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Manaus Datasheet 2012

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Awesome data sheet Mr Remi! (Francais? Bienvenue! [Image: smile.gif] ). Well deserved +1!
How was safety? Did you encounter any safety issue while there? Especially walking at night?

Did you swim in Amazon? That's one thing that both fascinates me and scares me!

Manaus Datasheet 2012

I am back in Manaus as usual. Cuiaba sucked and is probably my least favorite city in Brazil. Will write about the city later. Manaus always delivers. I was sleeping from a long flight and drinking, when a 23 year old rang the buzzer of my apartment. She tracked me down somehow and even in my weakened state I managed to bang her. In 2 hours I am going to Amazonas shopping to see an 18 year old. This is still my favorite city in Brazil.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Quote: (06-23-2016 11:15 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I am back in Manaus as usual. Cuiaba sucked and is probably my least favorite city in Brazil. Will write about the city later. Manaus always delivers. I was sleeping from a long flight and drinking, when a 23 year old rang the buzzer of my apartment. She tracked me down somehow and even in my weakened state I managed to bang her. In 2 hours I am going to Amazonas shopping to see an 18 year old. This is still my favorite city in Brazil.

how are prices considering the olympics coming up? more foreigners than usual?

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Quote: (06-25-2016 04:02 AM)Tenerife Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2016 11:15 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I am back in Manaus as usual. Cuiaba sucked and is probably my least favorite city in Brazil. Will write about the city later. Manaus always delivers. I was sleeping from a long flight and drinking, when a 23 year old rang the buzzer of my apartment. She tracked me down somehow and even in my weakened state I managed to bang her. In 2 hours I am going to Amazonas shopping to see an 18 year old. This is still my favorite city in Brazil.

how are prices considering the olympics coming up? more foreigners than usual?

He makes useful posts about relationship tendencies in different Latin American societies, etc. Forget about actual venues, neighborhoods, and logistics if you want that info...

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Hey guys,

What about a 10-day visit or so in Manaus, is there enough to do? And any tips on doing some rainforest visits? Where to go, agencies etc?


Manaus Datasheet 2012


What was the salary for an ESL teacher in Manaus? Was there a lot of work for english teachers there?

My qualifications:
Masters TESOL
Teaching license in my home state

Thanks in advance

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Quote: (11-13-2018 03:52 PM)TeachNExplore Wrote:  


What was the salary for an ESL teacher in Manaus? Was there a lot of work for english teachers there?

My qualifications:
Masters TESOL
Teaching license in my home state

Thanks in advance

You are overqualified to teach in Manaus, or at least for the school where I worked. PM for more details.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

I registered my account today. When I get PM privileges, I will reach out to you. Thanks in advance Bacchus.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Hello, I'm going to Manaus for 1 week during the Carnaval, anyone have any recommendations of places or events to go during that period?

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Excellent day and thank you to all who shared before on Manaus. I'm here right now so any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer.

Additionally, I'll be here about 3 months, so any cool individuals feel free to PM me as most girls at night are in groups, so it'll make everything even easier. And always great to hang out with cool people.


Manaus Datasheet 2012

How is the internet there these days? How are levels of English?

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Hi guys, I am in Manaus for 2.5 months, if anyone is here and wants to go day game, or night game, or as well go for that jungle tour and all, hit me up, I speak pretty good Portuguese, have lived in Rio and some in Sao Paulo & Belo Horizonte.

Staying in Vieiralves by Salome bar,


Manaus Datasheet 2012

Has anybody been there without Portuguese language skills? Do girls speak English or Spanish there?

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Hi guys,

I’m arriving in Manaus this Sunday, April 14.

Taking a business class from Medellin with a quick stop in Panamá just when Semana Santa kicks off here in Colombia.

Have a few interesting leads in the pipeline although their initial excitement seems to fade off after a short while. I am not sure if it’s the time or the distance or my texting skills. We’ll see.

It’s my first time there and from what I see the logistics and accommodation in Manaus suck big time, so probably will have to move around the city a bit before finding a right place. Any advice on the best possible location will be much apreciared. For me that means walkable to malls and restaurants and where I can hang out on the street enjoyably and without much concern for security. And ideally where I can approach as well (think Ayala mall in Cebu). Not sure it will be possible in Manaus though.

I had decent portugués a few years ago although much of it was forgotten. I’m catching up now so communication with woman won’t be an issue. Used to get laid with zero Portuguese in the past.

