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Natal, Brazil

Natal, Brazil

I'm going to Natal during 19-26 dec. Anyone? This is the second time that I'm there, but only now is for vacations, not business, so if u know places to go during the day, I would love to know.
The nightlife I know it is a little dead, comparing to SP. And I'm going with my family, which makes harder to go out without them. BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. LOL:[Image: banana.gif]
Yes, brazilian are still too connected to family, christmas and (some people) the new year are spent with families... So, please, don't laugh. Later I may explain how do we f* if everyone lives with parents or relatives.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Natal, Brazil

Love hotels. Right?

Natal, Brazil

Here we call a Motel... lol. and the drive in... really. I know, it is funny, because there is nothing to do with motels and drive in at USA.
Generally brazilian girls don't go to a motel in a first sight, it's hardly to happen. May be like your first date, but not the first time u see her. u know?
changing the subject and returning to topic, Natal (yes, the town) means Christmas and my sister is named Nathalya (also known Natalia = related to "Natal") because she was born in December

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Natal, Brazil

I probably could've asked somebody via PM, but I have a question that could benefit all users wanting to visit Natal or Pipa one day.

My question is what is the cheapest way to get from Natal to Pipa and vice versa if I'm carrying two luggages with me? Reason I'm carrying two luggages is because I will be going from Miami to Salvador, then to Natal, and then settling in Curitiba/Sao Paulo/Belo Horizonte for about 3 months..perhaps more time this upcoming May.

This is all I could find via Yahoo/Google:

"Take bus #66 to go from Ponta Negra to the Rodoviária.
The company Oceano Express operates micro-buses (30 seats) to Pipa."

Just not sure if it's a bus that can fit two luggages though.


Natal, Brazil

Quote: (11-30-2009 03:12 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

Here we call a Motel... lol. and the drive in... really. I know, it is funny, because there is nothing to do with motels and drive in at USA.
Generally brazilian girls don't go to a motel in a first sight, it's hardly to happen. May be like your first date, but not the first time u see her. u know?
changing the subject and returning to topic, Natal (yes, the town) means Christmas and my sister is named Nathalya (also known Natalia = related to "Natal") because she was born in December

At first it seemed strange to me to take a girl I actually liked to a motel. I felt like I was buying a prostitute, but then I just got used to it. It's such a pain in the ass though that all the girls live with their parents basically until they are married. And I was living with my friends parents for most the time in Brazil, so that didn't help any either. One of the families was dope though and I snuck a girl back a couple times. I guess it was kind of pushing it, but they never saw me and I don't think they would have made a big fuss out of it.

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