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In Defense of France

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Yeah. There's a huge schism between North Africans (mainly Algerians) and "native" French people. France lost a lot of soldiers during the Algerian war of independence.

In Defense of France

Hencredible , if you had to choose , where would you spend 1 month studying french having fun ? 2nd Tier France (Lyon Nice..) or Montreal ?

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 02:14 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 01:58 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

I confirm as we do have minorities(asian,blacks,arabs) in our gvt.The most loved women in france is rama yade

And the most prefered dude is yannick noah

I hate this country that i love so munch[Image: tard.gif] Is something wrong with me doc?

I have the same love/hate thing with the United States. I think it shows that we actually care about our countries, which is good.

True! Things in both countries are even more enjoyable to anyone who can show education,good manners and joie de vivre.I just came back from the US,philly.I can say that america is the shit for anyone who has a minimum of a game. Brothers there, should be more self confident especially the ones with education.I need to plan my next trip to atlanta by june and quebec this summer.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Actually,can you explain? because i've never ever heard the name Indigenous French. Maybe i can learn something today?

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:40 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Hencredible , if you had to choose , where would you spend 1 month studying french having fun ? 2nd Tier France (Lyon Nice..) or Montreal ?

If my goal was to learn French for real, I would go to France. Quebecois have a unique, and many say funny and unattractive way of speaking French. I would rather have a French accent from France.

For the girls and nightlife, definitely Montreal.

But honestly, I wouldn't go to a big city to learn it. I'd rather go to a rural place in the middle of nowhere and stay with a family for a few weeks so that I can really focus on the language.

I have a Colombian friend in Montreal who did that. He spent like five weeks with a family in rural Quebec. Speaks the language very well now.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Yes I am from Québec .For high minimum salary ,what I mean is exemple in Canada I don't remember exactly but it's under the 10$/hour . Before that the canadian dollar has rase in value the equivalent in France was neer the 15/16 $ / hour . I just check now it's 12.04 /hour . It's still high especially with your high unemployed population and especially immigrant . It's why I said if a boss have too choose between the white native french and the immigrant one , the chance is , He will hire the native one . It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale '' . Another thing in your country that I know is a lot of company,boss release people just before the end of their term or just don't let them have a permenent job to save some money . I know that a lot of french people that are always on term contract job .

We have the same national debate here . But, we have been more stricted . We still have some story but, now it's a laic state here in all in our institution .

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:58 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Actually,can you explain? because i've never ever heard the name Indigenous French. Maybe i can learn something today?

Every country has what is called Indigenous person. For instance, Idris Elba is from the UK but on a global scale he wouldn't be considered an indigenous British. Only a person such as Hugh Grant (a white Brit would be considered an indigenous Brit).
Therry Henry was born and bred in France. However, on a global scale he wouldn't be considered an Indigenous French person since one of his parents is of immigrant descent (whether directly or of foreign parentage).

Make sense?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

In Defense of France

Mannnnn, the French GO HARD!

In Defense of France

In France, their labour market is a lot tighter than in Anglo countries such as the UK, USA and Canada, the unions are VERY strong there, they can basically paralyze the entire country if they walk out on the job. I had the misfortune of travelling around France back in 03' when the SNCF walked out on a wild cat strike, I was stuck in Montellier for 3 days (wasn't too bad, nice city!).

Its hard to get hired and hard to get hired there. The labour market just isn't the same as in the Anglo world where, in Canada anyway, when the economy is good, you can quit your job and have a new one tomorrow, as far as I know, it isn't like that in France.

Also, last time I checked, job applicants must include a photo of themselves with their CV in France, something that BY LAW doesn't happen in Canada, and as previous posters have mentioned, if the boss has 2 Cvs, one from Said and the other from Jean-Paul, guess which one he's going to take. The youth unemplyment rate among 2nd and 3rd generation immigrant youth (18-24) was something like 40%, before the recession of the last couple of years! Hence the disenchanted youth, burnt cars, riots, etc.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 11:58 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Mannnnn, the French GO HARD!

France is and has always been a very violent country politically speaking. As someone noted the labour unions are still inspired by revolutionary ideals.

Ruling France is a nightmare. We've had more than fifteen constitutional texts in the last two hundred years.

Personnally I'm not fully aware of the current rise of the national front as I live in a city where the far left raised close to 16% of the votes a few years ago.

Besides the aforementioned ethnic tensions I also feel there's a growing generation gap between baby boomers into their 50s and the youth.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 08:16 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Yes I am from Québec .For high minimum salary ,what I mean is exemple in Canada I don't remember exactly but it's under the 10$/hour . Before that the canadian dollar has rase in value the equivalent in France was neer the 15/16 $ / hour . I just check now it's 12.04 /hour . It's still high especially with your high unemployed population and especially immigrant .[b] It's why I said if a boss have too choose between the white native french and the immigrant one , the chance is , He will hire the native one . It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale '' . Another thing in your country that I know is a lot of company,boss release people just before the end of their term or just don't let them have a permenent job to save some money . I know that a lot of french people that are always on term contract job .

