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Is maintaing Beta Relationships Enabling One-itis?

Is maintaing Beta Relationships Enabling One-itis?

These days I don't spend very much time on facebook because the friends that I do have on my book are those from high school or girls that I met at parties when I used to DJ at clubs. Some of the girls that I met via DJing have turned into LTRs and others I ran pipe game on and got a bang here and there.

The friendships that I made in highschool were before I understood game and, now, when I revisit old friendships, friends try to put me in a beta role out of habit. This tends to lead to friction because behavior that was once acceptable is no longer tolerated. This has led to me ending a lot of old relationships with people I used to consider good friends because, well, lets face it I'm not who I once was.

That being said, I was friends with a number of good looking, influential, girls in high school who I "subconciously" recognized their value, but never knew the steps of how to proceed so I was comfortable just being friends (or so I told myself.) Now that I am more wise, I realize that most of these girls are girls I just wanted to bang, but I now find myself pedestalizing these hoes in the name of "friendship."

What I want to know is this: Is maintaining these relationships (which basically equate to one-itis for girls that I used to know, cue in gotye) a way to subconsciously enable beta behavior, or is there something meaningful to be gleaned from these "beta" relationships? Feel free to respond with experiences, advice, whatever.

Is maintaing Beta Relationships Enabling One-itis?

i don't understand the question. do you ask about how these relationships with girls from back in the day influence you now? if that's the question then i think everything is under your control. IMO the issue of 'my old friends hold me back now, should i ditch them?' is just a silly problem very typical for guys getting better at game. i don't really get it.

if they're you friends and you like them, hang out with them. if they giv eyou shit for meeting girls call them out about being shy/weird but without praching shit or making a big speech about it. if my friend is surprised i talked with a girl i just say "she was cute right?" if my friends freak out a bit when they hear my perspective and see how i am these days i just say casualy that some experiences have changed my point of view etc.

when i reconnected with 3 girl friends from high school i rocked their world. they're destroyed not really by my actual personality but mostly by observing the drastic change of my personality. maybe people assume that the person they met in school will be the same forever i don't know.

as soon as you enjoy hanging out with each other (girls and guys) then it's all good. when it gets weird and uncomfortable for some people then it's the sign to move on and slowly cutting them out.

Is maintaing Beta Relationships Enabling One-itis?

You answered the question better than I could have hoped.

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