Guys, you're both on point, I think all your points are a given, I just didn't realize to the extent that would be the case,
i've gone ahead and created a mini updated data sheet, since the other 2 are from as far back as 2012 and are ranting and raving about Manaus girls chasing guys in the street LOL, probably a bit outdated.
Here you go:
about your comments i think there was a gringo factor, definitely in 2013, when i had planned to study in rio, that fell off a cliff,
In terms of the alpha-male factor, good body, i agree, but i've struggled to be alpha-male in Manaus, there is feminism and entitlement which are counter-productive to being alpha. The girls tell you they want dinner, to send them an uber, they decide if they want sex with you, you pay for everything and even with those extensive requirements, 80% will flake on you before hand. I understand now that that is somewhat normal in Brazil, but it is very different in the U.S. or Europe, or even in Colombia the girls are a lot more respectful and let the guy take the lead in most cases, I don't think most Americans are built for Brazil, or the direct friend-or-fuck Manaus, it's the future of relationships obviously , the U.S. is behind!
I should be happy with my results I know, but it's been fairly illogical so far, 4 out of 5 girls minimum have flaked, after weeks of talking and video calls and many had proactively reached out to me, in fact the very best connections i developed rarely resulted in a bang, the bangs with 8's and 9's were often by complete chance, the girl happened to be drunk and in my sector when i hit her up....whereas in Medellin I'd go out and day game all day for days, get 20 numbers and then finish a week with a few high quality notches... i just feel like my "game" hasn't resulted in any benefit as of yet,
Overall it hasn't been as satisfying as I would have expected, and when I bang an 8 or hotter I know I will never see her again, which is also strange to me, if a girl is that hot i'd like to bang her more than once
in any case, feel free to chime in on this updated thread
I've written about a lot of my experiences in detail there