Besides main cities in Brazil I’ve been to the relatively remote parts and it was unforgettable time. It was the only place in the world where decent looking woman opened me or chased me on the streets in recent years besides Cebu. On my online dates they usually could hold themselves for 15-20 minutes before starting to touch me and about a half of the girls offered me to go to my place on the first date. So woman wise my expectations are high. But this time I’m going deeper so I’m not sure if I can handle the city long enough. I’m committing for two weeks but I have another 2-3 weeks available if I like it.

The plan is to be working 70% of the time and to have a couple of manuaras off tinder in rotation but also I’m keen to see how much of an effect the white god factor will produce on the ground. Night game is not a priority but if I stay longer and find a wing I will be happy to check it out.

I’m in mid 30s, not tall, European looking.

Anyone in this location feel free to send me a PM.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Already told this in the forum: Manaus is probably the easiest place in the planet to get laid. Random girls opening and chasing guys in the streets is not uncommon, and after a few minutes of interaction you may go straight for the bang (if logistics helps, of course). They are VERY straightforward regarding sex, like a unwritten rule that girls are supposed to fuck whenever have the opportunity.

I don´t suggest pipelining too early before the trip because it´s not necessary and you may lose momentum. Actually, online gaming is probably not necessary at all. Day gaming in malls, shops or even in the streets and night gaming in bars and clubs (mainly “forró” clubs) is more than enough.

You don´t have to be tall in western standards, because the indigenous population is very short in average. Just being European looking is a huge bonus, expect lots of eye fucks. The only downside of Manaus´ girls is that they´re ugly in my opinion, very hard to see anyone above 7, and very different from the hot Latina or hot Brazilian stereotype. They look much more like Peruvians or Ecuadorians.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

i'm in Manaus now, until mid May, hit me up, if anyone is here,

i will tell you one thing, it is not the same way it must have been many years ago or as people purport on this forum, gringo value has eroded heavily and you will find it very hard to get girls to come out, i'd say 95% of your leads on Tinder you will never meet, you will get super excited, you'll talk with them, and make plans, and then they just won't show up....and they could give a crap less if you're a foreigner. In fact they will treat you horribly for it....

In fact it seems the exact opposite of the way people report here, i found it way easier to bang a 9 in Medellin than to even get a 7.5 to come out to a date in Manaus... girls use social media to bang and cheat on their boyfriends day in and day out, it's a messed up culture...from what i was told this use of social media has screwed up brasil completely, b/c of the liberal sexual culture, girls just pick off to have sex with the hottest guys they want on instagram every few days, the brazilian guys always take them to dinner or going out, so they have no need to "date" or have relationships or go out with a foreigner unless he has light skin and light eyes, they value that,

that being said if you are willing to learn portuguese and day game and night game heavily and adapt your game you can kill it, you will need to hit up the girls who don't use social media...there are some amazing night game places but they will require portuguese...no one speaks english and some girls are lazy, they won't try to understand you're accent even if you speak portuguese.... I struggled heavly my first month to understand the culture and dealing with the frustration of having some 20 very interested girls just not show up on dates after i spoke with them for a week, did video calls and all, but literally the past few days i started understanding and doing things that worked.. i had to experiment and adapt my game and develop my own strategies.. wasn't expecting to have to do that...

in terms of where to stay, Vieralves, it's central, there are various airbnb's in Hotel Express or my building next door and you can walk to most things or take a 5 minute uber, don't stay in ponta negra, you'll be a bit isolated and when you uber girls to your place it will end up costing 10 dollars each way, you can stay by Amazonas or Manaura as well but those will be if you want to day game only, because your apartment will be at least 2 to 3 large blocks from the shopping mall, and those will be sweaty walks where you can lose bangs on the way

if you want to day game or night game i know all the spots, so just hit me up, i'm in miami now but will be back next thursday

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Quote: (04-12-2019 10:32 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

i'm in Manaus now, until mid May, hit me up, if anyone is here,

i will tell you one thing, it is not the same way it must have been many years ago or as people purport on this forum, gringo value has eroded heavily and you will find it very hard to get girls to come out, i'd say 95% of your leads on Tinder you will never meet, you will get super excited, you'll talk with them, and make plans, and then they just won't show up....and they could give a crap less if you're a foreigner. In fact they will treat you horribly for it....

