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In Defense of France

In Defense of France

allgood, Toulon is a pretty small town. I would recommend Juan Les Pins which is a couple hours from there in the direction of Nice. Its packed in summer with tourists from all over Europe. There are people chilling by the beach at midnight too! Plus there is a Jazz festial there in July/August. Its called Jazz-e-Juan, look it up.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-11-2012 07:04 PM)capote Wrote:  

allgood, Toulon is a pretty small town. I would recommend Juan Les Pins which is a couple hours from there in the direction of Nice. Its packed in summer with tourists from all over Europe. There are people chilling by the beach at midnight too! Plus there is a Jazz festial there in July/August. Its called Jazz-e-Juan, look it up.


Break it down.

Bust out a Data Sheet.


In Defense of France

Quote: (07-11-2012 07:04 PM)capote Wrote:  

allgood, Toulon is a pretty small town. I would recommend Juan Les Pins which is a couple hours from there in the direction of Nice. Its packed in summer with tourists from all over Europe. There are people chilling by the beach at midnight too! Plus there is a Jazz festial there in July/August. Its called Jazz-e-Juan, look it up.

Damn, I wish your post had appeared before I booked myself a short-term rental in the Toulon area. What convinced me to stay was all the beautiful girls here. It may be a small town but it's full of French tourists for the Bastille Day holiday. If I only had some day game...

At night it's your typical cockfest unfortunately. And there appears to be a bit of stealth PFP (pay for pussy) going on here - this broad attacked me in a bar, then we went to the local after hours party, then she gave me a sob story and started asking for money to sleep with her. So I bailed. I don't know if that's normal here or if I was just unlucky.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-12-2012 06:46 AM)allgood Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2012 07:04 PM)capote Wrote:  

allgood, Toulon is a pretty small town. I would recommend Juan Les Pins which is a couple hours from there in the direction of Nice. Its packed in summer with tourists from all over Europe. There are people chilling by the beach at midnight too! Plus there is a Jazz festial there in July/August. Its called Jazz-e-Juan, look it up.

Damn, I wish your post had appeared before I booked myself a short-term rental in the Toulon area. What convinced me to stay was all the beautiful girls here. It may be a small town but it's full of French tourists for the Bastille Day holiday. If I only had some day game...

At night it's your typical cockfest unfortunately. And there appears to be a bit of stealth PFP (pay for pussy) going on here - this broad attacked me in a bar, then we went to the local after hours party, then she gave me a sob story and started asking for money to sleep with her. So I bailed. I don't know if that's normal here or if I was just unlucky.

Can you Bust out a Data Sheet on Toulon?

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-12-2012 07:43 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Can you Bust out a Data Sheet on Toulon?

I'll try and do that after a few more days here.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-12-2012 10:10 AM)allgood Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2012 07:43 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Can you Bust out a Data Sheet on Toulon?

I'll try and do that after a few more days here.

Toulon is basically a military town so nothing interesting there as far as I can tell.
You should hit some places nearby:Cassis and La Ciotat for the beach, Saint Tropez / Cannes / Juan les pins to go out...

Where you are right now it's better to do day game although you don't like it, maybe time to improve it [Image: wink.gif]

In Defense of France

In Defense of France:
We get a ton of French tourists in Israel every summer. Some of the hottest, sexiest women in the world.

Served with a former Frenchman in the army. One of the toughest, most stand-up guys I've known.

Also, a lot of American guys could learn something from French guys about game. They have a way of introducing sexual tension into every conversation with a woman, but with style. Women find that very attractive. Its not an accident so many foreign women talk about hooking up with french guys.

Criticism of France
Once took a train thru France to Germany. Sat next to two fly girls and started chatting them up in French. Poor french, OK, but conversational. They thought i was from Canada, and were being really friendly. When they heard i was living in the US, they literally turned around in their seats. F- em, i'm not the type to bash the US just to get in good with a couple of chicks.

Rudest tourists in the world. And that coming from an Israeli is saying something, we're probably the second worst haha.

In Defense of France

It's funny, sometimes you can't see what is right in front of you. France was like that for me.

