicks are lesbian... It wasn't just in your head.
04-13-2010, 06:04 PM
Well yes and no JoSea. I think if there is anything with Lesbian relationships, its that they understand and comfort each other more. Its not about the sex. Of course a woman knows a womans body...sure. But that is like saying you know how to give yourself the best handjob. Sure, but does your greatest jerk off = even bad pussy? I think not.
Girls say its stricly for sex re in my opinion doing one of two things.
1. Further trying to emasculate you and the other men she's been with by making excuses about their lack of performance. In fact it could have even been her performance that was bad.
2. More than likely girlst that say that are lying or is an absolute dirtbag. I know when I've banged real easy sluts, I dont make love and take time...I pump and dump. If this girl actually was good enough to keep even the most beta of men around, the sex would get better. With any relationship, the sex can be rocky the first few times, until you get rid of the butterflies and learn what one another likes.