Quote: (03-02-2012 08:16 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:
Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:
Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:
what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?
Are you from quebec?
I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.
Yes I am from Québec .For high minimum salary ,what I mean is exemple in Canada I don't remember exactly but it's under the 10$/hour . Before that the canadian dollar has rase in value the equivalent in France was neer the 15/16 $ / hour . I just check now it's 12.04 /hour . It's still high especially with your high unemployed population and especially immigrant .[b] It's why I said if a boss have too choose between the white native french and the immigrant one , the chance is , He will hire the native one . It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale '' . Another thing in your country that I know is a lot of company,boss release people just before the end of their term or just don't let them have a permenent job to save some money . I know that a lot of french people that are always on term contract job .
We have the same national debate here . But, we have been more stricted . We still have some story but, now it's a laic state here in all in our institution .[/b]
Alfonzo,you're not teaching nothing new here.Name one country or western country in the world who is doing differently?Selecting white over minorities is a common practise.Unfortunatly.And Quebec is absolutely not an exception!
About frannce trying to let people go before the end of the term??
If you think about a long time carrer person who gets laid off before retirement.. then i would say that this kind of practice is a national sport in a lot of companies in different countries and not especially in france!But i strongly think that it's not in the mentalities to do scam like that.Retirement is been taking very seriously here for ages and i doubt about this to be a common practice here.
If you think about a person with a 6/8/12/24 months contract or term contract like you call it..
The avantage would be that if the company breaks the contract before the end then they(the company) would have to pay penalities so they'd lose money! On the other hand the person laid off would be able to claim up to 90% of former salary and sit @home comfortably for a long time until deciding to get another job .Remember that france is socialist country in a way
You said:
It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale ''
I say
The SMIC(minimum salary)for 35h/week is 1400 euros. And that's for everybody regardless your gender,"race",or whatever.Why would you want to give people less money than that? We're no freaking slaves after all.
Rents are going up,food is more expensive,petrole is more expensive,clothes as well. It would benefit the economy maybe, but not the everyday people.
I really don't like the high minimum salary word you used.It just sounds too capitalist in my ears.Sorry to sound too socialist