I can practically see France on a clear day from my town in the UK. Back in the days before budget airlines when Eurolines was the cheapest way to get to Eastern Europe ( anyone remember those horrific 24 hour trans-continental journeys to Krakow etc? ) I would drive across the north of the country and never once did I even consider stopping in France and looking around. It just seemed to familiar, probably just like England but a little bit prettier. How little did I know...

A couple years ago I discovered Nice through friends. I made a few weekend trips down there and was blown away by the beauty of the place but I never really thought more about it. Then in April I moved down to the Cote d'Azur for two months and got a chance to explore and know the place on a deeper level. What I found both inspired me and depressed me.

I have only lived on the Cote d'Azur, I have never been to Paris or central France so I have to be careful in thinking that the south coast IS France. It may well be a law unto itself. Obviously it is wealthy and you are cocooned from real life there somewhat. No doubt if I had spent 2 months on the northern housing estates of Marseilles my opinions would be different but you can only comment on what you know.

I said that France inspired and depressed me. I'll explain what I mean...

I have always felt that the UK was a bit shit but let's face it, we all think that about our countries at times. We all moan about our women or fellow citizens etc. However deep down we kind of think 'well it's not too bad, in fact we probably live better than any of our neighbours otherwise they would not be wanting to come her'. Then I moved to France and I had something confirmed, like a hard slap in the face: France is in every way better than the UK. My country is not just shit, but it's shitter than I possibly imagined. It was only when I could compare it against a neighbour that it brought home just how far ahead France is of us. It made returning here, back to the country of chavs with pit bulls and blokes with bulldog tattoos and shaved heads all the more hard, depressing even. Is it better to have lost and loved than to have never have loved at all?

Why do I think so highly of France? Am I not just doing the thing everyone does after a holiday and see it through rose tinted glasses? Maybe in part but I spent 2 months there living not in a hotel and eating in restaurants. I lived in a house with French neighbours, I shopped where locals shopped ( Carefour blows Tesco out the water. You have to see their fish counter. 100s of varieties of freshly caught fish! ), I drank coffee in small cafes where only French people went, met locals all the time, I lived as much as a local as is possible for someone with zero French skills. I don't claim to know France well or have deep insight into the people but from my trip I can make some observations.

The greatest thing about southern France in relation to the UK is the atmosphere. You feel incredibly relaxed. All the bullshit from home that you worry about, you don't in Nice. Check this out: on a weekend late at night I saw parents carrying their sleeping children through the city centre after having been to a restaurant. Can you imagine carrying your young child through a British town centre at 11pm on a Friday?! You'd have to walk past people pissing in doorways or brawling outside a club. In France ( again, the France I know ) you don't worry about that. People don't swear on the street, you don't see chavs. In my time there I did not once see a pit bull, not one! People have poodles or chihuahuas, even men. When was the last time you saw a young bloke with a poodle in the UK?! Even the road rage was different: in the UK people shout out obscenities and threats to kill, in France old people get out the car and explain their point. You know how we have rubbish lying around, not in France, the place is spotless, I don't know how they do it. The only thing we do better than them in this regard is we pick up our dog shit more than French people.

Let's move onto their food and shopping. You know in Tescos or Morrisons how every other shelf is a microwave meal of some sort, some pre-prepared shit high in fat and trans-fats. Check this out, in France you don't see them except one small area of a shelf that nobody visits. People there use fresh ingredients, they cook! It's a revolutionary concept. And the choice of cuts and different foods is astronomical. Fish I had never seen before, vegetables of strange shape, rabbit meat, veal, things we don't use or eat so often because we are scared to eat anything unless it is one of four or five typical meals we have grown up with. And you know what this means, the French look healthy! In my time there I only once saw a invalid mobile like we see in our town centres. The old people in France walk!!! In fact they do not just walk, they jog! You see little old ladies jogging along the Promenade Des Anglais or out with their dogs having a stroll. They have not given up on life and living on a diet of last night's leftovers and daytime tv, they are living! They walk around dressed up and people are polite to them, people respect them, they call them Madamme instead of saying 'alright love'. And they don't walk around scruffy either, they dress up in their pretty little outfits, classy. The old men too, in suits sitting on benches talking to friends, reminiscing and laughing. They meet up and play Petanque in the villages square. Old people out taking part in the cultural life of the region.

