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Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own


Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

THIS is what "ITS" all about....all this "getting girls" and being an "alpha male" and "living the life you want", and blah blah blah.....In the end, Its about having the time and freedom to do exactly what you want to do....ITS NOT ALL ABOUT GETTING GIRLS....its about not having to get out of bed on monday morning if you don't want to.....its about never having to "ask" your boss for a day off.....its about going to europe for a few months just because you want to......its about time and financial freedom.....if you have that...girls will chase you....thats deeper then south american pussy......

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

I've been reading the 50th law. It's a little rambling, but there are some insights in there for sure.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Bought the book a few weeks ago based on someone mentioning it here, reading it with 48 Laws of Power. Still need to finish both.

So far, the book's been interesting. All the lessons in the book are based on 50's rise to the top boiling down to being fearless in your life.

Highly recommend getting the hard copy. Nice black cover with gold trimmings, it's like the "dark bible."

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

I purchases the book when it first came out, one of the top 5 books I have ever read. I review it every few months or so.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Damn, for someone with almost no formal education 50 sure has a lot of business sense. Him and Floyd Mayweather's promotions company is probably going to be huge as well.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

I think a lot of the "48 Laws" shit works if you are in a good position to take advantage of it. I bought the book when it first came out and tried to apply the principles, with limited success. But I was in a "low on the food chain" situation, job wise. If you are way down on the totem pole, and I was on the underground part of it, you just have to sweat it out and wait for an opportunity.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

I couldn't agree more. I've always told my friends that work is for losers.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Either you work for life, or you make life work for you.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Did 50 had good genes that made him elevate himself above others? Most of the guys described in the book were facing the same reality as 50. They knew that drug dealing sucked and that boring jobs will not get them far. Why didn't they try to change too? Greene mentioned in his book that some hustlers were making a lot of money. Why didn't they get the fuck out of their neighborhoods and start business?

I'm not hating on the guy but it seems that some people who had been lied too and sold a bunch of BS stories, instinctively knew that there is something wrong about the logic of the masses. The successful changed their mentalities, like Roosh did when he wanted to date attractive women.

It seems to me that the "stupid gene" exist. Otherwise people would start questioning their reality that was handed to them forcefully. I can't find a better reason to explain why most people ignore reality and why few accept reality for what it is and make a change in their lives.

Read this The 50th Law: Make Everything Your Own

Hearing it now from the audiobook.

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