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Was this Beta?

Was this Beta?

Quote: (02-21-2012 12:36 AM)alphamale87 Wrote:  

I pull her hand, turn her around, give her a little spin(shout out for the spin move post), and she is still in full bitch-mode face. I say "look, this is bullshit, I like you, lets not let one sentence ruin the night". The look in her eye almost got me hard. She makes out with me and I ended up getting the SNL.

Beta or Not Beta?

So you got the bang, then went on the internet to ask if getting the bang was beta or not?

and, your user name is "alphamale87"

Definitely beta!

Was this Beta?

Quote: (02-29-2012 04:02 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 12:36 AM)alphamale87 Wrote:  

I pull her hand, turn her around, give her a little spin(shout out for the spin move post), and she is still in full bitch-mode face. I say "look, this is bullshit, I like you, lets not let one sentence ruin the night". The look in her eye almost got me hard. She makes out with me and I ended up getting the SNL.

Beta or Not Beta?

So you got the bang, then went on the internet to ask if getting the bang was beta or not?

and, your user name is "alphamale87"

Definitely beta!

The question I have for everyone is:

Is Beta the new Alpha?™

Was this Beta?

Quote: (02-29-2012 12:24 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Tuthmosis -

Where does this thread rank in the all time threads list?

Has is surpassed the bigbootluver meltdown thread?

Btw G, did you know he's been spotted at Naughty Nomad's forum?

Was this Beta?

Buds, I've gotta share a bit of an issue with you..

One day, I was minding my own bizz when I noticed my government cracking down on a few protests at Tiananmen Square. I really felt this shit went too far and acted out a bit, lost my cool, so that say.

I stopped 59 tanks from moving ahead, just by stepping in front of them and making a stop sign with my hand, even though I knew up front I could be squashed like a bug or tortured to death for doing so if they arrested me.

Still, I didn't flinch.

Was this a beta move?

What do you think? My body language felt all wrong at the time.

Was this Beta?

I didn't even believe the dude's story.

All of a sudden all these dudes in Miami are claiming to be rolling places suited down, funny I never see them when I go out.

Was this Beta?

Dear Rooshvforum Members,

Alright guys, obviously this thread has a lot of jokers.

But this is serious. I need your guys help:

So many of you know I go to Miami a lot. My real name is George Mason.

Well, I was caught in this predicament with these Colombians from Medellin.

They wanted me to move a bunch of "product" on the West Coast where I live.

I had only three days to do it or they would kill me. I needed to come up with 1.35 Million!

Luckily, I pulled it off, with my California Connections!

Here is a little video that was filmed by the TSA that I was able to get a copy, of me walking through the Miami International Airport going to meet the guys from Medellin and giving them a briefcase of their money.

I am the guy Suited Down in the white suit with the shades on. This should also hopefully satisfy all the people on here that keep on asking for "pics" of me.

But now I have to ask you guys:

Was this Beta?™


Was this Beta?

OK, so here's the deal.

I'm really struggling, since I feel like I've let you guys down.

I was with my girlfriend when three guys came at her.

I single handedly beat them all up.

Was this beta?


Was this Beta?

Mike. I'm in a similar situation. I was minding my own business skateboarding at this local spot when these dudes started making fun of me calling me a fag or whatever. So I decided to show them whats up. I took off my shirt and beat all 5 of them up. Was this beta? I mean I was half naked grappling with other dudes.


Was this Beta?

I went to this fight, but somehow got cock-blocked into a jail-cell. Anyway, My buddy broke me out, and the guys who put me in the slammer went running.

Am I beta to be locked up even though my friend chased away the guys who locked me up? There were no girls anywhere that I could see. Also, my pants are pink and kind of baggy .. ?


Was this Beta?

Hey guys,

I have had a lot of fun reading this thread and thanks for entertaining me while at work.

But I actually have a real serious problem here. Sorry to sound like a downer but I really need your help.

See I am actually a professional wrestler and while I was cooling down after a match some old guys who used to be big news came into my dressing room unnanounced. I then said a few mean things to them and stormed off.

Please I need to know.

Was this Beta???

Was this Beta?

OK, guys, enough fun and games. I just found myself in some serious shit and need the forum's input.

I met this red headed chick while in New York. She was really cute. Apparently she's on some obscure television show.

Anyhow, we hit it off. We had sex.

After I left NY, she sent me a text, "Here are some pictures to remember me by."

I Googled her, and apparently she is 36.

Was this beta?

[Image: BUJKih.jpg]

[Image: uJK76h.jpg]

[Image: 8NY9Y.jpg]

Was this Beta?

Very beta, Mike. Nice notch though.[Image: thumb.gif]

Was this Beta?

Dunno who that is but I'd [Image: idhitit.gif]

Love me some big titted red heads.

Was this Beta?

My name is alphamale87. I'm a newb in these parts.

Partly in a validation-seeking stunt, I started a silly thread asking whether dropping some respectably tight anti-cock blocking game on a 7--and landing the SNL in the process--was "beta." I got clowned for this to no end, in one of the most epic group-trolling efforts in the history of the RVF. Dozens of guys have ROTFL'd tangetially at my expense.

I was incapable of shaking it off, coming back to the board, laughing with the group, and becoming a valuable, contributing member. I decided to hide and disappear instead.

So, I must ask, for once and for all:

Was. This. Beta?

