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Using less negs as time goes on

Using less negs as time goes on

I've noticed an interesting trend happening.

When I got into pickup I was using a bunch of negs here and there. Now I'm finding myself using them less and less and still getting better results.

One explanation could be that subconsciously my value has increased in my eyes and I no longer feel I need to lower the woman's value that much.


Heavy negging doesn't work in Brazil as it does with Western women. This can be a whole other post in itself as I'm seeing some clear differences between two games.

Using less negs as time goes on

I use more. But I ascribe that to the quality of women I'm meeting. Inferior personalities elicit more negs, purely out of impulse. And some of these chicks just light up with arousal when you get verbally abusive with them.

Using less negs as time goes on

I'd be curious to see that post.

The point of negging is to increase your value relative to hers. But once your value really does increase, you don't need to consciously do it as much. Like basil, i do it for mostly kicks instead of an attempt to "game"

Using less negs as time goes on

I don't really use as many "negs" as I think some people do.

But I do plenty of lighter teasing type negs, they actually build rapport.

If anyone knows me or my writings, I go heavy attitude, presence, style, smoking, and suit Game.

Girls already pick up on my value (especailly if it is a girl that digs that kind of thing).

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Using less negs as time goes on

I think it all depends on how hot a girl thinks she is. The hotter she is, and the hotter she thinks she is, the better a neg works. Neg basically counteracts all the helium built up inside a girl. If the girl has a cool attitude, you don't need a neg.

Using less negs as time goes on

I developed decent asshole game and it works relatively good in NYC especially with hot headed (immigrant) chicks: puerto ricans, italians, russians that relies on heavy negging, arguing, then building rapport.

one thing for sure: this type of game simply won't/doesn't work in brazil (Rio).

different people, different mindset.

but yeah I need to gather my thoughts and write a comprehensive post about it.

Using less negs as time goes on

I agree that it largely has to do with the type of girl. And yes, it works less with cooler girls. The only time I consider a neg is when the bitch shield has reached out of control proportions.

I get the vibe that most regular chicks today don't take negs seriously, and are aware of them as obvious ploys for power. They're just become too common as a generic pickup technique. Therefore, I think that, a lot of the time, the neg as the opposite of the intended affect by making it too obvious that you are making a move on the girl, and are not even confident enough to be more direct about it. This actually gives her more power and may lessen attraction. Like I said, it depends on the girl. I would never neg a chick that I really liked.

Using less negs as time goes on

It depends on the chicks. Some require more, some don't want so much to any if you're involved with them for a long period of time. One chick said to me years ago "You don't have to act like you're trying to pick me up anymore" and this was dating after almost a year.

Using less negs as time goes on

Quote: (10-20-2009 12:51 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

I agree that it largely has to do with the type of girl. And yes, it works less with cooler girls. The only time I consider a neg is when the bitch shield has reached out of control proportions.

I get the vibe that most regular chicks today don't take negs seriously, and are aware of them as obvious ploys for power. They're just become too common as a generic pickup technique. Therefore, I think that, a lot of the time, the neg as the opposite of the intended affect by making it too obvious that you are making a move on the girl, and are not even confident enough to be more direct about it. This actually gives her more power and may lessen attraction. Like I said, it depends on the girl. I would never neg a chick that I really liked.

No. That's like saying sarcasm or wit is getting played out. You're probably using canned, lame lines. Teasing and insulting girls will never go out of style.

Women want to be dominated. The neg does that for you. Depending on your delivery and her personality, she will laugh or start trying to fight back. Either way you've aroused her emotions. And if you keep your cool, she will lose, submit, and lust after you. You've demonstrated you're not a typical chump, which generates intrigue. Chauvinism, playfully displayed, is a turn-on. Girls are turned by assholes, aka guys with the dark triad of traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy.

girl's opening the window, and having trouble figuring it out, I say, "yo A, this is an IQ test, and you're failing." Or to another girl, who said she got lots of compliments from gay guys, at this 'homocoming' event. I responded, "if the only compliments you get are from gay guys, you've got a problem." Another one, was a pre-med, told her "don't think women can be doctors", bit of back and forth, and she slapped me in the face. Made out with her, total nut.

Can't speak to its applicability though to non-Anglophones.

Using less negs as time goes on

Quote: (10-20-2009 04:21 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

No. That's like saying sarcasm or wit is getting played out. You're probably using canned, lame lines. Teasing and insulting girls will never go out of style.

I don't use negs at all. Just my personal style. However, sarcasm and wit are not exclusive to negs. Also, I disagree that teasing and insulting girls 'will never go out of style'. I'm glad that it works for you. However, the intelligent/educated/been around the block girls my age, around 30, don't bite on 'teasing' style game like maybe girls a decade younger do. Not the girls that I hang out with, anyway. It can lend a short playful vibe when used in that way. But as a crutch to move forward in attraction it would be very transparent to them. They are looking for a much more tangible and direct sexual and manly vibe than what this style of game can provide on its own.

Quote: (10-20-2009 04:21 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Women want to be dominated. The neg does that for you. Depending on your delivery and her personality, she will laugh or start trying to fight back. Either way you've aroused her emotions. And if you keep your cool, she will lose, submit, and lust after you. You've demonstrated you're not a typical chump, which generates intrigue. Chauvinism, playfully displayed, is a turn-on. Girls are turned by assholes, aka guys with the dark triad of traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy.