Then there is the women. I'll lay my cards on the table: I never got anywhere with a French girl beyond flirting. I focussed on foreign chicks as it was easier. I regret that. I regret it because French women whilst not necessarily having outstanding faces make up for it with a style and class of their own. They know how to walk. They know how to dress. They are slim. In my 8 weeks I do not recall seeing one fatty, not one! Compare that to the UK. They are tanned and slim, auburn hair, stylish and they smile if you smile. The ones I met were charming, not fat ignorant British cunts. You have to see how they smoke! They make a disgusting habit seem infinitely attractive, the way they flick their ash...All done with class. You should see their police! The French policewomen are stunning in their blue and white uniforms and they don't have shitty superior attitudes like our coppers. They smile at you. I saw one relaxing on the bonnet of her police car in uniform smoking a cigarette nonchalantly. They are chilled. Imagine seeing a British police woman doing that!

I had heard before that the French were snobby and offish. I dispute that but if they are I don't blame them, I would be. If I lived in a superior culture that they live in I would look down on Britain too. They must visit England and think 'what the fuck!'. Seriously, compared to France we are in the dark ages. We have let our country go to the shit, the French so far have not and long may that continue. No wonder English people are moving to France, they have seen the light and raised the white flag. France won the war. Imagine what a French person thinks when they get off the ferry in Dover! I'm surprised they don't turn back immediately. Filthy little shit hole towns in Kent: Welcome to Britain!

In the UK we like to act superior to the French. We use the old 'we saved you in the war' line, I know Americans use that line too. Well maybe we did, maybe you did but France and the French are having the last laugh. Whilst we live in our shitty miserable cities and countries feeling superior they are living a life of great weather, stunning architecture, classy people, great food, hot women. Of all the western countries I have visited France shits all over them. It really was an eye opening trip. How somewhere that is just 90 minutes by flight from my home can be so utterly different.

I go back in September for two months, I will learn French, explore more of the area, make local friends ( Green Lion: sorry I never met you dude I was just too busy with things, I will be back soon and have that night out with you as promised. I was in Menton last week but never had your number or I'd have invited you out ), watch French films, listen to French 60's music, wear a striped shirt and ride a bicycle. France has gripped me and shown me what the potential for Europe and Europeans is. We don't have to live like we do in the UK, we'd be better off inviting the French to invade and teach us how to be better. Oh, and there are direct flights to Moscow and Kiev from Nice ( come on, you didn't expect me to make a post without mentioning the FSU did you? )


In Defense of France

V, sounds like you were on acid 24/7 when you were here )))

Another version of La Marseillaise:


In Defense of France

Haven't read the whole thread so I can imagine there's a lot o France bashing in here but I must say France is one of my all time favorite countries, no doubt.

It's obviously not perfect and it has many flaws, but damn, the sheer beauty of the country, its cities, the culture, the history, the food, the joie de vivre, the lanaguage, the women, the music... ahh douce France.

Here's a song about a player trying to swoop a girl while she doesn't believe anything he says.


In Defense of France

Quote: (07-04-2013 03:09 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Here's a song about a player trying to swoop a girl while she doesn't believe anything he says.

"Paroles Paroles" was a classic in Club Med shows )) (watch the last mnt)


In Defense of France


In Defense of France

For me, a guy that lived in Montreal and Quebec most of my life, the middle-point between Europe and America, having lived in France for a year and visited USA numerous times, even got a place in Florida and worked in numerous places in Canada, I was stunned after living a few months in France how different Quebecois and French people are, infact, we have nothing in common.

For years, I lived in a country that kissed the ass of America. Canada is a great country with its own culture but not much different from America in term of lifestyle. Quebec is more unique I must say but besides a low percentage of Montrealer I'd say every Quebecois is an American that speaks french without the patriotism for America. Quebecois wants to live the american dream, have a big house in the suburbs and the fanciest car, get a lot of money and showoff, play golf on the weekends...they all dream about going to vacation in Florida, own a place there...American dream is sold in Quebec. Again, we are a little on the socialistic side when it comes for healthcare...but a lot of people would rather pay no taxes like in Florida or Alberta than share with the poor. We are americans that speak french.

