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Logistics: what would you do?

Logistics: what would you do?

I live in the DMV (DC, MD, VA).

Whenever I go out, it's usually to DC but I live 30 mins outside of DC in the suburbs of northern VA. I do this because my job is here and I live literally 5 mins from my job.

However, the benefits of being able to go home for lunch, save money on gas during the week, not having to fight horrible traffic etc, come at a cost.

Since I live so far from the city, it's hard to be spontaneous with a girl that I meet in the city and just have her come to my place. A girl has to be comfortable as hell and really like me to want to drive 30 mins just to kick it at my house. Not to mention having to drive home drunk from the city when I go out.

Generally speaking, if I lived closer to the city or actually in the city, id probably be able to meet even more girls and have more action cause my logistics would be better.

The only thing that's holding me back is the fact that I pay $1100 for 650 sq ft in rent for a pretty nice place and more than likely wont be able to find that anywhere the closer I get to the city. I'd be paying at least 1300 on the low end. Also, my gas bill would definitely go up since I wouldn't be 5 mins from my job anymore.

What would you do?

Logistics: what would you do?


Logistics: what would you do?

Quote: (02-20-2012 06:34 AM)theIVth Wrote:  

Not to mention having to drive home drunk from the city when I go out.

I hate to pick at you for a single point, but please don't drive drunk. Safety risks aside (we've all heard the horror stories before), the need to get drunk to game women means your inner game still isn't optimal. Have a few drinks, sure, but keep it safe and don't over-indulge. You don't want whiskey dick, do you? Getting pulled over and blowing a breathalyzer would really put a damper on your evening, and a DUI conviction would at least bar you from visiting our northern neighbors, if not most countries.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Logistics: what would you do?

Quote: (02-20-2012 07:40 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

1) How many bitches have you lost over the 30 minute drive?

Has this been an actual problem for you?
Or is this just a perceived problem?

2) What's wrong with Fairfax and Alexandria bitches? No bitches in Front Royal or Manassas
3) Is the extra 300 bucks a month (200 for rent, 100 for gas) going to break you?
4) How important is being close to your job over fucking bitches?

5) It's DC, surely the bitches are nicer in NoVa than they are in the city.

Having lived in Logan Circle, getting a chick out of a u-street bar/club and back to your spot can still be difficult, but that's cause the game layed on her wasn't that strong.

Whenver I go to the city, I just feel the vibe more. Girls actually choose when I go out in DC, and I can only imagine what it would be like to be on the streets of DC every other night just constantly in the mix. Im 28 yo, black and from Houston, TX and have lived here coming up on 3 yrs in July, and Id have to say that the urban feel of DC versus the suburbs of NoVA definitely fit my style way better.

I rarely even see black girls where I am right now. And going to the mall just to try to see what I can pull gets old after a while when DC has thousands of girls all over the place riding the train and just walking the streets. Being able to fall into Bens Next Door and the like on a whim and see whats poppin would definitely be a benefit over having to drive 30 mins to get there.

Logistics: what would you do?

Quote: (02-20-2012 08:03 AM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-20-2012 06:34 AM)theIVth Wrote:  

Not to mention having to drive home drunk from the city when I go out.

I hate to pick at you for a single point, but please don't drive drunk. Safety risks aside (we've all heard the horror stories before), the need to get drunk to game women means your inner game still isn't optimal. Have a few drinks, sure, but keep it safe and don't over-indulge. You don't want whiskey dick, do you? Getting pulled over and blowing a breathalyzer would really put a damper on your evening, and a DUI conviction would at least bar you from visiting our northern neighbors, if not most countries.

I dont need alcohol to get at women. I drink cause I like getting a buzz and to just enjoy myself when Im out. I dont usually get too too drunk, but I have been pretty tipsy driving home and in a few cases I have honestly been pretty wasted heading back up 66.

I know its dangerous and all it takes is one time and thats why Im considering moving closer cause I dont foresee myself ever not drinking.

Logistics: what would you do?


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