We have the same national debate here . But, we have been more stricted . We still have some story but, now it's a laic state here in all in our institution .[/b]

Alfonzo,you're not teaching nothing new here.Name one country or western country in the world who is doing differently?Selecting white over minorities is a common practise.Unfortunatly.And Quebec is absolutely not an exception!

About frannce trying to let people go before the end of the term??

If you think about a long time carrer person who gets laid off before retirement.. then i would say that this kind of practice is a national sport in a lot of companies in different countries and not especially in france!But i strongly think that it's not in the mentalities to do scam like that.Retirement is been taking very seriously here for ages and i doubt about this to be a common practice here.

If you think about a person with a 6/8/12/24 months contract or term contract like you call it..
The avantage would be that if the company breaks the contract before the end then they(the company) would have to pay penalities so they'd lose money! On the other hand the person laid off would be able to claim up to 90% of former salary and sit @home comfortably for a long time until deciding to get another job .Remember that france is socialist country in a way [Image: cool.gif]

You said:
It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale ''

I say
The SMIC(minimum salary)for 35h/week is 1400 euros. And that's for everybody regardless your gender,"race",or whatever.Why would you want to give people less money than that? We're no freaking slaves after all.
Rents are going up,food is more expensive,petrole is more expensive,clothes as well. It would benefit the economy maybe, but not the everyday people.

I really don't like the high minimum salary word you used.It just sounds too capitalist in my ears.Sorry to sound too socialist [Image: wink.gif]

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-02-2012 10:20 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:58 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Actually,can you explain? because i've never ever heard the name Indigenous French. Maybe i can learn something today?

Every country has what is called Indigenous person. For instance, Idris Elba is from the UK but on a global scale he wouldn't be considered an indigenous British. Only a person such as Hugh Grant (a white Brit would be considered an indigenous Brit).
Therry Henry was born and bred in France. However, on a global scale he wouldn't be considered an Indigenous French person since one of his parents is of immigrant descent (whether directly or of foreign parentage).

Make sense?

I see what what you mean now..I didnt know about that as this is not the kind of word i use or hear in my conversations(native). So you're an indigenius [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-03-2012 10:02 AM)letalon noir Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 08:16 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Yes I am from Québec .For high minimum salary ,what I mean is exemple in Canada I don't remember exactly but it's under the 10$/hour . Before that the canadian dollar has rase in value the equivalent in France was neer the 15/16 $ / hour . I just check now it's 12.04 /hour . It's still high especially with your high unemployed population and especially immigrant .[b] It's why I said if a boss have too choose between the white native french and the immigrant one , the chance is , He will hire the native one . It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale '' . Another thing in your country that I know is a lot of company,boss release people just before the end of their term or just don't let them have a permenent job to save some money . I know that a lot of french people that are always on term contract job .

We have the same national debate here . But, we have been more stricted . We still have some story but, now it's a laic state here in all in our institution .[/b]

Alfonzo,you're not teaching nothing new here.Name one country or western country in the world who is doing differently?Selecting white over minorities is a common practise.Unfortunatly.And Quebec is absolutely not an exception!

About frannce trying to let people go before the end of the term??

If you think about a long time carrer person who gets laid off before retirement.. then i would say that this kind of practice is a national sport in a lot of companies in different countries and not especially in france!But i strongly think that it's not in the mentalities to do scam like that.Retirement is been taking very seriously here for ages and i doubt about this to be a common practice here.

If you think about a person with a 6/8/12/24 months contract or term contract like you call it..
The avantage would be that if the company breaks the contract before the end then they(the company) would have to pay penalities so they'd lose money! On the other hand the person laid off would be able to claim up to 90% of former salary and sit @home comfortably for a long time until deciding to get another job .Remember that france is socialist country in a way [Image: cool.gif]

You said:
It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale ''

I say
The SMIC(minimum salary)for 35h/week is 1400 euros. And that's for everybody regardless your gender,"race",or whatever.Why would you want to give people less money than that? We're no freaking slaves after all.
Rents are going up,food is more expensive,petrole is more expensive,clothes as well. It would benefit the economy maybe, but not the everyday people.

