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daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Hello, I am new to gaming, read a lot of posts on roosh and bang/day bang though, I have anxiety especially when girls are in a group or by herself in an open public place especially, I have hard time escalating or takes too long to show signs of interests like compliments and negs. Have seriously time keeping the conversation spontaneous, I hesitate a lot, it comes unnatural and sometimes unclear. The conversation always ends in an awkward silence and can't continue the conservation. I pretty sure my body language and way of speech is pretty uptight and shy. Should I provide interesting stories, open up more? How to get over this anxiety? I think I am afraid being judged negatively, especially I am in a more conservative culture or with people I know.
Maybe I need to the Bang/day bang and just try more.
My logistics and venues maybe suck too, because I usually only approach girls in proximity and happens to be doing same thing.
How will keep the conversation interesting if my foreign language skill or her English skill is limited?

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

in your case, seminar year 1:
- go out
- talk to pretty girls
- learn to lead in general (lead conversations, lead physically, lead emotionally, lead in bed)
- practice talking to people in general to develop conversational skills
- learn from your fuckups and don't take them personally
- take every interaction as far as you can to get reference experiences
- don't beat yourself up about not getting results you want right away, stick to process and taking the right action (and results will come).
- experiment, never commit to one course of action, there is always different angle to try,

all these little things like keeping the conversation spontaneous, hesitating a lot, coming unnatural and unclear will vanish with getting more experience competence and feeling comfortable in your own skin.


daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

How many approaches have you done so far?

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

You only have to think fast and calibrate girls reactions.By daytime approaches the only blocks are the beggars,narcomans and mobile phone calling.Many beggars come and stay next to you stinking with the hope that in order to get them away from the girl you will pay them.Many boyfriends call 100 times a day to be sure their gf does not talk to anyone else.

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Quote: (09-14-2012 04:01 AM)avantgarde Wrote:  

Hello, I am new to gaming, read a lot of posts on roosh and bang/day bang though, I have anxiety especially when girls are in a group or by herself in an open public place especially, I have hard time escalating or takes too long to show signs of interests like compliments and negs. Have seriously time keeping the conversation spontaneous, I hesitate a lot, it comes unnatural and sometimes unclear. The conversation always ends in an awkward silence and can't continue the conservation. I pretty sure my body language and way of speech is pretty uptight and shy. Should I provide interesting stories, open up more? How to get over this anxiety? I think I am afraid being judged negatively, especially I am in a more conservative culture or with people I know.
Maybe I need to the Bang/day bang and just try more.
My logistics and venues maybe suck too, because I usually only approach girls in proximity and happens to be doing same thing.
How will keep the conversation interesting if my foreign language skill or her English skill is limited?

You do not need to provide any stories.Girls do not have time to hear you more than 10 seconds otherwise their attention gets lost and they get bored.You have to spice up the conversation by constant interactiona and stimulation.That is why you need to think fast.
For example yesterday with Russian girl:
HerTonguelease do you know any supermarket close here?
Me:Are you from Russia?
Me[Image: biggrin.gif]o you speak Russian?
Her:Yes.You speak Russian?
Me:A bit.Are you from Moscow?
Me:Beautiful city.Kremlin.
Me:You also have Red Square.How do you call in Russian?
Her:Krasnaa plosad.
Me:Krasnaa plosad.And St. Peterburg must be very beautiful:
Her:Oh,yes.St. Peterburg is very beautiful.
Her:It is super.
Me:Have you been to Akropolis?
Me:Have you been to muzeum?
Her:No.Where is it?
Me:It is close.Do you want to go?
Me:It is the biggest museum here.For sure you have seen sculptures from here.They are world famous.For sure you have nice museums in Moscow too.
Her:Oh,I love museums.
Me:Then I will show you everything.Do you like ancient Greek art?Or do you prefer Roman style?
Her:I like old.
Me:I will show you.Do you also like Greek food?
Her:What is typical Greek food?I like tzatziki.
Me:It is mousaka,meat I do not know name in Russian and fish.Do you like fish?
Her:I like.
Me:I will show you.I like Russian food.
Her:Oh no way you like Russian food.What do you like from Russian food?
Me:I like borsh and vareniki.And piroski.
Her:Good.You should come to Moscow.Visit please.
Me:Of course I will come.It is my dream to visit Moscow.Do you work in Moscow?
Me:I have heard the metro in Moscow is very big.Impressive.
Her:Metro yes.Ohhh.
Me:They have nice paintings there.Russian art super.
Her:Why do you know Russian?
Me:I like it very much.I like how Russian sounds.Very pleasant for the ear.
Her:You speak very good Russian.
Me:Thank you.Do you speak Greek?
Her:No.I know only kalinychta.
Me:Efxaristo is thank you.Kalimera is dobre utro.Parakalo is pazalast.
Me:Bravo.Ti kaneis?is how are you?
Her:Ti kaneis?
Me:Bravo.Say kalimera,ti kaneis?This is dobre utro,kak dela?
Her:Kalimera,ti kaneis?
Me:Kala,efxaristo.It means good,thank you.
Me:Excellent.You have very nice accent.You will learn Greek very fast.
Her:I do not think so.
Me:No.Russia people are very intelligent.You learn Greek very fast.Etc