Then in France, I realized that I was in a country that had no connection to America and that was pretty much indepedant. France is part of the European Union and a big cntributor. French people don't know how American live, besides what they know from American movies. They like america and all dream about visiting it, they dont love americans though but they don't hate them. Being a french speak from QUebec, even I was mocked and being laughed at at first but the thing is after you meet them first and get connection you get some of the best friends, for life. Frenchies are in general cold but once you befriend them they are some of the reliable, caring people that you will ever know.

Anyway back on the country, It was so refreshing to stay in a place outside america`s influence where nothing that happened in America would affect France. People that would think independently, with a different view on life. France is not America, it`s not Germanym it`s not England, France is France and proud to be it. Although both countries were born with the same ideas, with freedom, independance and democracy in mind, both countries became really different over time.

I think the big differences came with the Great Depression, America was in deep shit and to get back on track economically had to overdo everything, overwork and take less vacations. That way of thinking had them won the World war. In term of supplies and materials, they outmatched every country in the world, even Russia. After the world war, every industries took the model used by the military and car industries and they sold the american dream that way, work more, and you will achieve more and pay yourself more luxury, buy american, america is today`s richest country.

France fought actively in 1st world war and acheived some of the highest casualties amongst its male population. Had France fought more actively in the second war, it would simply not exist today as a country because it was depleted of young military forces during the first world war, had France fought more actively in the second, it would NEVER had recovered. Hell, the reason France had such problems with immigrants right now is that its reconstruction after the second world war depended on immigrants from the Maghreb and the colonies (which were badly managed to begin with). The massive influx was needed but also too much to handle, they were simply secluded Ghettos in fear of the French being overthrown on their own turf (they were also extremely racists and xenophobic at that time). America was never hit as bad as France did and most americans would not act as arrogant if they went through what the french did. Most of my French friends still have stories from their grandparents about their home being burned and how survival was implemented in every day life. Frenchies are extremely keen on social equalities amongst themselves, you can't be rich and well perceived there..or have the envy of others, it doesn't work that way.

I will get on th education system later, its amazing how different it is from other countries.

France had to protect its culture, for fear of being overthrown by immigration or capitalism...

Anyway, today immigrants are more accepteda althrough a lot of them still live in Ghettos (algerians and Senegalais mostly). Its hard to make it as an immigrant in France and USA has treated that better.

But man, if Canada and Quebec are the biggest ball-lickers of the US, France act independently and thats a refreshing state. And when you live there, you realize how much France has to offer. Just living in the French alps like I did is so different than living in the south. Just in term of Liquor they have some stuff i had never heard of there, lot of different local ''saucissons'' and cheese, recipes unique to the region and delicious wine of Savoir. The way they talk is different than anywhere in France.

France is super active internationally while it seem Canada, USA and Mexico only deal with each other to some extent. I will add more but feel free share your opinion about my experiences and observations. But like I said I thought we would be closer to the French due to sharing the same language but we are much closer to Americans that we will ever be to French. France is one of the few countries that doesn't try to emulate America and doesn't need too, France has it fair share of successes. France cinema is big in France and not americanized either althrough outside from its own cinema culture american movies are enjoyed too.

In Defense of France

Beautiful post Vorkuta! Despite having left France a long time ago, your post reminded me of what it is to live there. I have been pondering for a long time where I'd eventually want to settle down. I thought of Asia, South America or even Eastern Europe, but after really thinking it through and remembering my youth growing up in France, I came to the logical conclusion that no place would match the quality and lifestyle that southern France offers. Specially on the south west. And you know what's the funny thing is in your wonderful post and about your perception of what it like living there? It's that you went to the most touristy, jaded area of France outside of Paris!

