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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 12:00 PM
I like how all of the comments are just stupid retorts/attempted insults calling the guy old/ugly. They are no better than the person they are claiming to hate. Still she is fat, its unhealthy, funny thing is the comments call her "normal" which i guess is true because everyone is fucking fat, but just because its the norm doesn't mean its right.
Also it pisses me off to no end when people take the side of fat people ie. fat apologists and claim whoever is against them is _____ (insert insult of your choice) its pathetic and childish. They will also lash out against smokers or drinkers saying what they do is unhealthy too. Yeah it is in excess and they suffer the stigma associated with it, sure they can chose to smoke but people will look at them differently and they know that. I really wish there was more stigma associated with being fat. I think it would have helped my weightloss immensely to know that there is a greater social benefit of being fit.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 12:00 PM
She is a fat fuck. For a while I had no idea what she looked like. Because of her voice, I pictured her as a beautiful woman. But, then I saw a picture of her and my whole universe shattered.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 12:35 PM
Lagerfeld gives her a backhanded compliment in stating that she's pretty, but it's a fact that she's fat. She's not OBESE yet, but she definitely is fat. Fashion designers are notorious fat phobes - the top designers REFUSE to design anything above a certain size.
Tomtud, it's true that fatties can in fact lose weight. The problem is that most of them don't want to, or they want to but lack the discipline, desire and patience to do it. They'll try some bullshit fad diet that claims they can still eat the shit that made them fat in the first place, not move their fat asses, yet still magically lose weight. Celebrity fatties eventually knuckle under to pressure and lose, because they get tired of reading snarky comments in the tabloids about their weight. They also have staff and support to push them, and actually get PAID to do it (WeightWatchers endorsements, etc.). At some point Adele might do the same.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 01:05 PM
Adele is a porker for sure. I'm kind of surprised she managed to achieve as much fame as she has and still maintain the jelly rolls. One of her handlers should slap the cake out of her mouth and hook her up to a treadmill to boost album sales.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 01:11 PM
I think singers will always be able to get away with it, because ultimately people buy music that sounds good to them, and don't really care what the singer looks like. I'm sure in concert she doesn't dance around (she isn't THAT kind of singer), so again, her weight won't stop fans from coming to see her sing or buying her albums. To a certain extent looks matter for public people, but for singers it isn't the overriding factor. There are plenty of fat and/or ugly actors, but they still get work. They may not be leading men/women, but can still be greatly respected for their skills and make a great living and win awards for their work.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 03:24 PM
Bitch IS fat, no more need to be said. Karl just had the balls to say it. We should be celebrating that one of the most famous designers had the guts to say it publicly. Just imagine if every one of these guys went into the fat shaming business. It just might make a difference in the burgeoning corpulence epidemic in this country.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 03:30 PM
Fat chicks do not want to understand that curves, and rolls of fat, are not the same thing.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 03:40 PM
This is the same culture that tries to shame skinny girls for being anorexic. They are trying to make obesity a norm, for society to accept it instead of them having to change by eating like a normal person instead of a whale.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 03:50 PM
I read this today as well, thankfully we still have men willing to call a spade a spade.
Predictably, feminism outrage ensues. 'She's beautiful as she is, she doesn;t need to change, what's wrong with being different?' You can't lump (pardon the pun) being fat into the same category as racial discrimination, sexism and everything else. It's called BEING FAT, lose some weight.
What's wrong with being fat?
I'll tell you what, what's wrong with going to the gym, exercising, eating properly and looking after your body so you look and feel better?
Oh shit sorry. Damn what is it with people's aversion to exercise these days?
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 03:58 PM
Quote: (02-07-2012 03:40 PM)Roosh Wrote:
This is the same culture that tries to shame skinny girls for being anorexic. They are trying to make obesity a norm, for society to accept it instead of them having to change by eating like a normal person instead of a whale.
Nietzsche called it. Typical case of master-slave morality. Morally weak fatties are trying to devalue being skinny and revalue being fat as the new norm, as the right way to be.
This is also how Judaism, Christianity and Islam were born. The meek glorifying their weakness and shaming the powerful and the strong into living like them.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 04:16 PM
Hopefully this statement will shame her fat ass into losing weight.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 05:17 PM
It's funny because most female singers dance in their music videos. The one Adele music video I saw (stupid mall food court tvs), she was just sitting in a chair while people danced around her. I guess if she tried to dance it'd remind people too much of that dancing hippo from Fantasia...
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 05:28 PM
'Why are designers so afraid of curves!!!11!111!1!!?????2/2?@?@??'
Gee, maybe someone like Karl Lagerfeld, one of the biggest names in the business, doesn't want people to associate his merchandise with FUPA-having fatties wearing them and walking down the street?
And of course diabetes, strokes, heart conditions and early-onset arthritis must be good things, since it's so good to be fat. All this 'fat people can be role models' started with Christina Hendricks (who wasn't even fat, she was curvy) and is now wrapping its arms 2/3 of the way around Adele and losing a hand in her backfat. It's such bullshit, like pornstars who say they want to be positive sexual role models; sure you can be a pornstar and be a good person, but at the end of the day you still have sex with people, for money, and let others film it.
I bet money that sometime in the next five years Adele pulls a Jennifer Hudson and drops the weight, but for now, she is fat, and the sad part? She's not massively fat; she's regular fat (it's sad that there are differing levels of fat, one of which is regular fat).
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 05:58 PM
I was having the same discussion with a girl I met a few days ago. She told me "Adele is beautiful and has an amazing voice". I was like really? beautiful?. I don't even like her voice (that may be subjective). But beautiful? Since when are fat women beautiful?
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 06:00 PM
The thing is that if you start talking about fatties or fattiness publicly most people get offended.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 06:08 PM
Quote: (02-07-2012 06:00 PM)mofo Wrote:
The thing is that if you start talking about fatties or fattiness publicly most people get offended, even people who are not fat.
I told girl a few weeks ago that I don't like fatties ( the girl was skinny ) and she was like 'Why??'...
A lot of thin girls have no sympathy for fatties. Among the people I hang out with fatty shaming is pretty accepted.
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Karl Lagerfeld calls singer Adele fat
02-07-2012, 06:36 PM
I'm taking a communications studies class right now and the resident whale did a presentation on discrimination against lardasses. She used herself as an example of this. What she failed to mention is how she chows down during class. I've seen her demolish 2-3 bags of snacks plus a large soda. An hour later I'll see her at the cafeteria pounding whatever the daily special is.