In fact it seems the exact opposite of the way people report here, i found it way easier to bang a 9 in Medellin than to even get a 7.5 to come out to a date in Manaus... girls use social media to bang and cheat on their boyfriends day in and day out, it's a messed up culture...from what i was told this use of social media has screwed up brasil completely, b/c of the liberal sexual culture, girls just pick off to have sex with the hottest guys they want on instagram every few days, the brazilian guys always take them to dinner or going out, so they have no need to "date" or have relationships or go out with a foreigner unless he has light skin and light eyes, they value that,

that being said if you are willing to learn portuguese and day game and night game heavily and adapt your game you can kill it, you will need to hit up the girls who don't use social media...there are some amazing night game places but they will require portuguese...no one speaks english and some girls are lazy, they won't try to understand you're accent even if you speak portuguese.... I struggled heavly my first month to understand the culture and dealing with the frustration of having some 20 very interested girls just not show up on dates after i spoke with them for a week, did video calls and all, but literally the past few days i started understanding and doing things that worked.. i had to experiment and adapt my game and develop my own strategies.. wasn't expecting to have to do that...

in terms of where to stay, Vieralves, it's central, there are various airbnb's in Hotel Express or my building next door and you can walk to most things or take a 5 minute uber, don't stay in ponta negra, you'll be a bit isolated and when you uber girls to your place it will end up costing 10 dollars each way, you can stay by Amazonas or Manaura as well but those will be if you want to day game only, because your apartment will be at least 2 to 3 large blocks from the shopping mall, and those will be sweaty walks where you can lose bangs on the way

if you want to day game or night game i know all the spots, so just hit me up, i'm in miami now but will be back next thursday

Wow, very different from my impressions. I must admit I haven´t been to Manaus in the last few years, but never crossed my mind it could be that bad nowadays. Perhaps my experiences were totally different because I was never into online gaming, am used to game Brazilian girls and am a native Portuguese speaker (forgot to mention that this is actually important)...

Manaus Datasheet 2012

IMO the key difference is the erosion of gringo value. Brazilians get worldlier every year, because of globalisation, international events hosted in the country, social media, cheap flights, tourists, and other factors. I think being a foreigner is still a plus in some situations, but the lack of Portuguese and cultural distance can easily outweigh that value.

Still, northern Brazil is probably the region where foreigners get the highest gringo effect.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

hmm, i PM'd you.. a few years is a long period of time.. yah man i think it has changed

i speak portuguese fluently enough to hit on girls... when i had originally planned to go to Brazil in 2013 i was getting some 30 hot girls from Rio and Sao Paulo messaging me every day to go out...online.... now when i went to Rio this time, i got almost 0 attention, during a 1 month period.. in fact most girls would barely give me the attention to allow me to game them...
it's also become very segregated racially...i don't understand why...seems to be going backward....so I think social media, /online dating, has really changed things.... same is happening in Dominican republic, even last year it was like shooting fish in a barrel, now you can pass 2 weeks there and just land a few bangs, and a lot of girls will ask you for money

same thing happened in colombia to me as well recently...
basically from what i can tell, you have to day game in almost all of these popular S.A. or latin countries these days... social media has screwed everything and exposed these girls' true value... and in brasil it's even worse b/c they don't have the same moral standards as we have in the U.S. or Europe so they are very likely to bang a guy on Instagram... that's their online dating...so you better be super good looking, it's an even playing field...it actually reminds me a lot of Miami... the other thing is that media is overplaying these stupid stories of foreigners killing girls and things, it happens like once a year i guess, and people focus on those, it's creating a lot of desconfianca.. these girls will make plans with you, ask you to send them an uber, send you the address, and then just go offline when it's time to meet. and never message you again..so combination of low online value and high scaredy-cat factor

as an example, out of 100 tinder matches, i banged 1 (one) 8 and a few 7's and 6's,..but was seriously disappointed. even the few i banged, i saw one out with a different guy the next day at the same place, wearing the same clothes, others posted pictures with other guys on instagram the day before or after our dates, which i've just never seen happen before....out of day game i couldn't get any girls to come out to dates although almost all gave me there number, they all wanted me to invite them to do something expensive and time-consuming (go to the river, go out to an expensive dinner, or come with a friend) so i just said no...(be careful of that.. golddigging or using guys for dinners is very common, i'd say most hot girls will insist on eating, try to bring a friend, and then go away after, and they'll order the most expensive thing on the menu) oddly enough on Instagram i banged 2 solid near 9's!.....but that is just recently once i adapted my game heavily..... but both of which never wrote me again LOL. they had no interest in communicating or dating or a relationship, they made it clear it was sex and nothing more... i did pull some 12 bangs in total over the month..but i'm at an advanced game level... i should have been able to pull twice that and way hotter girls...the majority that came out were darker-skinned and more indigenous and not in great shape, any lighter skin girl acted like she was god's gift...