Imagine if you had gone to somewhere less touristy, say the south West or the deep south or the interior or as it's called "la France profonde", then you would be blown away. Every body knows you by first name basis and you not only become friend with your butcher, barber, boulanger, tabagiste/convenience store clerck/owner, but you'd be having drinks and lunches with them regularly in those places! You'd be invited into their homes, go pick nicking, hunting, skying, watching football/rugby matches as it's HUGE in the south of France.

Next time, I'd suggest you visit the South West, in the Basque cote, say in the famous BAB (Bayonne, Anglet and Biarritz) area where the beach is awesome, specially in the summer where it gets invaded by the Northern Euro/Scandinavians and gets full to the brim with hotties and also hotties from Spain/Portugal, but also the food is even better there, it's more authentic as each region, has not only it's own food, but also it's own wine. Speaking of wine, some of the best white wines are from that area, from Jurançon, which was a stone's throw away from where I grew up. Bordeaux is 2 hours to the north and Toulouse, 2 hours to the east. You have the Pyrenees an hour away and the Spanish border, anywhere between 20 minutes (if in Hendaye) to 1 hour in the rest of the south west region.

Another great region would be the deep south, around Carcassone, which is basically French Catalonia and Barcelona is only a short 2 hours drive from there. Plus you have the warm Mediteranean climate and see on your door steps and the Pyrenees at your background. Absolutely stunning! And the food, to die for! Oh and another special thing, is that there is a saying/legend in France that there are as many cities in France than cheeses. Each city has its very own type of cheese.

All in all, you would love the deep south and the South West even more so than Nice and the Cote D'Azur. Damn, I'm really getting a huge saudade of France and of the region I grew up. I have to return there soon! And Vorkuta, I'd be more than happy to show you my region if we happen to be in France at the same time.

Speaking of the hordes of Englishmen moving to France in droves, I don't blame them at all! Where else can you have such a fabulous lifestyle for as little as about 2kEuros/month than in the south of France? You have first world amenities in a first world country, the best and varied food in the world, uber feminine and beautiful women, great weather, lots and lots of things to do to occupy your mind and keep you busy, the best wines in the world, great strategic location (both Toulouse and Bordeaux have international flighs to pretty much anywhere in Europe/NA/South America), and way too many other great benefits to list in here?

And for those that do not speak French, it's not a terribly hard language to learn, specially if you live there for a few years. Try that with any of the Asian or Russian language!

In Defense of France

Very insightful post specially about the social fabrics of the French society as a result of the WWI and how the country had to import workers from the Maghreb to rebuild the country and how they were not properly integrated into the French society and hence creating those social frictions we are facing now in France.

As a result of this, let me warn you guys, specially those of you who look Arab and or have an Arabic/Muslim name, that you can and you will face some discrimination in France. But like anywhere, there are stupid and racists people anywhere, but the majority are cool provided you are a respectable and clean cut person.

In Defense of France

I realize this was from a year ago, but I thought I'd chime in.

I agree with HC totally in that if my goal was to learn French, I'd go to France. As a Frenchy, who moved to Quebec when we first moved to Canada, and at the time, not speaking a lick of English, I remember in high school in Montreal, I could hardly understand what not only the students my age were saying, but most importantly, the teachers! I remember having to ask the teachers a few times to repeat and or clarify what they meant as I didn't and couldn't understand what they were trying to say. Yes, there are major differences between the French spoken in France and in Quebec, not only in terms of vocabulary but also in terms of expressions. And at times, it was better to communicate with people there with my non existant baby English than in French. So all in all, for anyone learning French, don't waste your time with Quebecois French, with all respect due to the Quebecois French.

If money is an issue, then I'd go to Montreal, specially if one is coming from another North American city. However, if money is a bit less of a concern, then France would be a no brainer. Just the environment itself, to see the French in their every day lives, experience the French food in France, get a real baguette from the boulangerie, just hot from the oven, get a real cheese, and not to mention, the sight of the super feminine, elegant and classy and beautiful women. If done properly, France is a magical place. After thinking hard lately, I'm more and more leaning towards returning to France when the time comes to settle and raise a family.

