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Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

The weirdest shit happens and it seems to me that girls get turned on by hit.

Tonight I ran into a very hot bartender from another club on her off night. She was with her boyfriend. Last night she was complicit in having me ejected from a club. I called her a "dirty skank" aloud in front of her boyfriend and in front of these other two hotties sitting at the bar conversing with one another. The bf was engrossed in a conversation with another guy & I'm not sure if he even was paying attention. The other two girls, as soon as the heard me call the pretty blonde a 'dirty skank' immediately started twirling their hair.

I opened them and they were very receptive. Don't think I would had that had I NOT called the blonde bartender girl a 'dirty skank.'

Then later on in the night I was sitting with these two girls in a booth at a bar. Then I see this blonde girl I VERY casually know walk past. I yell at her an 'evil whore.' Although she pretends to ignore, the two girls I'm sitting with all of a sudden start flipping their hair. Then they immediately start talking to a chode beta nice guy. The reason I called this girl an 'evil whore' was cause she got me kicked out of another last night (I was rolling on molly, whatcanisay?!)

Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

Hmm, I had a similar experience once with a young bartender, she must have been about 20. When I made eye contact with her and she came over to take my order, I told that I wanted a beer to which she replied "say please". I completely flew off the handle, and started to yell sarcastic remarks about the queen of the beer alter, if she could pretty please with sugar on the top make me a beer. She not only began to laugh and flirt, even though I was actually pissed, but she gave me the beer with a discount, and added my song request next number in the playlist.

Anyway, I would count on that tactic as you could pretty easily come of as an asshole.

Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

Getting mad is almost always the best thing you can do with women who give you shit. I used to be reluctant to do that sort of thing but following my impulses have almost never failed me. Girls touching their hair is one of those comfort building mechanisms, she's basically uncomfortable to be in the presence of a guy who might be high status.

Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

It's not an IOI. If I recall my Body Language 101 it means they're seeking physical attention, i.e. they're horny.

I have used this in bars, if I see a girl playing with her hair I go over immediately and push for kino fast.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Is a girl touching/flicking her hair an IOI?

Yeah-this is Body Language 101 stuff.

If a girl flips her hair while talking to you or looking at you from a distance, she is feeling some attraction to you.

If a girl keeps twisting her hair around her fingers, she is feeling horny. This might be directed a the guy she is talking to or she might be with other girls and just feeling generally horny.

There is loads of info on the web about sexual body language; it's a game fundamental that will repay your study of it many times over

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

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