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I only game 10s

I only game 10s

Here in Ft. Lauderdale, I noticed that, a lot of guys (myself included) when they say "Oh MY GOD!! That girl is a LEGIT 10" they immediately place her on a pedastal which only ends up fucking their game up.

To try and correct my mindset I decided: I'm ONLY going to game 10s

Obviously, in daily life if I see an 8 or 9 that catches my eye, I'll flirt with them too because to me 8s 9s and 10s are one in the same (i.e. "Hot") but now (in my head,) when I see a 10 I'm unfazed by her because ... ... she's what I'm looking for.

I think has to do w/ congruency related to niche specific seductions: When I shoot, I shoot to kill.

What do you guys think?

I only game 10s

[Image: troll.gif]

I only game 10s

I only eat a Michelin rated restaurants after bench pressing 405 pounds before then fucking my two Russian supermodel girlfriends (who always pay) with my 12" cock.

But that's just me and I realize other guys may have a different approach to the game.

I only game 10s

What ever happened to the boner test.

I only game 10s

There is no such thing as a 10 so i dont know who you are gaming...trolling game maybe?

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-07-2012 12:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I only eat a Michelin rated restaurants after bench pressing 405 pounds before then fucking my two Russian supermodel girlfriends (who always pay) with my 12" cock.

But that's just me and I realize other guys may have a different approach to the game.

Yeah but I bet those are Michelin ONE star restaurants.

*I* on the other hand, only eat at Michelin THREE star restaurants after bench pressing 450 WITH MY 13" COCK and then fuck Mother Theresa's corpse while Salma Hayek fingers herself in the corner.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



I only game 10s

You only game [Image: troll.gif] s

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-07-2012 12:43 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2012 12:40 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I only eat a Michelin rated restaurants after bench pressing 405 pounds before then fucking my two Russian supermodel girlfriends (who always pay) with my 12" cock.

But that's just me and I realize other guys may have a different approach to the game.

Yeah but I bet those are Michelin ONE star restaurants.

*I* on the other hand, only eat at Michelin THREE star restaurants after bench pressing 450 WITH MY 13" COCK and then fuck Mother Theresa's corpse while Salma Hayek fingers herself in the corner.

That is pretty good.

Now, look, I'm not judging you. So don't take this the wrong way.


After I bang my two Russian supermodel girlfriends, I act out the Irreversible tunnel scene with Monica Bellucci.

At my villa in the south of France.

I only game 10s

What a tool...

This post is surely worthy of entering in the RVF meme hall of fame[Image: lol.gif]

For your consideration:

[Image: 24173802r.jpg]

[Image: theuglyindianmanbybuang.jpg]

[Image: ksmh.jpg]

[Image: 1156449300.jpg]

[Image: 11997.jpg]

Tuthomosis, where are ya...

I only game 10s

^^^ I think you got the meme's covered in Tuth's absence. I laughed.

I only game 10s

[Image: attachment.jpg7671]   

I didn't realize there were so many guys on this forum with such amateur-level game. Maybe the whole forum should be banished to the Newbie Forum, while I get to inhabit the other three areas.

This is how my typical morning goes. I've talked about this before (but only in brief):

1. I awaken gently to my live string-quartet alarm clock, which is strictly instructed to play high-Baroque repertoire crescendoing from the most delicate of pianissimos, so as to not startle me awake. If I'm not ready to wake up, I reach out and touch the top of the cellist's head, which means snooze. He signals the rest of the musicians to be silent, for exactly 10 minutes, monitored on the 16th-century grandfather clock directly across from him.

2. When I finally do awake, I do so with raging morning wood, since I eat like a pound of zinc a day. I select one of the models on either side of me to gently morning-bang, and shove the other one off of my Louis XIV four-post bed. She slams on the antique parquet floor. I don't do threesomes in the morning, and likely spent most of the previous night skewering the two of them--and a friend of theirs or two--on my 14-inch cock, like kabob. I am but one man, for the love of god.

[Image: attachment.jpg7672]   

3. The (often Eastern European) chick who's been (pronounced "bean") pushed off knows that's her signal to go prepare my Kopi Lawak coffee, and bring me my burled-walnut laptop for me to read "my morning Rooshes." I refuse to leave the bed without having had all the thread titles read to me, at least.