Manaus is also weird b/c the girls aren't poor like in Rio.... these girls have money for some reason, there's big industry, their parents usually have cars and live in big houses, they don't pay rent, so they don't have expenses........ in fact my idea of Manaus being ridden with mosquitoes and things was completely wrong.. it's totally modern now, i don't know how it was earlier, but everyone uses uber, the ubers arrive in 1 minute, everyone uses credit cards, hardly anyone uses cash, people are on instagram all day, and there are a lot of very nice cars, mercedes, land rovers... and the nice malls are very nice and expensive...in Manaura shopping to see a new 3d movie was like 250 to 280 reais so 7 bucks , that's more than twice what it costs in colombia... cheap things are cheap but they have learned about luxury and about how to segregate themselves from the lower class by buying material goods, eating in expensive exclusive places, etc... heck the main nightclub, had a $16 cover to get into. even the rock n roll club was like $12, and i was blown away by rent prices.. to live in a convenient neighborhood with a furnished apt, we are talking $1000+ a month... i thought it would be like $400 to live in such a craphole. i guess like Rio, most people live outside the city or in poorer barrios.. the rich pay a hefty premium to live in the center of the city or at least come from inherited money/property

i'm still learning and evolving though...i'll be here for 1.5 months more and i'm confident i will figure out this strange city

Manaus Datasheet 2012

FYI-i went to a music event, $75 for the nicer tickets..and it was packed, you could barely move, the really nice tickets were like $500,
they had an american DJ... i'm not sure where these people are getting this money...plenty of single girls there, in their mid to late 20's in groups, so they're either buying tickets themselves or getting them as gifts... it's not always guys buying for them like it is in colombia..

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Quote: (04-12-2019 11:19 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

i speak portuguese fluently enough to hit on girls... when i had originally planned to go to Brazil in 2013 i was getting some 30 hot girls from Rio and Sao Paulo messaging me every day to go out...online.... now when i went to Rio this time, i got almost 0 attention, during a 1 month period.. in fact most girls would barely give me the attention to allow me to game them...

Quote: (04-12-2019 11:19 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

so you better be super good looking, it's an even playing field...it actually reminds me a lot of Miami... the other thing is that media is overplaying these stupid stories of foreigners killing girls and things, it happens like once a year i guess, and people focus on those, it's creating a lot of desconfianca.. these girls will make plans with you, ask you to send them an uber, send you the address, and then just go offline when it's time to meet. and never message you again..so combination of low online value and high scaredy-cat factor

Quote: (04-12-2019 11:19 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

i did pull some 12 bangs in total over the month..but i'm at an advanced game level... i should have been able to pull twice that and way hotter girls...the majority that came out were darker-skinned and more indigenous and not in great shape, any lighter skin girl acted like she was god's gift...

You're simply experiencing game more like a local would. Gringo value has largely eroded.

Still, you've managed to bang 12 girls in a month, of which 2 were 9s and 1 was an 8. I'm not sure what you're complaining about, those are fantastic stats!

Quote: (04-12-2019 11:19 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

Manaus is also weird b/c the girls aren't poor like in Rio.... these girls have money for some reason, there's big industry and things are cheap, their parents usually have cars and live in big houses........ in fact my idea of Manaus being ridden with mosquitoes and things was completely wrong.. it's totally modern now, i don't know how it was earlier, but everyone uses uber, the ubers arrive in 1 minute, everyone uses credit cards, hardly anyone uses cash, people are on instagram all day, and there are a lot of very nice cars, mercedes, land rovers... and the nice malls are very nice and expensive...in Manaura shopping to see a new 3d movie was like 250 to 280 reais so 7 bucks , that's more than twice what it costs in colombia... cheap things are cheap but they have learned about luxury and about how to segregate themselves from the lower class by buying material goods, eating in expensive exclusive places, etc... heck the main nightclub, had a $16 cover to get into. even the rock n roll club was like $12, and i was blown away by rent prices.. to live in a convenient neighborhood with a furnished apt, we are talking $1000+ a month... i thought it would be like $400 to live in such a craphole. i guess like Rio, most people live outside the city or in poorer barrios.. the rich pay a hefty premium to live in the center of the city or at least come from inherited money/property

Most large cities in Brazil have an upper class that owns businesses and estate. Brazil has a large population and although on average people are poor, the country has plenty of wealthy people when it comes to absolute numbers. It has always been this way. That's true for Rio as well. You will find no shortage of expensive restaurants, clubs, and apartments in Rio.

