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Turmeric to help prevent Herpes

Turmeric to help prevent Herpes

I came upon an interesting article the other day in some magazine about Turmeric, the spice used in many Asian dishes might potentially be useful in preventing the replication of the herpes virus.

"A 2008 study at Michigan State University showed that low concentrations of curcumin interfere with Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) replication."

Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae).

Turmeric to help prevent Herpes

So I guess its Curry before Sucky!

Turmeric to help prevent Herpes

Do I have to eat curry or do I sprinkle the powder on affected areas after unprotected sex? What's the proper dosage?

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