Regarding nightlife, while Montreal is awesome, I would choose going to France over Quebec. Specially during the summer and even more so in the South West. The beaches are awesome, they get packed with all the Northern Europeans, Scandinivians and Spaniards/Portuguese people. I'd say even outside of summer, there are plenty of cities in France which can match if not beat Montreal's talent and amount of options for night life. Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Nantes, Rennes, which are all MAJOR university towns with students from around the world. IMO, France all the way over Montreal, unless money is an issue. And even there, with about 2k Euros/month, which is about 2500$, France can be very fun.

Quote: (03-02-2012 05:39 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:40 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Hencredible , if you had to choose , where would you spend 1 month studying french having fun ? 2nd Tier France (Lyon Nice..) or Montreal ?

If my goal was to learn French for real, I would go to France. Quebecois have a unique, and many say funny and unattractive way of speaking French. I would rather have a French accent from France.

For the girls and nightlife, definitely Montreal.

But honestly, I wouldn't go to a big city to learn it. I'd rather go to a rural place in the middle of nowhere and stay with a family for a few weeks so that I can really focus on the language.

I have a Colombian friend in Montreal who did that. He spent like five weeks with a family in rural Quebec. Speaks the language very well now.

In Defense of France

america could learn a lesson or two from france on how to avoid obesity.

In Defense of France

Very classic and classy Marseillaise Prosal by the legendary Serge Gainsbourg.
Here's IMO, the most beautiful, moving and emotional Marseillaise of all time to date:


If it doesn't work, just click here:

And speaking of la Marseillaise, it's the most awesome, catchy and easy to remember national anthem in the world with the Brasilian national anthem.

Quote: (07-04-2013 02:41 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

V, sounds like you were on acid 24/7 when you were here )))

Another version of La Marseillaise:


In Defense of France

Quote: (07-04-2013 11:42 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As a result of this, let me warn you guys, specially those of you who look Arab and or have an Arabic/Muslim name, that you can and you will face some discrimination in France. But like anywhere, there are stupid and racists people anywhere, but the majority are cool provided you are a respectable and clean cut person.

would I face some problems based on that, since I am one of those few people of Mexican ancestry who looks a lot like a north-african (i have been mistaken for an algerian and egyptian a few times) but I have a Greek first name and a Hispanic surname.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-04-2013 02:32 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

I have only lived on the Cote d'Azur, I have never been to Paris or central France so I have to be careful in thinking that the south coast IS France. It may well be a law unto itself. Obviously it is wealthy and you are cocooned from real life there somewhat. No doubt if I had spent 2 months on the northern housing estates of Marseilles my opinions would be different but you can only comment on what you know.

I love France.

And I loved Cote d'Azur.

However, I don't know if my expectations were too high or what, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I actually like Biarritz (from what I remember) way more. You should check that out for sure.

As far as the Med goes, I think I also like coastal Spain more. I am racking my brain trying to think of any advantages of Nice over say Alicante.

I like Miami Beach a million times more. Hell, I think I even like Montreal more (although no beach).

Still, it is a phenomenal place.

I am glad I can cross it off my list.

In Defense of France

I think France is best suited for French people.


In Defense of France

If you're a greek mexican, you should be ok. And dress nicely, not like a thug or a bump, that will also drastically reduce your chances of being discriminated or given a hard time by cops on the streets. And a big advice to you anyone going to France: learn as much French as you can. It will mean the difference between an ok/good vacation to a fabulous one.

Quote: (07-05-2013 01:19 AM)Hispanic_Reasoning Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2013 11:42 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As a result of this, let me warn you guys, specially those of you who look Arab and or have an Arabic/Muslim name, that you can and you will face some discrimination in France. But like anywhere, there are stupid and racists people anywhere, but the majority are cool provided you are a respectable and clean cut person.

would I face some problems based on that, since I am one of those few people of Mexican ancestry who looks a lot like a north-african (i have been mistaken for an algerian and egyptian a few times) but I have a Greek first name and a Hispanic surname.

In Defense of France

Just a heads up that the Le Roxy Pro (one of the stages of the Pro Women Surf Championship) is going to be held in Biarritz from 10-14 July. It's an awesome event if you're in the area.