I really don't like the high minimum salary word you used.It just sounds too capitalist in my ears.Sorry to sound too socialist [Image: wink.gif]

Well actually here in canada if you are visible minority or a women you have more advantage than a white male to be hired in any instituation . They have ratio to respect and at equal talent they take the minorities that's for sure . For the minimum salary thing, my point was to help to decrease the % of unemployement in France . Your high minimum salary is one the main reason . For the inflation and cost of life well it's like that anywhere and if you don't have any job it's even tougher . For a socialist country I would think it's more important than everyone has a job than a better salary [Image: wink.gif]

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-04-2012 05:53 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2012 10:02 AM)letalon noir Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 08:16 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:34 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 04:25 PM)letalon noir Wrote:  

what do you call a "high minimum salary"?and a "former french"?

Are you from quebec?

I think Alfonzo means by former french is that a French boss will choose an indigenous French person over an immigrant or even a French born of immigrant parents. This means an indigenous French person will be chosen over a person of Algerian, Morrocan, Sub saharan African parentage etc even if the person has been born and bred in France.

Yes I am from Québec .For high minimum salary ,what I mean is exemple in Canada I don't remember exactly but it's under the 10$/hour . Before that the canadian dollar has rase in value the equivalent in France was neer the 15/16 $ / hour . I just check now it's 12.04 /hour . It's still high especially with your high unemployed population and especially immigrant .[b] It's why I said if a boss have too choose between the white native french and the immigrant one , the chance is , He will hire the native one . It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale '' . Another thing in your country that I know is a lot of company,boss release people just before the end of their term or just don't let them have a permenent job to save some money . I know that a lot of french people that are always on term contract job .

We have the same national debate here . But, we have been more stricted . We still have some story but, now it's a laic state here in all in our institution .[/b]

Alfonzo,you're not teaching nothing new here.Name one country or western country in the world who is doing differently?Selecting white over minorities is a common practise.Unfortunatly.And Quebec is absolutely not an exception!

About frannce trying to let people go before the end of the term??

If you think about a long time carrer person who gets laid off before retirement.. then i would say that this kind of practice is a national sport in a lot of companies in different countries and not especially in france!But i strongly think that it's not in the mentalities to do scam like that.Retirement is been taking very seriously here for ages and i doubt about this to be a common practice here.

If you think about a person with a 6/8/12/24 months contract or term contract like you call it..
The avantage would be that if the company breaks the contract before the end then they(the company) would have to pay penalities so they'd lose money! On the other hand the person laid off would be able to claim up to 90% of former salary and sit @home comfortably for a long time until deciding to get another job .Remember that france is socialist country in a way [Image: cool.gif]

You said:
It's why I think if your country would put the minimum salary lower ,Companies,boss would hire more people and it would be benefit for the economy and less ''profilage raciale ''

I say
The SMIC(minimum salary)for 35h/week is 1400 euros. And that's for everybody regardless your gender,"race",or whatever.Why would you want to give people less money than that? We're no freaking slaves after all.
Rents are going up,food is more expensive,petrole is more expensive,clothes as well. It would benefit the economy maybe, but not the everyday people.

I really don't like the high minimum salary word you used.It just sounds too capitalist in my ears.Sorry to sound too socialist [Image: wink.gif]

Well actually here in canada if you are visible minority or a women you have more advantage than a white male to be hired in any instituation . They have ratio to respect and at equal talent they take the minorities that's for sure . For the minimum salary thing, my point was to help to decrease the % of unemployement in France . Your high minimum salary is one the main reason . For the inflation and cost of life well it's like that anywhere and if you don't have any job it's even tougher . For a socialist country I would think it's more important than everyone has a job than a better salary [Image: wink.gif]

I don't think it's the minimum wage as such ,more so the red tape in firing someone that you've's difficult and expensive to sack people in small businesses especially wary to hire!

In Defense of France

well one good thing about France is: supposedly, French women are supposedly among the SLIMMEST in the Western World! I heard in France most of the women are THIN and not OVERWEIGHT (obese) as most American women (come on, I'm American myself, but let's be honest!) are either chubby or will be chubby soon (young girls).

In fact, when you think it's only American guys complaining about American women being out of shape---think again. A French lady, Mirielle Guiliano (she's the vice president of an American company) wrote a book called "French women don't get fat" and she's actually critizicing American women for not eating healthy and not working out enough!

Her book talks about how in France most women drink alot of water, they eat smaller portions of meat and they walk alot more (especially with France being a high tourism area) than American women.

So, I guess the good news for you guys who want to go to France is = more thin women = means better chances at finding attractive women !

In Defense of France

Callejeros Viajeros: "Paris tiene un precio" (aired January 2012)

If you want to get an idea of how much things cost in Paris (high-end as well as budget minded).
Prices appear in euros on screen so you don't even need to understand spanish [Image: smile.gif]
Filmed during the fall.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-03-2012 04:46 AM)Tresor Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2012 11:58 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Mannnnn, the French GO HARD!

France is and has always been a very violent country politically speaking. As someone noted the labour unions are still inspired by revolutionary ideals.

Ruling France is a nightmare. We've had more than fifteen constitutional texts in the last two hundred years.

