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too far..

too far..

today at school i seen this real exotically cute petite lookin black chick and i was talkin to my friend melissa. as she was leaving i was caught up talkin to melissa still so i wrapped up and walked outside and that black girl was about a hundred yards away.

now one of my favorite approaches is just walkin up on em from behind and lightly grabbin their arm stoppin em in their tracks.

but i wasn't about to run a football field after this biych, she was just too far..

too far..

what are you saying? I don't understand anything.

too far..

Is this some kind of poem?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

too far..


too far..

"she was just too far.."

Run hills? Get a treadmill?

I don't understand the poetry?


too far..

One day
In may
I took a girl in the hay
her name was Fay
and I sprayed all my babies
in her Va-Jay-Jay

too far..

i approached her,

she stared at me.

eye contact.

tension build up.

and all of a sudden.

her bf came in the field.

and i was too far.

too far..

Running closer I came,

And I had lots of fame.

But being so lame,

I was more of the same.

Sucks I had no car,

cause she was too far.

too far..

haha just trying to tell a story astray from all the usual novice questioning and scientific analytical breakdowns

your welcome

maybe i should have ran that 100 yards across campus in this 90 degree weather, that ass sure woulda been worth it

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