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Quote: (09-14-2012 07:24 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

How many approaches have you done so far?
Not many, maybe like 10-15 within the last month.

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Something I found helpful was Roosh's suggestion of watching Seinfeld before going out. When i first read it, I thought it was an unnecessary part of the Roosh program, but one day I watched one before heading out and it really helped with my approaching. You might try it just to loosen up your conversation skills.

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Quote: (09-14-2012 06:35 AM)XXL Wrote:  

in your case, seminar year 1:
- go out
- talk to pretty girls
- learn to lead in general (lead conversations, lead physically, lead emotionally, lead in bed)
- practice talking to people in general to develop conversational skills
- learn from your fuckups and don't take them personally
- take every interaction as far as you can to get reference experiences
- don't beat yourself up about not getting results you want right away, stick to process and taking the right action (and results will come).
- experiment, never commit to one course of action, there is always different angle to try,

all these little things like keeping the conversation spontaneous, hesitating a lot, coming unnatural and unclear will vanish with getting more experience competence and feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Listen to this guy.

daytime approaching can't get beyond small talks

Quote: (09-14-2012 04:01 AM)avantgarde Wrote:  

The conversation always ends in an awkward silence and can't continue the conservation.

Silence is only awkward if you make it. Late If I can't think of nothing to say during an awkward moment I will make a facial expression - maybe a sly smile, normal smile, arched eyebrows, playful frown - and just stare at her for a couple seconds. She usually says something.

Either than or tap my fingers on the counter than say some small talk fluff just to get the ball flowing around her, maybe kinda something condenscening to flick some attraction switches on, like, "Are you one of the ones who have traveled a lot, or one of the ones that considers a two hour drive to (nearby city) traveling?" Kinda of neg, kind of not neg. Can always drop a bomb neg too to flip the attraction switch. It's amazing the immediate change in her attraction to you.

For example a couple nights ago I was at this indie/hippie bar. Apparently a lot of the crew road these fucking vintage bicycles to the place. I small talked, chit chatted with this girl for a few moments, than asked if she knew what was up with all the bikes - did she drive one of the bikes here? She responded, she's more into getting form place to place with a car than a bike. I retorted, "I can see that, afterall they don't make training wheels for bikes for big boys and big girls anymore." Then I waited...I waited...I waited. She looked at me in shock and disbelief for a couple seconds, and then it was ON mof!

Took her back to my truck in the parking lot of playing some music I wanted here to see in my truck. Made out for about 45 minutes. Kept giving me this spiel about how she used to have lots of ONSs but now she's doing it all differently. Whatever, I ignored and applied the two steps forward and one step back principle. Kept escalating but after 45 minutes I got a little tired, her mouth tasted like an ashtray and I had a potential meetup with another cuter chick later(which ended up falling through), so I said I'm outta here.

SHe had a friend that texted here every 15 minutes asking where she was. She said just outside in the parking lot and will be back in soon. I believe this friend shit cockblocked me a bit too.

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