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muslim girl
09-03-2012, 05:52 AM
hi, I got this muslim girl in my class who is really interested, she has invited me out to a concert / messages me to meet her out at clubs. ive invited her to do a tennis lesson (transition from only seeing her at uni to somewhere else) but she couldn't do it, i kinda didn't give her enough time. she always suggesting to do stuff
problem is she doesn't drink or eat meat
what am I ment to do to get into her pants take her for a drink and she drinks soda?
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muslim girl
09-03-2012, 09:24 AM
She goes out to clubs, so probably not extremely religious...are you sure she doesn't drink?
I don't think her not drinking really changes anything anyway. Just go for it. Be aggressive. Make the interactions have sexual tension. See how she responds.
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muslim girl
09-04-2012, 08:48 AM
she invited me to this ball afters at a club so im going to go there and just escalate asap
I do have good logistics I just think alcohol on a date helps alot and going for a 'drink' when she doesn't drink is weird
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muslim girl
09-27-2012, 10:12 PM
ended up getting this girl was pretty nuts really because she was a muslim with rules
a) no sex before marriage
b) no alcohol
after being over at her place I said I wouldn't continue with her because of that
then 2 days later she calls and said she wants to break her rule
next problem is she is scared of touching my dick... not because I have an alien dick or anything shes actually scared to do it
never going to get a blowjob from this girl
any tips?
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muslim girl
09-27-2012, 10:21 PM
Push for it the same way you do a normal lizard. Keep the booze and the pork away from her (but give her the pork sword).
I had a Somalian lizard at mine about two years ago, I couldn't get her loose with booze (cos she was Muslim) but everything else is pretty much go.
Just escalate the same way, move in closer, go for the kiss and all that other shyt.
It's no different, you know she is DTF since she told you so just take your time and read some of the game blogs and the Roosh books to know how to keep pushing and getting past LTR.
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muslim girl
09-27-2012, 10:47 PM
Get her in a room with you. Make out with her. Run your hands over her body. Play with her pussy. Get her turned on. As she's moaning, pull your dick out and have her grab it. Get creative...
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