A good way to look at money is what level of income it will produce, a fairly widely accepted figure is that if you have your money sensibly invested you can spend 4% per year, with this level of spending you won’t be eating into your money. Higher than this and your wealth will be going down over time.
Using this 4% figure then you can easily see how much money you need to save to achieve a desired level of income shown in the following table:
1300,000 12,000 1,000
2500,000 20,000 1,667
31,000,000 40,000 3,333
41,500,000 60,000 5,000
52,000,000 80,000 6,667
62,500,000 100,000 8,333
73,000,000 120,000 10,000
83,500,000 140,000 11,667
94,000,000 160,000 13,333
104,500,000 180,000 15,000
115,000,000 200,000 16,667
125,500,000 220,000 18,333
136,000,000 240,000 20,000
146,500,000 260,000 21,667
157,000,000 280,000 23,333
167,500,000 300,000 25,000
178,000,000 320,000 26,667
188,500,000 340,000 28,333
199,000,000 360,000 30,000
209,500,000 380,000 31,667
2110,000,000 400,000 33,333
2210,500,000 420,000 35,000
2311,000,000 440,000 36,667
2411,500,000 460,000 38,333
2512,000,000 480,000 40,000
2612,500,000 500,000 41,667
So for example if you want to achieve an income of $100,000 per year you will have to save $2,500,000. It must be noted that there is no tax to be paid on this income as you are just spending your own money, a $100,000 income could be equivalent to approximately $160,000 pre-tax income depending on where you live.
The lowest figure of $300,000 will produce an income of $1000 a month, this is probably the bare minimum that would allow you to live in some places but you would be quite limited on your options, from what I’ve read you could have a reasonable lifestyle on this income in somewhere like Chang Mai.
Once you make it to level 4: $1,500,000 you’re in a great position, $5,000 per month doing absolutely nothing for the rest of your life. In 95% of the world you can have a great lifestyle on this.
Looking at the figures higher up if you want to be really rich you have to put a significant amount of money away and the chances of you doing this become lower and lower, probably the only guaranteed way of doing this is if you’re heading to Wall Street, then maybe you have a high chance of building up over $10,000,000. I have no idea how many people who head to Wall Street achieve this.
A couple of caveats, this income is in present day money, if you have a plan that you want to be sitting on a million dollars in 15 years the spending power will be devalued through inflation. In 15 years it’s unlikely that you could live anywhere on $1,000 a month.
The second caveat is if you have a wife and kids then you realistically have to make more if you want your freedom. $5,000 a month supporting a family is a lot different to $5,000 a month as a single guy and if you have a couple of million in the bank it could be very difficult to convince your wife that you can only spend $80,000 a year.
Lastly most people are spenders, the majority of people if they were given $3,000,000 would spend way more than $120,000 a year and in five or ten years it would all be gone. If this is you, you have to realise that you have little chance of building any serious wealth.
Using this 4% figure then you can easily see how much money you need to save to achieve a desired level of income shown in the following table:
1300,000 12,000 1,000
2500,000 20,000 1,667
31,000,000 40,000 3,333
41,500,000 60,000 5,000
52,000,000 80,000 6,667
62,500,000 100,000 8,333
73,000,000 120,000 10,000
83,500,000 140,000 11,667
94,000,000 160,000 13,333
104,500,000 180,000 15,000
115,000,000 200,000 16,667
125,500,000 220,000 18,333
136,000,000 240,000 20,000
146,500,000 260,000 21,667
157,000,000 280,000 23,333
167,500,000 300,000 25,000
178,000,000 320,000 26,667
188,500,000 340,000 28,333
199,000,000 360,000 30,000
209,500,000 380,000 31,667
2110,000,000 400,000 33,333
2210,500,000 420,000 35,000
2311,000,000 440,000 36,667
2411,500,000 460,000 38,333
2512,000,000 480,000 40,000
2612,500,000 500,000 41,667
So for example if you want to achieve an income of $100,000 per year you will have to save $2,500,000. It must be noted that there is no tax to be paid on this income as you are just spending your own money, a $100,000 income could be equivalent to approximately $160,000 pre-tax income depending on where you live.
The lowest figure of $300,000 will produce an income of $1000 a month, this is probably the bare minimum that would allow you to live in some places but you would be quite limited on your options, from what I’ve read you could have a reasonable lifestyle on this income in somewhere like Chang Mai.
Once you make it to level 4: $1,500,000 you’re in a great position, $5,000 per month doing absolutely nothing for the rest of your life. In 95% of the world you can have a great lifestyle on this.
Looking at the figures higher up if you want to be really rich you have to put a significant amount of money away and the chances of you doing this become lower and lower, probably the only guaranteed way of doing this is if you’re heading to Wall Street, then maybe you have a high chance of building up over $10,000,000. I have no idea how many people who head to Wall Street achieve this.
A couple of caveats, this income is in present day money, if you have a plan that you want to be sitting on a million dollars in 15 years the spending power will be devalued through inflation. In 15 years it’s unlikely that you could live anywhere on $1,000 a month.
The second caveat is if you have a wife and kids then you realistically have to make more if you want your freedom. $5,000 a month supporting a family is a lot different to $5,000 a month as a single guy and if you have a couple of million in the bank it could be very difficult to convince your wife that you can only spend $80,000 a year.
Lastly most people are spenders, the majority of people if they were given $3,000,000 would spend way more than $120,000 a year and in five or ten years it would all be gone. If this is you, you have to realise that you have little chance of building any serious wealth.