4. Since I live in a rather palatial home, that retrieval process takes long enough for me to complete my morning bang. The girl cleans me up and takes off to fetch my breakfast--one hard-boiled egg, three fingers' worth of Ugli fruit juice, and 9 raw cashews. Meanwhile, my laptop is brought to me. I select a reader for the day, from among my retinue of attendants, and clap my hands twice, for privacy. "Leave us." My selection depends on which hot-girl accent I feel like hearing that day.

5. My reader goes thread by thread. She reads: "Loiterers in my Front Yard, by Mechanico." I instruct, often dismissively: "Pass!" (pronounced "paws"). When one does strike my fancy, I instruct her to open it and "read the OP." I then give detailed instructions, in my fancy voice, "plus-one that, and be smart about it!" If I happen to let out a laugh, she is trained to automatically reply with a [Image: lol.gif].

6. Once that's done, I'm ready to start my day. I attend to my day's affairs with industry, so that I can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh in the evening. I'm bathed and escorted to my study. In the afternoons, I enjoy some recreation--which usually involves a long horse ride, a sword fight, or some other diversion.

7. Sometimes, I have to deal with chicks who "bring drama," but I dispense with them quickly, so I can service more of the abundant 11s who start to line up outside my home midday to take one the rotating spots on either side of my bed for that night.

8. I retire to bed, having selected my two models for the night, and repeat the process again (pronounced "a-gayne"). The girls are instructed by my handlers in the procedure above.

Needless to say, I've left out some of the more sumptuous details of my decadent lifestyle, since I don't want to come across like a Big Baller Troll or anything.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

I only game 10s

This thread is getting better and better :-)

I only game 10s

Haha well played ^^

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



I only game 10s

God Tuthmosis is great.

What I think this guy was trying to say was that it's good for your game to raise your standards.

I only game 10s

This guy is not gonna make it to 10 posts.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

I only game 10s


I only game 10s

Quote: (09-07-2012 10:43 AM)PJ25 Wrote:  

Here in Ft. Lauderdale, I noticed that, a lot of guys (myself included) when they say "Oh MY GOD!! That girl is a LEGIT 10" they immediately place her on a pedastal which only ends up fucking their game up.

To try and correct my mindset I decided: I'm ONLY going to game 10s

Obviously, in daily life if I see an 8 or 9 that catches my eye, I'll flirt with them too because to me 8s 9s and 10s are one in the same (i.e. "Hot") but now (in my head,) when I see a 10 I'm unfazed by her because ... ... she's what I'm looking for.

I think has to do w/ congruency related to niche specific seductions: When I shoot, I shoot to kill.

What do you guys think?

[Image: 1286848174211.jpg]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

I only game 10s

Nothing to prove, nothing to lose.

Quote: (09-08-2012 01:55 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

God Tuthmosis is great.

What I think this guy was trying to say was that it's good for your game to raise your standards.

That was the gist of what I was getting at. I posted this in the newbie forum because compared to most of the guys out there, I consider myself a newbie. I've been in the game for four years, but I'm only 20 (started college at 16). It was a moment of ah-ha for myself and I tried to share what I could with my peers (the newbies.) I realize it came across as preachy, hell y'all memes are funny as hell I'm glad I was able to inspire such raucousness, but my intention really was to get some feedback. I noticed that this forum has a wealth of knowledge and a lot of (how you say) "good players" and I thought it would be a strong place to receive feedback.

Quote: (09-07-2012 12:42 PM)kosko Wrote:  

What ever happened to the boner test.
It depends on what you're in the game for in my opinion.
In my opinion, the boner test is a poor metric for finding quality females to bang. Today I was leaving chick-fil-a and I ran into a stripper, and I would have definitely banged her, but I spoke w/ my mentor (older OG cousin) and he explained to me in a way my beta ass could understand, my stock might have fell a couple points by even fucking around w/ her.

The essence of my post was stop calling girls 10s because when you do that you put the pussy on the pedestal. A bitch is a bitch is a bitch.

I only game 10s

Tuth, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only non-amateur on this forum.

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging here, but if I don’t; half the forum might have an aneurysm.

That being said, I'll recap yesterday for you (which more or less follows a typical Saturday for me).

After waking up on my custom-made mattress, I go through my morning exercise and hygiene routine (which I've recorded below, so I don't get accused of not busting out a data sheet).

