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Knowledge Into Practice

Knowledge Into Practice

Read the Bang and Day bang books about a month ago and while i wasn't proactive at first in the last few weeks a few things have started to sink in. I've made a few positive changes in my life and the surf has been pumping so I've been finding motivation to start putting this knowledge into practice.

Started off getting a coffee one morning when a 7 dressed up sexy for work pulled up in a new car. Click i waited till she ordered then started asking her questions about her car. i could see she was suprised but the tone of her voice seemed to be excited. i didnt close her however but it gave me enough inspriration to stop making excuses to myself and start approaching.

While i haven't been approaching like a lion ive progressively been doing them more often.

Last night something changed. Went to a few more upmarket night clubs where im from in Brisbane and started going up to anything i thought was hot. I did about 5 approaches in the first bar using the "you look like your having the most fun here" opener and a couple of comments about the things they where wearing.

The first few weren't the greatest as i was a bit nervous and i think it showed but the 4th one was with the fun opener, something in my voice had changed, something flicked in the two 9's eyes. they asked me if i was insulting them and i said do you think i am with a smile. one of them smiled. My mate was a bit worried i was going to upset someone and stepped in asking them if i had said something rude and it made my head go blank. so i ended up leaving it at that.

I tried couple of lame joke openers in the next bar. one where i went up to a group of 6 girls and told the shittest joke ever. 1 girl laughed while the rest groaned and when i think back the girl that laughed was giving me eyes. the other lame joke i tried a little after i had started talking to a chick who was a 6 but dressed up to a 7 and it didn't go down bad.

After this bar things get a little hazy as it got past 12 and i ended up on dancefloors the rest of the night. got a few nice dances and took this chick i used to know back to my mates. I was trying to close her but i didn't push hard enough.

So long story but i feel really good about it today and i thought id share my experiences so someone in the same position as me can relate and learn just as i am.

So much good info on this site and feel free to criticize and laugh at my bombs.

Knowledge Into Practice

Good work, keep practicing.


My mate was a bit worried i was going to upset someone and stepped in asking them if i had said something rude and it made my head go blank. so i ended up leaving it at that.

Be careful of your friend, he sounds like a classic White Knight.

You will probably have to ditch him if you want to go out and pick up girls, you can't have people throwing a wrench into your game like that.

Asking them if you had said something rude? Damn right I'll be telling the girl all the positions I want her in by the end of the night [Image: lol.gif]

Knowledge Into Practice

Nice story man, I'm in your same exact situation right now and hearing of your endeavors is really inspirational. Keep appraching stay hungry and good luck.

Knowledge Into Practice

Good job. It's a long process. Your story is actually inspiring. Sometimes these days I feel a little jaded when I'm approaching and it probably comes across.

Ditch your friend asap, and I mean ASAP. He won't understand what you're doing. If you start pulling hot ass and he wants to learn from you, he'll have to sit in the corner, shut the fuck up, and watch. Until then, just roll solo. It's not as hard as you might think.

My first approach is still my weakest, which is why for my first approach of the night, I'll approach ANYTHING. Old, fat, I don't care. It's a little like a slingshot, once I get that first approach out of the way, things glide a little more easily.

One of my favorite parts of approaching is meeting a really cool chick who WANTS you to approach. As much as we bitch and complain about fat cockblockers and women's shitty attitude, there are actually quite a few great women out there who welcome advances from strange men. Women like being stimulated.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Knowledge Into Practice

one thing that helps me is attempting to make conversation with strangers whenever possible, even when not in a club/bar atmosphere. especially earlier in the day if you plan to go out that night. I think this is mentioned in "bang". grocery store, parking lot, wherever - if I see an opportunity to make a comment to someone as I'm passing by, I do it. the reactions always surprise me, and I feel myself growing numb to rejection.

Knowledge Into Practice

You're off to an excellent start.

I see that you're learning something I learned early on as well- that the more approaches i made the better I felt about myself even if the approaches failed

It's failing to approach that undermines your confidence- not approaching and getting rejected-that just makes you stronger and more confident over time

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Knowledge Into Practice

So long time between posts but plenty has happened. since the last post i was applying a few game principles and starting to get a few results. number closed a 6 in a nightclub and proceeded to get a few sleepovers and handjobs out of her. Not sure why i didnt fuck her but it had been a long time between bangs and as well as been nervous i really didnt find this chick that attractive.

Fast forward about a month and i started tuning this 7 who was working in the same building as i. (im an apprentice electrician she worked for the builder cleaning completed units) start seeing her outside of work and boom i fall in love. oneitis to the max it was like other chicks didnt exist. she held out sex from me for about 3 weeks. I think the only reason she fucked me then was because she pulled some shit at a party we went to and i walked out before telling her i was over her shit.

Anyway so for the first time in my life i start getting sex on a a regular basis. (im 25) i fucking loved it but she made me work for it and there was always alot of bullshit arguments and immature shit she would always pull but i just kept justifying it too myself. She started trying to control the shit i was doing. "you can't take drugs if your with me, You cant smoke when your with me" you get the picture.

We Break up once i beg her to take me back she does. Same shit continues. anyway rewind 3 weeks ago she starts asking me about travel plans i have for next year. I tell her im not sure where im going but im going on a surf trip for a few months she says ok i want to come spend time with u over there so on and so on. she even said she would move city with me next year.

Anyway so a week later im at work different place to her and she starts giving me hypothetical questions about my travel. it was like any response i made was wrong. this went on for a while before she says its over and breaks up with me over text. i ask her to see me to talk to me face to face she flat out refuses. I cringe at all the beta shit i said in these next few days.

so this shit fucks me up for a week im an emotional wreck but i cut off contact with her deleted her off fb deleted her number. I did however send her a beta as fuck msg on fb on the weekend just past.

She sends me a msg asking if im ok on the monday (she hadnt yet seen the fb msg) i say yeh im fine why do u care? she says cause she cares has a blowup says shes never gonna talk to me again. later in the day she sees the fb msg blows up at me again. i say some more beta shit before saying i cant be her friend. no contact rest of the week this morning she sends another txt asking if im ok. she heard through somebody at work i failed a test at collge this week. says she cares about me hopes im ok. i say yeh im fine dont worry about me.

so yeh plenty of time ive spent knowing that this chick is a fucken bitch not worth my time and the longer i dont talk to her the more i see how much better off i am but every time she contacts me it brings all that shit back.

so not sure what the moral is but yeh be careful cause i just got stung. Im a positive guy but and shit doesnt keep me down too long. This chick was my first gf ever and im glad i got that monkey off my back but its like im scared im never gonna get pussy again.

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