Quote:XXL Wrote:
look up DATING DRAMA in my signature. bare in mind that the delivery of that bullshit is KEY KEY KEY. it's not like you're just giving her excuses looking like a statue (ex: "it's not true she's lying"), no, gotta be commited in what you say and hit on her emotional side. that's the gist of the attitude you can take (or not).
so i'd respond to that cockblock loud enough so that SA chick could hear: "yeah? so you know that we hate each other now, right? i fucking can't take it anymore with her. i'm so emotionally fucked i have no idea what to do with her. and here i am taking to that sweet girl who made me forget about the world for few minutes. am i suppose to be sorry? fuck no! she's so nice. what, i don't deserve to talk to nice people anymore? fuck you! who the fuck you think you are?!
to the girl: i'm sorry for that scene, i enjoyed so much talking to you, you're so nice and cool, i think i could open up to you so easily..
and when that cockblock would told "my GF" what i told her and my GF would come at me i'd add even more bullshit to the mix and make it more crazy... "what? so now you believe some girl who is just fucking jealous that we are so nice couple? can't you see that she will tell you anything to breakus down? how can you not see it it's so obvious. i should just fuck her for 2 minutes and leave her on the floor like a thrash for that, that would teach her a lesson. what a bitch! yeah i was talking to that girl yesterday so what? look, if i saw you with you guy friends somewhere i wouldn't make a scene or anything. do you even trust me at all? blablabla.."
in case of another confrontations, you simply push it farther and farther. it can create so much drama, jealosy plotlines and conspiracy with different girls it's crazy, there's no limit to it. but it has to be delivered in a way to provoke different emotions (jealousy, insecurities, i love you i hate her, i love her i hate you, i can't be with you, i can open up with you, vulnerabilities, etc) so the overall frame is to keep the fairy tail alive and possible. yeah i know..
That's absolutely insane.....and I love it. I think with my current personality, I wouldn't be able to pull it off at this stage. Or at least not yet. Should be good to use in the future though once I get a lot better at game.
Quote:Takahashiryu Wrote:
I'd go with agree & amplify:
"Actually I have 99, and if you're a good girl, you can be the 100th."
Sounds like more along the lines of what I'd say. Sarcasm mixed with playfulness is always a good combination.
Quote:patron Wrote:
Just tell her the truth. Yes, I have a girlfriend. I do it all the time in the DR and most girls don't care. Actually, I haven't had one girl that cared.
This is what I actually did. Once the friend said that I have a girlfriend, I ended up saying that I do. But, I ejected right after the comment just because I didn't know how to keep pushing through without her friend guarding her or the potential of the rest of my girlfriend's friend to try to step in there.
Quote:thedude3737 Wrote:
Lose the girlfriend
Eventually. After the way she had disrespected and emasculated me as a man before we started dating, I'm gonna end up dumping her. I'm still trying to figure out how she crept back into my life after I dumped her ass out of my life the first time around.
Quote:HiFlo Wrote:
This is actually a great fucking AMOG technique. Used it last night kind of accidentally. Last night I saw this guy who stole a girl away from me last week & he was talking to a very pretty blonde. I opened the blonde with "What's your favorite color?" & positioned myself between the girl and guy. Then I twisted her so I shut the guy out of the set.
I then asked her, "How the fuck do you know this dude?" She goes, "I'm his girlfriend." I reply, "no you're not, he's with a different girl every night." She told the guy that I said that and oh man he got pissed & told me, "How you gonna say? ArgghH!!!"
I left the set after that, but came to the conclusion that this is a great technique to add to one's toolbox to AMOG another guy. Another good technique is telling the girl that the other guy gave another girl herpes or another STD.
Ahahaha, the game is vicious man.
Holy fuck, that would be amazing. Just don't be the one caught off-guard like I was. lol
EisenBarde Wrote:
"Her? It's complicated."
Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:
I'd go with this, or maybe "Yeah, I have a whole harem waiting for me."
Once again, I can't figure out why I didn't think of any of this when this happened. Another note taken down.
Quote:Moma Wrote:
He's in Saudi Arabia. I am not sure how to handle that one..some cultures need a certain tweak.
Maybe he can say, yes I have many girlfriends, some cook for me, some help me to massage my shoulders blah blah..
Maybe some of the top tier cats can chime in.
I am guessing when you say South African chick you mean the black one? Or is it the white one? If she is black, she probably has higher interest in you (you are Arabian looking or white) and you can get away with the player impression.
I'm just a regular African-American expat just trying to get some pussy on the side in this crazy ass place. Certain tweak on culture just depends on where a person comes from and how they're raised, from what I believe. Now, if I can bang out a Saudi chick, that'd be great.
Your saying does fit in with the whole thing of being able to have four wives.
Thanks for your input, guys. I'm kind of kicking myself for not really thinking on the spot like I was supposed to. Just another thing I need to be prepared for out in the field. Always another weekend to hunt for some new pussy and get fucked up in Riyadh.