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Music and getting her back to your place

Music and getting her back to your place

Two questions:

1. What music would you recommend to play when you have a girl over and are in that transition period between her getting comfortable and trying to get with her?

2. I am in college right now and I am having a little trouble with transitioning from dancing/grinding with a girl at a party to having her come back to my room. Should you use the same techniques you would in the "real world" such as mentioning an interest thing you have or going somewhere more quiet? Any timeframe?

Music and getting her back to your place

1. Three singers will surely get things cooking once she is in your pad:
SADE, AYA, and BLUE SIX. The 3 ladies have never failed me from sealing the deal!

2. You are gaming college girls I assume. First off, forget inviting her back to your place untulil you have made out! Kiss, and kiss and make out some more before saying your place or mine. If you are dancing/griding give her a good 30 mins before isolating, and escalating to a kiss.

I've always had direct game work best with college girls.

Read BANG to get specific step by step plays to get the panties of. ROOSH does a great job at this in his book.


Music and getting her back to your place

Yeah, Sade for sure (haven't heard of those other two recs but I will check them out).

Sade has caused more babies to be born than almost anything.

Go with some old soul if you want that "Love TKO" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGT4ca2fxtw

Music and getting her back to your place

Quote: (01-30-2010 09:47 PM)armanid27 Wrote:  

1. Three singers will surely get things cooking once she is in your pad:
SADE, AYA, and BLUE SIX. The 3 ladies have never failed me from sealing the deal!

Awesome picks. I'm huge fan of Aya and Blue Six, and of course Sade. Check out Samantha James and the new one from Stolen Identity to roundout the makeout music.

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