Quote: (04-12-2019 11:19 AM)fvitterbi Wrote:  

it's also become very segregated racially...i don't understand why...seems to be going backward....so I think social media, /online dating, has really changed things....

the majority that came out were darker-skinned and more indigenous and not in great shape, any lighter skin girl acted like she was god's gift...

Again, I believe you're experiencing the erosion of gringo effect. While racial relations in Brazil are very different from what you'll find the US, the country's ethnicities have always been mostly endogamous. It's the reason why white Brazilians still exist in the first place. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it's not new (notice the date in the article I linked to). Assuming you're not white, you probably used to have an easier time with white Brazilians because you are foreign - but these days being a gringo isn't such a huge advantage, and racial preferences kick in. In Manaus where most of the population is mixed/indigenous, whites are more endogamous.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

2 things:
1)I never relied on online gaming
2)I´m Brazilian

So I never experienced erosion of online gaming and/or gringo factor in Brazil impacting my own game. Actually, I feel pretty much the opposite: Night game, day game, social circle game, etc have never been so easy.

That said, I always had the strong impression that both online gaming and gringo factor in Brazil sucks, at least in a comparative basis with other SA countries, so it doesn’t seem new for me.

Trying to explain a little bit: Regarding game, Brazilian girls are strongly attached to looks and aggressiveness. So, although addicted to social media, girls here consider the excess of online gaming as something beta, like if the guy don´t have the balls to approach face-to-face. It may help to know new girls and get some numbers, but someone should never rely mainly in online gaming in Brazil, as it loses by a large margin to any other way of approaching girls.

And the “gringo factor” never existed in most parts of the country. Girls here don´t give a shit if the guy is from a richer country, more intelligent or speaks a different language, they only care about the guy having a nice body and an alpha attitude. Actually, I would say that being gringo is actually a handicap, as there are strong stereotypes of stinky backpackers or old fat sexual tourists chasing whores.

Manaus Datasheet 2012

Guys, you're both on point, I think all your points are a given, I just didn't realize to the extent that would be the case,

i've gone ahead and created a mini updated data sheet, since the other 2 are from as far back as 2012 and are ranting and raving about Manaus girls chasing guys in the street LOL, probably a bit outdated.

Here you go:


about your comments i think there was a gringo factor, definitely in 2013, when i had planned to study in rio, that fell off a cliff,

In terms of the alpha-male factor, good body, i agree, but i've struggled to be alpha-male in Manaus, there is feminism and entitlement which are counter-productive to being alpha. The girls tell you they want dinner, to send them an uber, they decide if they want sex with you, you pay for everything and even with those extensive requirements, 80% will flake on you before hand. I understand now that that is somewhat normal in Brazil, but it is very different in the U.S. or Europe, or even in Colombia the girls are a lot more respectful and let the guy take the lead in most cases, I don't think most Americans are built for Brazil, or the direct friend-or-fuck Manaus, it's the future of relationships obviously , the U.S. is behind!

I should be happy with my results I know, but it's been fairly illogical so far, 4 out of 5 girls minimum have flaked, after weeks of talking and video calls and many had proactively reached out to me, in fact the very best connections i developed rarely resulted in a bang, the bangs with 8's and 9's were often by complete chance, the girl happened to be drunk and in my sector when i hit her up....whereas in Medellin I'd go out and day game all day for days, get 20 numbers and then finish a week with a few high quality notches... i just feel like my "game" hasn't resulted in any benefit as of yet,

Overall it hasn't been as satisfying as I would have expected, and when I bang an 8 or hotter I know I will never see her again, which is also strange to me, if a girl is that hot i'd like to bang her more than once

in any case, feel free to chime in on this updated thread
I've written about a lot of my experiences in detail there


Manaus Datasheet 2012

Thank you guys for the info, just booked a place in Vieiralves for the next few days.

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