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UK University Thread

UK University Thread

I would like to get opinion on the specifics of the UK universities for those familiar, since they are different from US universities - no frats, sports don't seem to be big.

Basically, what are the best ways to get laid? what are the best activities, clubs, societies to do? is it mostly night game/ social circle?

My observations:
  • There are british hotties, but they are mostly middle-upper or upper class. All privately educated. There can be hot poorer girls, but overall they are pretty much terrible.
  • There can be hot foreign students - mostly from EE. A lot of the ethnic groups tend to stick together.
  • Girls don't give a shit about athletes. Exception would be rugby and maybe rowing.
  • People tend to stay in the cliques.
  • It's either social circle game or night game when everyone is shit faced.
Does anyone have any?

UK University Thread

I can relate to this as the university I'm going to is pretty much the same, it is Night game/ Social circle based. I'd add as a corollary that high social status (PR, student represantative etc) trumps pretty much anything with the instant DHV that comes with it: you're known around campus (again, for non sports/frat reasons) = you're gonna get laid

UK University Thread

I made the decision to work on my day/night game independently of college. College is for work/careers. Getting laid is getting laid. In my opinion anyway.

UK University Thread

Quote: (09-22-2012 04:45 AM)Ramon Zarate Wrote:  

I have no idea what is getting people laid at my uni. The highest value guys at my uni who I know are doing well but they're not exactly swimming in pussy. Maybe there are, but I just see guys really getting with girls below what they should be getting, if at all. When you're in London, the upper-middle/upper-class British hotties are not the most accessible outside of classes - a lot of them have a nightlife that consists of flitting from VIP area to VIP area of clubs.

"A lot of ethnic groups tend to stick together" - yep! Sometimes it's out of shyness, but sometimes they just don't want to mix with other types of people at uni. I recommend trying to talk to them anyway, why not, they're human beings as well lol

"People tend to stay in cliques" - welcome to Britain. I'll be leaving in a couple of years.

Anyway, I made the decision to work on my day/night game independently of uni a long time ago. Uni is for work/careers. Getting laid is getting laid. In my opinion anyway.

Interesting. I pretty much share the same outlook about uni - going to focus on work/careers. If you are at LSE/Imperial, I can imagine that the student life is kind of shit.

As for London, I imagine upper-class uni girls are probably already sleeping with mid-late twenties guys from rich families / working in the city. Is this true for London? I am at a small place (think Cambridge/Durham/Warwick), so there is nowhere for hot girls to go, so it's def possible to hook up with them.

My plan is basically to do things that would leave me with transferable skills post-uni:
  • Nightgame
  • Language skills
  • Dancing skills
  • etc
Basically whichever way I think unfavorable dynamics mean that it's best to focus on maximizing pussy in the future by getting good job/getting skills for future success rather than by playing with odds against you. Given how there are plenty of holidays it's best to work hard during terms so that you can travel and play hard during holidays.

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