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Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

Met a petite 21 year old blonde on campus on a Wednesday afternoon. 10 minute day game number close, texted her that night.

1st Date - Tuesday 8 PM. Met at a cafe. Went for a short walk and back to my car. Dropped her off at home and kissed her goodnight in the car.

2nd Date - Saturday 9 PM. Met at a pub. Split two pitchers. Bounced her back to my place. Had sex, no LMR. She spent the night. We went out for breakfast the next morning.

3rd Date - Friday 9 PM. Picked her up from home. Drove to another cafe. Brought her back to my place. Watched some TV. She snuggled up on the couch against me and we made out for a bit, but no clothes came off and no sex. She'd only had 3 hours of sleep from working on a school project the night before, and she was working at 9 AM the following morning (legit). Dropped her off at home and kissed her goodnight. Told her I'm out of town this weekend but I want to see her again next week.

Upon arriving home I get the following text:

Her (1:53 AM): Okay so before I forget, I have Monday and Wednesday evening off from work, but I have early. Classes on Tuesday and Thursday
Me (2:08 AM): Wed might be good. I'll see if I'm free and get back to you. now get some sleep!
Her (2:11 AM): Yes, sir

This morning I get the following text.

Her (9:12 AM): Have fun in (city)

Didn't respond.

Did I screw up the third date by not escalating for the bang back at my place? Or does it not matter at this point as I'd already banged her on the second date? I don't want this to set a bad precedent (dates with no sex).

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

I am confused by the timeline. Are you supposed to meet up with her next Wed?

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

Dude you are over thinking this badly. You are fine. She likes you. Girls have plenty of reasons to not have sex. Especially if they like you because they are insecure that they smell or didn't shave or whatever the case may be. Just relax.

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

That's what MidniteSpecial said. She maybe didn't want to come off as slutty or something else. She reached back at you. You are fine.

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

You have her on the hook no problem. Way over analyzing this.

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

Yeah, you're overthinking this. You had sex, she's still been very friendly since then. I'm sure on your 4th date, she will be DTF for you again, don't worry. At any rate, your attitude assume the sale anyway.

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date

Like everyone already said..., Overthinking.

Sex on 2nd Date, No Sex on 3rd Date


She'd only had 3 hours of sleep from working on a school project the night before, and she was working at 9 AM the following morning (legit).

I mean what the hell. I wouldn't want to have sex either if I felt like shit.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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