Personnally I'm not fully aware of the current rise of the national front as I live in a city where the far left raised close to 16% of the votes a few years ago.

Besides the aforementioned ethnic tensions I also feel there's a growing generation gap between baby boomers into their 50s and the youth.

Is the thing with the photo with the CV true? I know in Denmark they have to include a photo but is this also the case in France?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

In Defense of France

The photo isn't required but in practice almost everyone add it to their CV.

In Defense of France

Quote: (03-10-2012 11:28 AM)Tresor Wrote:  

The photo isn't required but in practice almost everyone add it to their CV.

So it is a cultural norm to add the photo to their CV? I suppose by not adding a photo, they immediately know the person is 'non French'. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.




Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

In Defense of France

Stumbled on this recent French movie trailer, which I found interesting for two reasons:

1) Full frontal nudity! Won't somebody please think of the children?

2) It's a love story between an initially 15 year-old girl and a 19 year-old guy and her complete submission to him. Could you imagine the outrage at this film if it was released in the Anglo world? Statutory rape! He's a sexual manipulator and stealing her innocence! Sigh.

Besides that though, story looks a bit lame and her second boyfriend is super beta (and Danish, heh.)

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

In Defense of France

Quote: (05-03-2012 07:01 AM)Soma Wrote:  

Stumbled on this recent French movie trailer, which I found interesting for two reasons:

1) Full frontal nudity! Won't somebody please think of the children?

2) It's a love story between an initially 15 year-old girl and a 19 year-old guy and her complete submission to him. Could you imagine the outrage at this film if it was released in the Anglo world? Statutory rape! He's a sexual manipulator and stealing her innocence! Sigh.

Besides that though, story looks a bit lame and her second boyfriend is super beta (and Danish, heh.)

Did the Anglo world up its PCness a lot in the past decade or 2? I remember watching Brooke Shields in some old 80's flicks with similar themes, but not sure whether she got nude, used a double, or that there was any full frontal.

In Defense of France

Quote: (05-03-2012 09:04 AM)the_conductor Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2012 07:01 AM)Soma Wrote:  

Stumbled on this recent French movie trailer, which I found interesting for two reasons:

1) Full frontal nudity! Won't somebody please think of the children?

2) It's a love story between an initially 15 year-old girl and a 19 year-old guy and her complete submission to him. Could you imagine the outrage at this film if it was released in the Anglo world? Statutory rape! He's a sexual manipulator and stealing her innocence! Sigh.

Besides that though, story looks a bit lame and her second boyfriend is super beta (and Danish, heh.)

Did the Anglo world up its PCness a lot in the past decade or 2? I remember watching Brooke Shields in some old 80's flicks with similar themes, but not sure whether she got nude, used a double, or that there was any full frontal.

American INDEPENDENT film tackles sexuality in a real way, but the films get hit with an NC-17, thus limiting how many screens it can be shown on, and of course limiting the audience for them. They usually make their money in DVD rental/sales. In Europe, these kinds of films aren't a big deal. I don't know if they even have a ratings system per se.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

In Defense of France

When I think of a fly French lizard I always think of:

[Image: noemie-lenoir-53109.jpg]

In Defense of France

Quote: (02-02-2012 09:18 PM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

I really don't get why french girls aren't hyped up. All that I have "met" so far were great in every way. Granted, they either weren't from Paris or had an explicit distaste for the Parisian ways.

I think France gets a bad hype because of Paris and Parisians, as far as I can grasp.

Yet, I've been to Paris 3 times and never had a problem with the locals. It still remais my favourite city in the world, and I'd definitely consider France a country to reside for a long stay. It has all I like: great girls, great wine, great food and great culture (literature, philosophy...)

People should chime in more on France and especially French girls.

I'm thinking the same thing. I'm in Toulon right now. I just arrived in France after spending the past two months in Portugal and as soon as I got off the train in Bordeaux, my eyes were like saucers. I could not blink. Every woman in France is beautiful. Even the middle aged ones with kids are beautiful. You can just stand anywhere and a parade of beautiful women will walk past you. They make eye contact with you. If you speak to them, they're polite and will actually respond. I'm from Toronto and am therefore not accustomed to women responding to me or making eye contact during the day, when they're sober. I would have stayed in Bordeaux but had already booked a train to Marseille - but there's no difference; a parade of beautiful women greeted me in Marseille as well. I forgot to mention the trains I was on were crawling with them. Anyway, I had trouble finding suitable accommodations last night so ended up down the road in Toulon.

Speaking of Toulon, if anyone has any data on the place, like where to go out at night. I don't have any day game and am trying to learn it but in the meantime I'm forced to go out at night.

If it turns out there's nothing to do here I'll just move on to another town. I can spend another 10 days or so in France.

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