The men world pro surf stage, which used to be in late august, is now also held right after the women's event, in July (11-17 July), where the biggest names in world surfing will be there. And needless to say, huge amounts of hotties talent will be there: both the Northern European/Scandi, Spaniards, Portuguese but also from the entire world will be there. If you're in Europe, there's no better place to be than in Biarritz by July-Aug. This is where I spent my summers growing up and each year had a blast. I won't be able to make it this year, but next year, it's definitely on!

Info about the women's event:

Info about the men's event:


The Cote Basque is awesome for camping, rving as it attracts people from all over Europe. There are also a ton of local Basque folkore events such as palla, pelote basque, etc..). One of these days, when I have the time, I'll do a data sheet on the Basque Cote region which includes the BAB area (Biarritz, Anglet, Bayonne) as well as Hendaye, St-Jean-de-Luz, one of my favorite places in all of the world. A gorgeous little town, a criss cross between San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro. Absolutely stunning. Has anyone in here been to the BAB region and to St-Jean-de-Luz? Would love to hear your thoughts about it.

Oh and before I forget, there's also another major event, held in the region, each summer, it's the world famous Corrida de Bayonne. This year, the festivities will start on Aug 10-11.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-05-2013 09:55 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I love France.

And I loved Cote d'Azur.

However, I don't know if my expectations were too high or what, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I actually like Biarritz (from what I remember) way more. You should check that out for sure.

As far as the Med goes, I think I also like coastal Spain more. I am racking my brain trying to think of any advantages of Nice over say Alicante.

I like Miami Beach a million times more. Hell, I think I even like Montreal more (although no beach).

Still, it is a phenomenal place.

I am glad I can cross it off my list.

That's fair.

I think it comes down to where you live or hang out a lot. I live in a small provincial British city and spend my holidays in real shit holes in the FSU. The Cote d'Azur was the first time I had lived in such a place and it blew me away. If I was already used to rolling in Miami or LA would it blow me away so much? Maybe not.

I never liked Spain especially not the coastal cities ( not been to Alicante however so can't comment ). I found the Spanish people were hard to connect with and jaded by tourists, it is the only country I have been to and vowed never to return to. In France although there are tourists you still feel the strength of the culture. You go a street back from the Promenade Des Anglais and you are away from tourists. Drive 30 minutes into the mountains and you are in a make believe world of mountain top villages and real culture. Sometimes a country and it's culture just chimes with you and you feel comfortable there, France had that for me, I felt good there.

I will be doing 2 months on 2 months off in France for the next year so I am really looking forwards to seeing some more out of the way places, towns without tourists. I'd like to check out Biarritz and VP thanks for the invite my friend, would love to see your area with you. If you're ever in France over the next 12 months then hit me up.

I checked out Ventimiglia which is a town just over the Italian border from Menton. It was interesting how the atmosphere changed as soon as you cross over. People are louder, the place is more run down, people hang their washing out on rope pulleys, an awesome little town. I plan to explore more of the Ligurian coast over the year and make a comparison.

In Defense of France

Quote: (07-05-2013 11:53 AM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

If you're a greek mexican, you should be ok. And dress nicely, not like a thug or a bump, that will also drastically reduce your chances of being discriminated or given a hard time by cops on the streets. And a big advice to you anyone going to France: learn as much French as you can. It will mean the difference between an ok/good vacation to a fabulous one.

Quote: (07-05-2013 01:19 AM)Hispanic_Reasoning Wrote:  

Quote: (07-04-2013 11:42 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

As a result of this, let me warn you guys, specially those of you who look Arab and or have an Arabic/Muslim name, that you can and you will face some discrimination in France. But like anywhere, there are stupid and racists people anywhere, but the majority are cool provided you are a respectable and clean cut person.

would I face some problems based on that, since I am one of those few people of Mexican ancestry who looks a lot like a north-african (i have been mistaken for an algerian and egyptian a few times) but I have a Greek first name and a Hispanic surname.

I am not Greek-Mexican, I Just have a Greek first name because my parents decided to name me that. I am as Mexican as any normal Mexican, except I ended up looking more like a North-African/South Asian than a Mexican because of some anomaly. but thanks for the info.

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