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Grils that regularly frequent your usual drinking spot....

Grils that regularly frequent your usual drinking spot....

Can anyone offer advice on how to deal with girls that regularly hang out at the same drinking spot as yourself and where things didn't work with them from an earlier approach? It could be from a girl that likes you but you're not into them so you don't want to encourage them or a girl that likes attention and will give you the run around if you respond to their 'supposed' interest.

Grils that regularly frequent your usual drinking spot....

Wait what... ?

You're confusing me, the first girl you suggest you already failed with. So, she already has a perception of you that is not positive. Then you speak of a girl you're not interested in, so why would you want to talk to her? Finally, a girl that will give you the run-around is a waste of time, unless that's an excuse you've fabricated to not talk to her.

I'm not sure what the issue is here, just ignore them if they're always at "your bar" and you don't want to talk to them.

Grils that regularly frequent your usual drinking spot....

Yeah, I tried to read this but I am super confused.

Do you want to swoop the girls or save face or what?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Grils that regularly frequent your usual drinking spot....

In a nutshell you take one crack and if you fail then accept the failure and forget the bitch. Game also extends from failures whether it was your fault or the just the chick not coming around. Moving on after the failure is an extension of game and how you play it from there can rewrite the rules of your interaction with that chick.

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