During a sensible breakfast prepared for me by dueling five-star chefs, I get a call from my broker informing me that I had another perfect week (that makes 15 in a row) with my commodities futures, resulting in a 7-figure week...not terrible.

By this point you’re probably asking yourself where are all my bishes at? Fair enough, I kicked out last night's fresh Vicky, Christian, Barcelona (all Moroccan and all 10s of course, for a +3 notch count, +7 for the day, but who counts) last night...I need my mattress all to myself.

After breakfast, I sift through the morning's mail (yeah I know the post office doesn't deliver on Saturday’s any more, but they make an exception for me): An invitation to "hand-pick" the models for the upcoming Paris fashion week, personal letters from Romney and Obama asking for my support and advice (the last three candidates I backed won by a minimum of 20 points), a note (written in code) informing me that my latest overseas heist has gone according to plan, and some dude named Roosh V asking if I'll write the forward for his new book "Bang Africa."

It's 10:33am and there's a knock on my door, it's Ozwald Boateng (he's always late). After apologizing, something about "bad weather over the Atlantic" it's okay though, he's hand-delivered my latest set of new custom suits I commissioned from him (pro bono of course).

After he leaves, I pick the finest of them and carefully place the others into one of my four walk-in closets filled with custom suits. Matching it with appropriate shirt and pocket square by Brioni, I head out for the day. Out on the street I am propositioned by every passing 7, 8, and 9 (I turn them all down of course because I only date 10s). Finally after four blocks, a 10, Ukrainian model walks by and I accept her offer, however, we are some distance from my penthouse apartment, so I make a phone call. A few minutes later, my driver finally shows up and I swoop her in the back while my driver grabs a cup of coffee. After we are done she tries to give me her phone number, but I just laugh as I kick her out on the curb, half dressed.

First new notch at 11:39am (damn, I must be getting rusty).

Anyway, I need to wrap this up (I told GManifesto that I'd finally meet him, just to shut him up about asking what I look like, I swear he can be so needy sometimes).

Needless to say I ended up the rest of the day with another eight new notches (all 10s of course), +9 for the day. All-in-all a typical lazy Saturday.


Here are my meme efforts:

[Image: threesomes.jpg]

[Image: memevi.jpg]

I only game 10s

You guys are really getting me good, but I'm just going to chalk it up to hazing. I gave it more thought its hard for me to explain, but I think what I was trying to say is that the girls who intimidate me those are the girls I should be gaming. I don't really want to touch the 10 thing bc its heavily subjective (there's a forum thread > 100 posts) long, but the girls that intimidate me (I.e. my version of a 10), that's the ONLY girl I game for. Granted its just an ideal, but that was mindset I thought would help me reach my next level. Does that make sense?

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-09-2012 05:18 AM)PJ25 Wrote:  

the girls that intimidate me (I.e. my version of a 10), that's the ONLY girl I game for.

As a temporary measure to stop yourself from getting psyched out, sounds good.
Giovonny has a nice thread on conquering your fears here:


In the long run, you'll want to widen your net.

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-09-2012 05:18 AM)PJ25 Wrote:  

You guys are really getting me good, but I'm just going to chalk it up to hazing. I gave it more thought its hard for me to explain, but I think what I was trying to say is that the girls who intimidate me those are the girls I should be gaming. I don't really want to touch the 10 thing bc its heavily subjective (there's a forum thread > 100 posts) long, but the girls that intimidate me (I.e. my version of a 10), that's the ONLY girl I game for. Granted its just an ideal, but that was mindset I thought would help me reach my next level. Does that make sense?

Dude, don't beat about the bush and backtrack for these RVFers hunting rabbits and squirrels - I'm doing exactly the same thing as you, only gaming 10s. Me and you are hunting the big game bro - we need our own subforum because these other dudes just don't get it. It's 10s or die trying.

Its done wonders for my inner game now that I only approach the creme de la creme. Fu** those skanky 8s and 9s fu****g with my alpha mojo, they just get in the way of identifying the 10s.

And the great thing since I've discovered since deciding to only game 10s is that I suddenly find I have way more time for everything else in my life outside of game.

