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how to check age?

how to check age?

So I met this girl last year. she told me she was 17 so I thought I should forget it.

I think she should be 18 by now. she also told me she was 18 when we went out tonight. (just k-close)

Just in case, before even making out, I want to check her ID to make sure she is over 18.

how can I do that smoothly?

I don't want this to happen.
'Hey I need to see your ID...'
'why?? we are not having sex!! I gotta go'

how to check age?

when i had suspicions i used to start playfully asking if she's photogenic at all and told her to show her ID picture to judge it myself, then made some distractions to quickly look at the date of birth.

when she was challenged like that and she immedately started showing me her pictures on PC/phone BEFORE i had a chance to ask for her ID then later on i started talking about how silly i look on my ID which lead to having a convo about how people look silly on IDs/passports/etc so then she showed me her as well.

how to check age?

Are you sure it's illegal to have sex with a 17 year old in your jurisdiction?

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

how to check age?

yep, it's 18. It has been more than a year since she told me she was 17. I just want to make sure 110%.

Quote: (09-18-2012 05:55 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Are you sure it's illegal to have sex with a 17 year old in your jurisdiction?

how to check age?

Just tease her about how young she looks and get her to prove her age with her ID. Don't act like you're serious or give the impression her age is an issue -- the key is to be light-hearted and playful with her.

how to check age?

That's one of the reasons that keeps me from traveling or thinking about living in the US.

Her pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola...

how to check age?

You can weed them out by piercings and tattoos. In NJ at least you have to be 18 to get a tattoo.
Under 18 can get pierced with parental consent. Some states are 18 and up for both.

You: "Nice tattoo, who does your ink?"
Her: "Ohh my friend did it in his basement."

Fair Game
You: "Nice tattoo, who does your ink?"
Her: "Ohh this guy _____ that works at _____ INK"

If I suspect they're underage I'll jokingly call them Jailbait and see how they react.
If they stay quiet and get pissed then they're under 18. (guilty conscience)
They usually jump to correct you if they're over 18.

One girl at Shoprite got pissed at me said, "I'm 16 and a half!!" [Image: lol.gif]

Team Nachos

how to check age?

I'd bring up how everyone looks stupid in their drivers licence photos and ask to see hers.

how to check age?

I used to get on the topic of college and ask about SAT's (not scores but in general) and if the chick doesn't know too much about that, then she is probably too young.

Note: Yes, I know one can graduate at age 17 but the fact that if one knows about college-related things, she is at least close as hell.

how to check age?


Do it earlier, "where you from". "Noo wayyyyyy I don't believe you I heard xxxxxxx about xxxx. No way. Let me see."

I do this when I forget her name too.

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