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last man standing game

last man standing game

Yesterday I was in a position to score with a very nice Hispanic girl, but the problem was that there were eight other guys in the group. It was also 200AM after a very long beer garden event. The whole group was feeding her attention as we waited for the tram. I thought the ratio was abominable.

I decided to run some contrary game. She asked me to take a picture of everybody and I said "No". Then she asked me why. I was like "Is this the first time a man has said 'no' to you?" She asked me why I was so angry. I said "Angry? You mean hungry. Can you feed me?" So she agreed to feed me dinner. Then she asked me for a smoke, and I said "No." We played the "No" game for about ten minutes, and then I asked her how to say "I'm selfish" in her native language.

When the tram showed up I wandered away from the group to the opposite side of the tram, and she ended up dragging me back with the group because she didn't want me to get lost.

I tried running some American style asshole game but ended up getting outgunned by the 32 year old French dude (that's not a joke) and walking home alone.

What should I have done here, fellow rooshers? Have you ever outgamed six or seven dudes while simultaneously having less rapport with the girl than any of them? How do you guys destroy the whole group? Any good lines?

If at all possible, I would have wanted to eject with the girl before we (one girl and nine dudes) bounced to the other bar, because I had no chance outgaming that French guy. How would you guys tackle this situation?

last man standing game

OK: quick update:

The French dude who kept feeding her drinks tried to get into her room last night, but she said he couldn't come in. So I guess nothing came of it? They were practically fingerbanging at the bus station so I thought differently.

I also found out that the girl is bisexual and is living with her girlfriend. I'm kind of upset, guys. Seriously help me out here. Maybe this isn't newbie forum but I'm looking for group destroyer shit.

last man standing game

I usually wouldn't bother. Can't stand being in a dick fight with a whole bunch of thirsty dudes drooling over one girl, the girls ego just sky rockets into the stratosphere.

Anyway I would try play it very aloof. Something like "wow look at all these guys fighting over you, you must be reallllly special. Nice one". Walk away and have a cigarette by yourself leaning against a wall like your cooler than James Dean. She might get intrigued and come over to you, she might not. You'll walk away with your head held high though.

last man standing game

She probably fucked him. Just told you that so she doesnt look like a slut.
When i notice guys beginning to crowd around 1 girl i just bounce. Regardless of your game experience level favorable ratios never can hurt. Sticking around hoping your the last guy standing is a one way trip to a date with pamaela handerson. Reason why is this: Game is based on doing/being different than the rest of the beta chumps. It is beta to wait around for oppotunities to present themselves, make it happen.

In the future roll dolo. Saves you the time and energy. Also extract and or isolate as early and often as you logistically can.

last man standing game

I guess my thing is that the French guy outgamed all of us. How do you outgame the French guy?

last man standing game

When a bunch of guys are gaming one single girl, the secret is to play a totally different game from what these guys are playing. If they are real alphas, you play beta alpha game, if they are betas, you play alpha game. But just avoid acting the same way the whole group is acting, unless she is feeling a lot their vibe, however i would still throw some different game if you look like you are from the same background as the whole group.

I can never forget this day when i banged this indian chick. It was like 15 guys gaming her, i was watching from a far distance every single one of them failing. They were all being very agressive and giving her dirty talk. When they all "clocked" that she wasnt feeling any of them, they started approaching other girls, i acted like i didnt know them and went to talk to her about life in general. After a long converstation, i told her that it wasnt safe for her to be out in the streets at such time and i told her i was going to my house. Asked her if she wants to come to my place and i told her i will treat her like my sister. She was sold..came to my place and bang. I felt so proud of myself that day and i was probably 17 or 18 at the time.

Nudge post is also good.

last man standing game

Quote: (09-20-2012 06:23 PM)pitt Wrote:  

bro you into incest? sick.

j/k, great story and a great line. if she's up for it you know it's on

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