In fact I can't remember the last time I approached, so I feel like a champ, absolutely 0 rejections this year so I'm out batting Roosh himself (that dude's an amateur, doesn't have a clue, publically admits to banging 7s and 8s on his forum, I feel like barfing just writing this). Since switching to 10s I feel like an alpha mofo stud inside so when I do see a 10, that bitch better be ready because I'm gonna hit fast, I'm gonna hit hard, and I'm gonna be spitting hardcore game left right and center like the 10banging mofo cobra I am.

Saw this skank walking down Hollywood boulevard the this morning, she tried to make eye contact with me at 50 metres (I have developed eyes like an eagle for spotting the 10s amidst all the dross out there), I muttered "you gotta be kiddin me" under my breath and crossed over to the other sidewalk.

[Image: alexeg.jpg]

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-07-2012 10:43 AM)PJ25 Wrote:  

Here in Ft. Lauderdale, I noticed that, a lot of guys (myself included) when they say "Oh MY GOD!! That girl is a LEGIT 10" they immediately place her on a pedastal which only ends up fucking their game up.

To try and correct my mindset I decided: I'm ONLY going to game 10s

Obviously, in daily life if I see an 8 or 9 that catches my eye, I'll flirt with them too because to me 8s 9s and 10s are one in the same (i.e. "Hot") but now (in my head,) when I see a 10 I'm unfazed by her because ... ... she's what I'm looking for.

I think has to do w/ congruency related to niche specific seductions: When I shoot, I shoot to kill.

What do you guys think?

I spoke to a comedian about this a few years ago!

He was working with my brother for a few weeks. He used to be a rock singer. He had an album out. Then, he was a dj at a strip club, and he also djs at events in the music industry, and he does video work in the music industry. I think he toured with the Rolling Stones for a little while as a filmmaker.

He told me he only approaches 10s. He said he has been around so many 10s that he is desensitized to them. He has had groupies, he is around alot of strippers and porn stars, he really doesn't give a fuck and I have seen him in action.

Again, he basically said he is desensitized to being rejected by 10s. He is constantly surrounded by new ones and he is almost always in a high status position. His game is somewhat direct and macho but still clever and with good understanding of what women react to.

He gets shot down all the time. He doesn't care. He does get some hotties, and strippers, and music industry groupies, etc. He hangs around places where there will always be new 10s.

He is really sort of a genius in my opinion, he is always getting more attention, fame, and status, he is always putting himself in fishbowls with beautiful women who will recognize his status. He is good on social media. He only approaches the hottest women. He has found a way to make it work!

This guy is an example of working on fame instead of game. He really makes it seem like fame is more important. He does a great job of converting that fame into pussy. It's not by coincidence, he knows what he's doing.

This is him. Remember that he has been a rock singer, a strip club dj, a filmmaker, an actor, a music industry promoter, etc.

He is really just a hustler, of money, fame, and pussy.

Believe it or not, this guy used to be a pretty good looking guy. He parties really hard.

He is now a comedian.

I'm gonna tell the op from this thread to study this guy:

Intermediate player - how go I get to the 'next' level?

This comedian/actor knows how to go from "intermediate" to "next level"

I only game 10s

Quote: (09-09-2012 11:51 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2012 05:18 AM)PJ25 Wrote:  

You guys are really getting me good, but I'm just going to chalk it up to hazing. I gave it more thought its hard for me to explain, but I think what I was trying to say is that the girls who intimidate me those are the girls I should be gaming. I don't really want to touch the 10 thing bc its heavily subjective (there's a forum thread > 100 posts) long, but the girls that intimidate me (I.e. my version of a 10), that's the ONLY girl I game for. Granted its just an ideal, but that was mindset I thought would help me reach my next level. Does that make sense?

It's 10s or die trying.

Its done wonders for my inner game

The comedian above talked about similar things. I agree. Gaming hot women forces you to learn faster and it creates confidence faster. Beauty is power.


Your thinking makes plenty of sense. You want 10s, so game 10s! Please let us know how it goes.

I also want 10s but in order to get laid I often have to lower my standards a few points.

I'm sure you will also game 7s, 8s, and 9s but I understand your mindset and I think its a good idea for a young dude. You will learn alot and likely adjust your attitude over time.

I only game 10s

seems like nobody understood the OP, he's saying he gams HIS IDEAL TYPES and that may wary personality/looks wise. it's good attitude. unless he's troll

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