So here's the story:
My roommates and I threw a sizable (50-60 people) house party on Sunday, nice crowd most of whom we knew with some randoms thrown in the mix. I started drinking around noon as that's when the football games started and continued into the afternoon and evening culminating with my transformation into full-on Tucker Max-style super-asshole mode. This is a rare but generally entertaining (at least to my friends) state of mind for me. Some examples of what this means:
- I proclaimed among large groups of people that all girls are whores and told stories justifying such claims
- While talking to a smoking hot 22 year old I brought my friend into the conversation and told him she has great tits and he should totally hit that--right in front of her face! (She must not have minded too much as she searched me out on facebook today, haha)
- I got in loud and obnoxious, yet apparently hilarious arguments with my friends
- I tried to play matchmaker between guys and girls at the party in other not so subtle ways (see above)
- Somehow I still got laid!
- I have little memory of much of this, especially details of conversations I had, so my friends had to fill me in the next day.
Now, while this would generally seem like a successful albeit out of control day, there is a problem: One of the girls at the party I'd been out with a couple times and I kind of have a thing for her. I know she likes me, and she left before I really got out of control, but lets just say my interactions with her (save for a quick makeout early on) were not top notch. She left the party without even saying goodbye to me (I think). Another problem: I basically told her roommate to her face that I thought she (the girl I like) is a slut (she is definitely NOT a slut), as well as several other people at the party that may know her. Yeah, real smooth move. Granted, I think many realized that I was hammered out of my mind, so perhaps they didn't think much of it?
Anyhow, I'd like to ask this girl out again, but I'm sure she knows what happened after she left. She doesn't know that I banged a different girl that night, though.
So what to do when I call her? Should I just act like nothing's wrong? Or perhaps start with a pre-emptive "I was insanely drunk and I don't really think you're a slut" apology? Not sure how to proceed here.
Interested to know your guys' thoughts.
My roommates and I threw a sizable (50-60 people) house party on Sunday, nice crowd most of whom we knew with some randoms thrown in the mix. I started drinking around noon as that's when the football games started and continued into the afternoon and evening culminating with my transformation into full-on Tucker Max-style super-asshole mode. This is a rare but generally entertaining (at least to my friends) state of mind for me. Some examples of what this means:
- I proclaimed among large groups of people that all girls are whores and told stories justifying such claims
- While talking to a smoking hot 22 year old I brought my friend into the conversation and told him she has great tits and he should totally hit that--right in front of her face! (She must not have minded too much as she searched me out on facebook today, haha)
- I got in loud and obnoxious, yet apparently hilarious arguments with my friends
- I tried to play matchmaker between guys and girls at the party in other not so subtle ways (see above)
- Somehow I still got laid!
- I have little memory of much of this, especially details of conversations I had, so my friends had to fill me in the next day.
Now, while this would generally seem like a successful albeit out of control day, there is a problem: One of the girls at the party I'd been out with a couple times and I kind of have a thing for her. I know she likes me, and she left before I really got out of control, but lets just say my interactions with her (save for a quick makeout early on) were not top notch. She left the party without even saying goodbye to me (I think). Another problem: I basically told her roommate to her face that I thought she (the girl I like) is a slut (she is definitely NOT a slut), as well as several other people at the party that may know her. Yeah, real smooth move. Granted, I think many realized that I was hammered out of my mind, so perhaps they didn't think much of it?
Anyhow, I'd like to ask this girl out again, but I'm sure she knows what happened after she left. She doesn't know that I banged a different girl that night, though.
So what to do when I call her? Should I just act like nothing's wrong? Or perhaps start with a pre-emptive "I was insanely drunk and I don't really think you're a slut" apology? Not sure how to proceed here.
Interested to know your guys' thoughts.