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Was this Beta?

that's pretty epic for 36.

Was this Beta?

Now now, there seems to be too much jest here, I would like to disclose a serious matter. Help is appreciated here.

I learnt the ways of the force, then one day some stormtroopin' dudes kidnapped my friends. I decided to rescue them.

Now to get to my friends, I had to come across a pretty mean dude who was also trained in the force. The fucker cut off my hand....

[Image: Lukenohandsma.jpg]

Then to make things worse, the VERY same dude starts telling me "Luke, I am your father". Is this guy whack or what?

[Image: 830px-VaderFather.jpg]

Now, I'm not a guy who stays down after the first fall. After visiting the lifestyle thread on the RooshVForum, and after a diet of Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda I grew my hand back.

[Image: LukeHand.jpg]

I also asked Mixx advice for some stylin' black threads (No rep point, sorry).

Now I went look for the whack guy callin' me son, and beat his ass down, we'll see who loses the hand motherfucka!

[Image: Luke%2Battacking%2BDarth%2BVader.jpg]

While I was there, some stupid old fart talked shit, real delusions of granduer. I mean, the shit coming out of his mouth was epic, what could i call him?

Dash Global? No, his shit extended further than that, Dash Galactical.

[Image: Emperor-Palpatine.jpg]

I blew his crip up!!

[Image: death-star-explodes.jpg]

No can anyone help me...

[size=14pt]Was this beta?[/size]

Was this Beta?

T and A Man wins.

Was this Beta?

hey T and a Man. Don't pull my family into this. i got into enough trouble already after banging my half sister Princess Leia ( in slave costume)

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Was this Beta?

Hey guys. Ok, I was an old army dude, got a pair of purple hearts for a late 80s war with the commies. Long story short, got locked up for stealing from the Federal reserve, and, to get free, they told me I had to break the president out of a big prison called New York City. Well, I did, but because I was on a time limit and would die or explode or something after some conveniently impractically small amount of time, I didn't really get to put any time into cold approaches. I mean, I was rollin' up with star game, but just did not use it. Little while later, I ended up breaking the president's daughter out of LA, got a little bit of oneitis though. All good. Then I nuked the world back into the stone age, after proving I'm an epic NBA star who can 3-point shoot from past half-court.
Truth be told, I didn't do any cold approaches really. I mean, I totally flubbed it, and I had some oneitis with the prezzy-pussy. Guys, was this beta?

[Image: american.gif]

Was this Beta?

Quote: (03-01-2012 12:45 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I am the guy Suited Down in the white suit with the shades on. This should also hopefully satisfy all the people on here that keep on asking for "pics" of me.

I thought you were supposed to know a thing or two about suits. That is not a suit. not even close. It doesn't take a saville row tailor to tell you that.
You were kidding right?

I don't mean to offend or take any shots but this had me confused.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Was this Beta?

Quote: (03-16-2012 01:59 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2012 12:45 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I am the guy Suited Down in the white suit with the shades on. This should also hopefully satisfy all the people on here that keep on asking for "pics" of me.

I thought you were supposed to know a thing or two about suits. That is not a suit. not even close. It doesn't take a saville row tailor to tell you that.
You were kidding right?

I don't mean to offend or take any shots but this had me confused.

If you haven't noticed, this whole thread is a joke.

And before you start asking a bunch more questions, I really don't think this was Tuthmosis as a child either:

Quote: (02-22-2012 01:11 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

This is some of footage of me dispensing of a bully back in elementary. Was this beta?


Was this Beta?

My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with:

First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless.
The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on make-up.
She is extremely self-centred and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself.
She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breathe.

The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet.
Her career opportunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10.
I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts.
I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store she moans like a cat in heat.

But the jewel in the crown has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead.
In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work.
He probably hasn't been sober any time in the last ten years, and he's only 22.
He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work.
Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke.
Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing.
Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonald's and Burger King, every single fucking day.

Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit.

Is this beta?

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Was this Beta?

No G I know it's a joke i'm not retarded, But you referred to him as "suited down in a white suit".
That's what confused me but now it's obvious that it was intentional. My bad

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Was this Beta?

Enough BS, guys, here's the story.

My name is Quentin. In the past I used to work in a video store and my life was going nowhere, me and my bud Roger used to constantly watch shitty movies. We even wrote our own script and wanted it to become a movie; pretty weird because we didn't do fim school and Hollywood competition is legendary. Yet, one time I got lucky, I met some dude at a Hollywood party who seemed to like my shit.

After that, things moved quickly, I got into directing and some of the movies became instant classics, like the Reservoir movie and Pulp Fiction. I picked up a few awards at the Oscars and Cannes. Hell, I even got into the small circle of directors (such as Scorsese) who get the right for 'final cut' before my third movie. Now, I live large and every four to five years I release a movie that get worldwide audiences excited. Every time. Hell, even critics seem to love me.

Was that beta?

Was this Beta?

Guys, please I am serious and I am wondering if anybody can a help me.

A few months ago after I was released from prison after doing a dime for murder. I got a job as a cashier at McDonald's. One fateful Friday evening, 2 ugly lesbian guetto studs slapped me around after I refused to take their fake $50 bill. I then proceeded to open a can of whoop ass on 'em hoes and beat each one of them with a metal rod to few a inches of their lives. A few weeks later a feminazi grand jury in Manhattan refused to indict me. I am now suing McDonalds for millions.




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