Dominating women is the name of the game. Except I achieve this by basically telling them that I'm going to have sex with them. AKA: direct game. All of this teasing stuff is just beating around the bush if your using it as a replacement to direct game.
I agree with what you are saying to a certain extent. But I also know that many women are used to men negging them and aren't going to give it up to you for teasing them. I also believe that this has to do with the relative intelligence of the woman. I see negging as a decent tool, but somewhat intermediate game.

Quote: (10-20-2009 04:21 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

girl's opening the window, and having trouble figuring it out, I say, "yo A, this is an IQ test, and you're failing." Or to another girl, who said she got lots of compliments from gay guys, at this 'homocoming' event. I responded, "if the only compliments you get are from gay guys, you've got a problem." Another one, was a pre-med, told her "don't think women can be doctors", bit of back and forth, and she slapped me in the face. Made out with her, total nut.

Can't speak to its applicability though to non-Anglophones.

Ummm, sounds like some good stuff. I don't see how its direct enough to be effective in and of itself. But thats just from the perspective of my personal style. But we all have our different styles. Whatever works for you mate.

Cheers, and thanks for commenting.

Using less negs as time goes on

teasing works like fire in the wood.So,negging for playfull teasing is good.....but insult never works,it backfires.

Using less negs as time goes on

Ya, I don't flat out insult a girl unless they've offended me in some fashion and I want to exit the situation while giving them something to remember me by.

Using less negs as time goes on

I was out with a buddy last night in a nice lounge/bar where all the girls were done up in expensive cocktail dresses in an expensive part of town.

Started chatting up a young Brazilian girl who lived in US, and after she switched the English, I felt a lull in the conversation and told her "You sound really funny when you speak English". She smiled, blushed a bit and asked "Why?" [this has worked several times before]

My buddy looked at me and said "That's not very nice to say".

The pickup eventually died later on.

I've noticed this behavior in some people, usually nice guys with absolutely no game.

Using less negs as time goes on


Get rid of that buddy.

Sounds like carrying a bag of bricks.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Using less negs as time goes on

Quote: (10-21-2009 01:12 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

I was out with a buddy last night in a nice lounge/bar where all the girls were done up in expensive cocktail dresses in an expensive part of town.

Started chatting up a young Brazilian girl who lived in US, and after she switched the English, I felt a lull in the conversation and told her "You sound really funny when you speak English". She smiled, blushed a bit and asked "Why?" [this has worked several times before]

My buddy looked at me and said "That's not very nice to say".

The pickup eventually died later on.

I've noticed this behavior in some people, usually nice guys with absolutely no game.

AMOG THAT MAN!! If you embarrass him for "calling you out" chances are, he'll never do it again.

Plus, her seeing him say that to you with no hesitation would lead her to beleive that he is more alpha than you (even if for only a split second) which may have explained why it went sour. It only takes on little thing with hot girls. Next time he does that, straight call him out in front of the chick (like he did to you) or amog him (yeah, whatever, dude...with a pat on the shoulder) If he's a buddy, he'll understand.

That, or don't invite him out and tell him stories about how you not only got laid, but helped your wingman get laid.

Roosh's advice on how to stop cockblockers comes up in my mind as I finish this post.

Using less negs as time goes on

Quote: (10-21-2009 08:47 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2009 01:12 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

I was out with a buddy last night in a nice lounge/bar where all the girls were done up in expensive cocktail dresses in an expensive part of town.

Started chatting up a young Brazilian girl who lived in US, and after she switched the English, I felt a lull in the conversation and told her "You sound really funny when you speak English". She smiled, blushed a bit and asked "Why?" [this has worked several times before]

My buddy looked at me and said "That's not very nice to say".

The pickup eventually died later on.

I've noticed this behavior in some people, usually nice guys with absolutely no game.

AMOG THAT MAN!! If you embarrass him for "calling you out" chances are, he'll never do it again.

Plus, her seeing him say that to you with no hesitation would lead her to beleive that he is more alpha than you (even if for only a split second) which may have explained why it went sour. It only takes on little thing with hot girls. Next time he does that, straight call him out in front of the chick (like he did to you) or amog him (yeah, whatever, dude...with a pat on the shoulder) If he's a buddy, he'll understand.

That, or don't invite him out and tell him stories about how you not only got laid, but helped your wingman get laid.

Roosh's advice on how to stop cockblockers comes up in my mind as I finish this post.

I would take it a step further.

Push him down a nightclub staircase when no one is looking.

Or poison his drink.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Using less negs as time goes on

95% of wing man are cock blockers,its hard to find a genuine one,but once you find him,you will gain confidence in your game.

yeah,get rid of this pussy ASAP.

Using less negs as time goes on

I wouldn't say it's a cockblock, the guy is just very, very clueless that's all.

Using less negs as time goes on

Quote: (10-22-2009 12:16 AM)charmer Wrote:  

95% of wing man are cock blockers,its hard to find a genuine one,but once you find him,you will gain confidence in your game.

yeah,get rid of this pussy ASAP.

I find the opposite to be true. If you have a wingman who is cool and knows how to help you out logistically (distract the cockblock is one of them) then it helps greatly in those situations. I've only been out a couple of times when a wingman fucks up my game.

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