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College Game is Different...

College Game is Different...

PUA techniques don't work on college campuses, but that shouldn't surprise anyone. Running aroung and direct approaching girls like I did on the streets does NOT work at my college; it might work if you go to a huge state school of 40,000+ students, but not at a small private college like mine. At my college of 1400 students, it's more like a tribe -- status/reputation is what everyone is looking for. Eventually everyone knows everyone, and we're all connected by simply being of the same age group and sharing a campus: most conventional "game" techniques aren't useful.

Right now, I've become fairly popular on campus. I've spent my nights hanging out with everyone, from the international-student cliques to the athletes, getting drunk and wild and making friends with almost everyone. I've become the fun social guy, and recently I got a lot of respect for bringing some girls to a party. I've got girls number closing me, hanging out with me, coming to parties with me... I am already pre-selected... I went out, every day, just trying to be that Fun, Social Dominant Guy, not worrying about getting laid (read College Game by Mark Redman) but I still feel, as Redman puts it in his book, another one of those "goofballs, [that] still feels like they were a mile away from hooking up."

A lot of people in this community have been advocating the idea that you should just go out to have fun with your bros, and not to lay HBs. They say that this mentality is exactly what gets you laid. Hell, why even bother?

There's only a bit of truth to this, but otherwise it's totally WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!

You can be the Fun, Social, Dominant guy that doesn't give a shit, and not surprisingly fit the stereotype of the loveable goofball that doesn't get laid. Hell, this is where I was before I found the PUA community. No amount of inner game will ever fix that.

This thread isn't a book review, but after reading Mark Redman's book College Dating Dominance, which seemingly offers contradictory advice here and there, my eyes were opened to some important outer game things I may need to work on. Mainly, I think I need to work on qualification..

What have any of you learned from gaming college girls?

College Game is Different...

"A lot of people in this community have been advocating the idea that you should just go out to have fun with your bros, and not to lay HBs. They say that this mentality is exactly what gets you laid."

There is some truth to this.

In college, you friends and your crew are often how you are judged. That is why fraternities are popular (are they still?)

Going for Dolo (http://www.thegmanifesto.com/2007/08/goi...olo.html), is a lot more difficult in the college scene.

I am not familiar with Mark Redman's book College Dating Dominance but the problem with the pick up artist community as I have said many times is that the majority of these guys just started practicing Game since "The Game" (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060554...ive=380601) came out.

And many of these "gurus" didn't get any girls in college.

I will write more on this in the future, but I think here are keys:

Get a good crew
Have your finger on the pulse of the social scene
Party a lot.
Be very social
Always Be Closing

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

College Game is Different...

lower confidence for me now)=

College Game is Different...

Man, where were all these books when I was in college? ;P

There is an excellent post on college game by our very own BasilRansom.

From my own experience, it wasn't just having a large social circle, it was knowing the right people. Going around solo wasn't very conducive to pickup, although I did meet a random girl here and there (lunch game).

Basically, the idea of being social in a sense is a determinant of being "normal" in college. When a girl hears you go to parties, have a lot of friends, surf on the weekends, it's almost like when we hear a girl has big tits, big ass, and a thin waist. You don't actually need to do any of these things to be successful really, as long as she thinks you are. Most girls just want to brag to their friends that they hooked up with a guy who does all these things.

I can't tell if you're in Ireland, but at least here in the US, joining a good frat does a lot for you, or at least becoming friends with people in the better frats. These frats are magnets to the hotter women on campus.

College Game is Different...

The principles are the same, methods may vary.

Ive done well at aussie universities, just avoid gimmicky stuff. Approach with the simplest lines, "hey", "you guys seem friendly", funny, not clingy, screen them, rip on them for a bit, then get the digits bail.

College Game is Different...

What makes college different is that there's an established hierarchy. I can ask you a question or two about your background, and have a good idea of your social standing. Are you in band? 95% chance you're a total effing loser. You're in SAE? 95% chance you're cool. Joining a good frat isn't easy. At my school, the best ones you have to hang out with them months prior to rush and have a prior social connection to them. In addition to being a cool dude. Most community guys I've met are not cool enough to get into a top frat, fwiw. Another avenue is athletics.

There's the hipster and alternative scenes, which have their own very attractive girls. I think these sorts of scenes are most amenable to pickup. Your status is more fluid in these scenes, the girls are wittier and more appreciative of verbal game. It's much easier to game girls you don't know, and the bitch shields are lower.

Even before you mentioned how you're not getting laid, I picked that up from your writing. I don't agree with the "don't go out to get laid, go out to have fun" mantra. There are guys who have tons of female friends but don't fuck them. Are you even trying to screw them? If you don't try, you won't. Always Be Closing. It's not the guy who plays the great host who bangs the most.

Sure they look cool when they go out, but they aren't closers. Being the 'fun' guy won't get a girl to open her vag for you. Personally for me, as I've become more aggressive and misogynistic in my dealings with women, I've closed more. Used to be, "nice, I'm making a girl laugh." Now it's, "ok bitch, when you are going to spread your legs?" And girls respond to this. A little calibration required, some girls call for more polish, but the concept's the same.

There is value to having many female friends. I don't personally, but it can make it a lot easier to bang. Given enough connections, you'd never have to cold approach. If you can be that dude that girls love, the one where there's 5 girls and him, your odds are better. Personally, I don't care to entertain more than one girl at a time for long.

Surrounding yourself with guys who think of women as sluts, playthings to pump and dump helps.

My personal recommendation: You need to become more of an asshole. It has to show in your face and swagger. Anything that doesn't work in college isn't core, central game in the first place. Every time you look at a woman, you should be thinking, "who is this little shit." The hottest girls overwhelmingly go out with the biggest assholes on campus, assholes of all stripes and colors.

The PUA techniques are icing on the cake, compared to just overall swagger and vibe. If your shit's not right, girls will kiss you and give you their number, but they won't bang. Lots of try-hard dudes who kiss but rarely fuck.


You can be the Fun, Social, Dominant guy that doesn't give a shit, and not surprisingly fit the stereotype of the loveable goofball that doesn't get laid.
If you're that goofball, you're not dominant. You're not sure of what you want. You tell yourself you want to have fun, when really you just want to get laid. Most guys do that.

The college books aren't that useful. The most effective tack for me is to become more masculine, more animalistic, more ruthless.

College Game is Different...

Sounds pretty G to me.

College Game is Different...

Quote: (09-06-2009 08:22 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

The most effective tack for me is to become more masculine, more animalistic, more ruthless.

I think this is under-appreciated. Gunwitch might have the wattage of a christmas tree light, and his "way of gun" dvd's were pretty laughable, but his fundamental message of "stop being a fucking pussy and 'make the ho say no'" is probably the most valuable single piece of information I ever encountered on pickup.

Different venues might require varying amounts of suave layered atop this animalistic core, but that core is still, well... core.

I'm no 9th level of power wunderkind here, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But the first thing I did after I adopted the "make the ho say no" mentality was bang my spanish teacher. Yeah, the plural of anecdote ain't data, but still. That there's some shit what to think on.

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